Legendary 5* Reds; is Mitsuko worth it?

I think very highly of Buddy. He is currently 4+17 for me. His attack power isn’t any great shakes, but he’s 5* sturdy, and the minions and debuffs are very powerful. He is better than a RP in that his effect includes an attack debuff too, but worse because of the short duration of the def down. You can be sloppy in timing with RP in a way that just isn’t as effective with Buddy.

But…if you put Buddy between squishy heroes, his minions give them better survivability, and his attack debuff magnifies this benefit. Drop Buddy on a sniper about to fire, and the benefit is huge. He would be (and, in fact, was) my choice out of those options.

Gad is basically a mini Ares at slow, and I know @BarryWuzHere uses him for blue titans. For me, he acts as a secondary healer in AW. I’m quite happy with him in this role.

LJ has very good tile damage and a decent effect, but I’m not partial to slow heroes, particularly ones who are glass cannons. @zephyr1 can speak a lot more eloquently to his virtues than I.

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LJ kill things. Kill things good. :face_with_monocle:

I like him on Offense paired with Evelyn and my +18 all-attack Melendor. They make tile damage hit hard, especially with Crit troops, and LJ firing after Evelyn is devastating, even to teams full of HOTM.

His mana debuff is also useful on Offense and has nice synergy with my standard mix that includes Proteus, and is even more useful in Quests.

In practice, I don’t find Slow mana makes a giant difference. Often by the time Evelyn is ready to fire, he isn’t far behind if he isn’t already charged.

And it works out nicely that any last tiles to charge LJ can make use of Evelyn’s debuff.


I was definitely leaning toward Buddy. I love his special. Also, I don’t have any maxed minion heroes.

LJ would be the most convenient though, since he is already 3/60. Buddy is 1/1.

Since Caedmon has the same ability as Sonya, I’ll probably put him off.
Definite no to Gobbler, Skittleskull, and Jack O’ Hare. I’ll max them eventually, but not now.

So; Buddy, LJ, or Gaderius. I think I’d say it is between Buddy and LJ though.

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I love Gadeirus too, and Buddy is clearly superb. All three are worth maxing, the order is the only question.

I don’t think there’s much argument that Buddy isn’t the best of the three, so it’s really just a matter of mats available and preference on timing.

LJ really must be maxed to be most usable. Buddy will be more usable at 3-60 than LJ is.

So in terms of timing, you’d get a better short-term payoff (like the next month or so) by leveling LJ first, then Buddy.

Long term, it doesn’t really make much difference if you’re going to do one and then the other anyway.


Would help if I had Evelyn :wink: I’m so sad that i missed her. She is the only elemental debuffer I don’t have. I tend to have my lowest scores on blue titans :confused: I think I wanna bring both LJ and Buddy. I might power level LJ so I can quickly get to Buddy…?


23 sturdy shields, 28 compasses, 27 gloves. No green 5* I’ll be working on in the near future. Mats aren’t an issue.

LJ will be the fastest. Quick detour to max Hisan, then ascend LJ, then work on Buddy. Thanks!


Hands down Buddy.
The only green pulverizer in the game + minions to flanks.


Wish that would make up for the lack of Evelyn :rofl:

I’m glad to hear all the positive feedback on Buddy. I know I read posts from a few people who didn’t like him. Complaints of minion attacks wasting time on titans…


Only 3 minions and they protect your heroes to survive longer. The animation for 3 minions is faster than 5 anyway. Also they dont survive very long. They are basically shields.

What’s there not to like.


Definitely Buddy.

Next choice consider Jack O’Hare. He is a fast hard hitting glass cannon, with higher tile damage than Little John. He goes very well in a green mono team, and pairs well with the many other fast green AoE or hit-3 heroes.

I’ll confirm that I like Gad on my blue titan team, but I struggle to find any other good use for him.


Buddy after your two guardians… you’ll use them the most.

Those guardians are duplicates. I have Jackal maxed and a Falcon at 4/60, so almost done :slight_smile:


Yeah, I think I will level up Buddy first. Hansel is done and I’m gonna take a quick detour to max Hisan(he’s at 3/20).
Like @zephyr1 said, long term it really doesn’t make a difference since I’m gonna do one and then the other anyway.

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It is a matter of which new toy you wanna play first.

If I get a new toy I wanna use ASAP!

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I didn’t know Jack O’Hare had higher tile damage than Little John. That’s good to know. I was really, really lucky in Springvale. The heroes didn’t interest me too much so I just did a few individual pulls but still managed to get all 3 heroes.

I’m maxing all of them, so long term it doesn’t matter. I’m more torn over Kunchen vs Panther vs Seshat. Since I only have the mats for one :confused:

Panther without a doubt

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But related to your previous comment; Seshat is my new toy!
Seriously though, Panther is great because of her elemental defense down. That is equally useful at 3/70 where I have her. I don’t think Seshat will be that great at 3/70…

If you stack purple, Panther is the definite choice.

Depends on what you use Seshat for, even at 3/70 with Panther firing first then Seshat, her damage can still be substantial. Her main job is to dispel/kill and secondary feature is mana gain.

Plus Panther is already at 3/70, so I can have another maxed 5* much, much sooner…
Either way, I’m probably gonna max a couple of 4* purples before going to another 5*, so I have some time to decide.
Another reason I wanted Seshat is I don’t have a maxed 5* sniper. I have Obakan maxed and Hel at 4/60. Only 3 maxed 4* purples. Merlin is probably the next purple project.


I’m about to start on Jack, myself. He does as much damage as Kadilen without requiring any tonics.