Picking Between these 3 Red 5*s

I’ve been putting my focus on building out my titan teams, which has provided me with the perfect excuse not to dedicate mats to Mitsuko who I am unsure about after reading many conflicting reports on her effectiveness. However, I’m nearly done with the last 4* red I wanted to max and it was time to start working on her.

Then today, while pulling for Guardians I landed Elena and Anzogh. Now I’ve got options where I wasn’t expecting any.

I have the rings, blades, tomes etc. who do I take to 4-80, Anzogh, Elena, or Mitsuko?

Maxed 5* Heroes:
Zim, Onatel, Victor, Magni

Maxed Reds:
Zim, Wilbur, Boldtusk, Kelile, Falcon

Current Green Titan Team:
Zim, Wilbur, Bold, Falcon, Wu

  • Anzogh
  • Elena
  • Mitsuko

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Az because you need a 5* healer.

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Yeah, I’ve missed on every single one of them that’s come up since I started playing, so I don’t have any in the works, either. Planning on throwing in for Ariel at the end of the month again, but I feel like that’s a long shot.

It’d be kinda nice if red had a fast or average mana “Triton-type” hero to work in a stack with Anzogh. That’d really boost his heal.

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Elena if you’re focusing on Titans. Anzogh seems like too variable a reliable healer. That’s just my opinion though.

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I’ve got Scarlett tucked away. I used her in my alt acct, but didn’t get her in my main until laaate. Completely agree that she’s awesome and her tile damage is gigantic. Would’ve levelled her instead of Kelile if I’d had them both early.

Elena for Titans.

Mitsuko for Defense, Raids and Wars.

I’m unsure about Anzogh myself. His attack heal thing doesn’t work too well the less enemies that are left. He is more useful in offense than defense imo.

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Titans - Elena
Everything else - Mitsy

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Mitsuko for me. She is my only red five star and she is a raiding beast. I look for yellow or green tanks with a blue hitter somewhere, and go 3-2 red purple as required by tank colour, with her and BT always in there

She has a great special anyway, and is as tough as nails, but the great bit is when her special is active and the blue hitter fires and kills themselves, it’s like having a free hero special. Favourite victims are Isarnia, Richard, Thorne and Grimm. Just fire and then dump tiles into the victim to make them fire

Even without the reflect she is very good, but that makes OTT