It depends. The minions can be bombed out, so with proper ability management, Guin becomes the priority target.
I did the weird thing where I used Queen of Hearts, and she face tanked Guin, so LotL became the priority target for me.
It depends. The minions can be bombed out, so with proper ability management, Guin becomes the priority target.
I did the weird thing where I used Queen of Hearts, and she face tanked Guin, so LotL became the priority target for me.
Yes I understand, that is very awesome of you, and done as a kind service. And I do understand long time players get tired of hearing developing players complaining about events getting too hard. But if you were 7 months in and E&P just changed
something to 33% (or whatever the percentage change is) harder, especially something that wasn’t harder before, it can certainly be frustrating.
So while this is no problem for senior players, this is a significant change for developing players. And that is my frustration; that senior players act like it it is all too easy anyway… I get it, it may be, but not for everyone. Anyway
this change definitely creates a divide before mature rosters and newer rosters.
I have no Ill will to you, I am sorry I was triggered by the candy crush comment, weather sarcastic or not it shouldn’t matter too much.
I understand wu is a classic hero, but after 7 months I don’t have him on 1 account, but I do on the 10 month account. He is definitely a game changer, but I still dont think legendary 15 is possible with classic 4s and no wu… i hope I am
wrong, but even so I dont think I am wrong to say the level is a bit extreme.
Thank you Scarecrow.
The shielded chests will also keep a status effect through the shielded state, if applied while vulnerable… i know that is not a big deal, or helpful really, I just thought it was funny to see.
Yeah I think it’s easier to target LotL since her heal is 42% of health and can really set you back especially if you have a bad board, using a lot of items, etc.
But on legendary I had Proteus and then packed time stop, tornado and small mana (+ insert 4th item of choice). which prevented either LotL or Guin’s specials from ever going off (Arthur’s went off once because I was careless).
OK, what if you have NO special heroes? You didn’t spend anything but have accumulated Marjanas, Magnis, Sartanas, Liannas and Joons? Plus of course, a few 4*s. What then?
I have lost level 15 in epic and legendary 3x each. What do you do without Proteus, etc.?
I’d also like to add, no counterattackers either…cyprian, boril, etc.
Did you try epic or legendary? Legendary is easy with time stop and tornado. Even so, I didn’t dare to play legendary challenge in my first 6 months here. But I was a newbie back then, anyway. If I only knew that can be easily done with classic 4* heroes. And exactly this is what I want to show to all players joined this year.
P.S. Didn’t see till now my Kiril was dead in the end
I can’t speak for Scarecrow obviously, but a bit of advice I try to keep in mind is as follows: “while it is the fault of the young not to respect their elders, it is the fault of elders to forget what it was like to be young.” So I personally try to give newer players their fair due, but some people need a swift kick in the pants to get moving while others need a gentle nudge. Tone doesn’t translate well on forums.
A combination of bomb attacks and time stops and preparation, have all heroes ready to fire.
I mean the only one I had that was considered “critical” was Wilbur, but I walked in with a bad board, so I’m not sure that counts. Queen of Hearts is a weird one to bring into legendary, though.
Didn’t watch the videos above I guess… Done with 4* classic heroes.
I didn’t see the videos above…and I’m not a beginner. I’m at level 72.
I’ll look again…BTW I do have Wilbur.
In this case it’s a piece of cake. With Wilbur, I mean. Of course, I used him to make that score, but the players who want only to finish the challenge and don’t have special heroes, being F2P, can do that. Slowly, no rush, using the items in critical moments.
There’s a lot of good information here but it’s kind of an overload, lots of mentions of non-vanilla heroes… @Scarecrow you seem to have the “deets” on the best way to beat the final stages (I’m assuming you have a strategy for each level - rare, epic, and legendary)… I have not personally attempted the final stages for any yet (because FOWF - Fear Of Wasting Flags ) - but those in my alliance who have been trying to complete different levels are having difficulties. And most of them don’t have Proteus or Wilbur or Guin, etc.
Can you recommend the best classic heroes for each level (rare, epic, legendary) and the best possible battle items to bring for each? I’m not asking for a big spreadsheet or anything, just a few basic tips (my girlfriend is getting very frustrated trying to finish them because she really needs a pair of gloves… YEAH yeah yeah spare me the dirty puns )
You can choose any classic hero, as long as you bring 2 healers. You’ve seen the 3 videos I presume. Any heroes will do. For epic, the 4 slots for items are always the same: arrows, axes, and mana in 2 slots. For legendary axes or bombs, time stop, tornado and the 4th slot whatever you want. I didn’t use it anyway.
OK, time to go to bed, it is almost 2 AM over here. Will talk tomorrow. Perhaps I will do last stage using only 1 Tiburtus and bring Chao or Li. Rainbow team. In the last video I had tones of yellow, the board killed my patience
Good night!
Thanks for the tips. I haven’t attempted the final stages yet, just trying to finish rare and epic myself for a few unfarmables. So far I’ve been carrying mostly healing and mana pots and haven’t lost yet (but they’re getting progressively harder and I’m starting to get worried that I might not be able to finish the final stages). I’m trying to color stack when I know what color bosses I’m going to be facing, but it’s a pain when one or more of the final bosses are red and many of the monsters before final stage reflect blue damage… (makes going with mono blue totally unviable)
Yes fortunately there are still nearly 2 days left on the event, I’m going to try to complete the first 2 levels myself (legendary I think is probably going to be too difficult for me to attempt because I don’t have the patience to keep retrying and hoping for good boards)… but I would like to be able to at least finish rare and epic and give tips to the rest of my team (I’ve been going with 2 healers myself but sadly some of my alliance’s lower members don’t have both leveled Hawk and Belith so they’re going to have to try to finish rare with only 1 healer, assuming that’s possible - though in my experience, anything is possible if you get a good enough board)
I used Wilbur and AOE hitters, so I didn’t really get a choice of who to kill first. I kept Melendor charged to dispel their buffs, not to dispel spirit link. Early finish on penultimate wave left me with no fully charged heroes and no board firecrackers. Lake and Arthur both went off, and Guin twice. Then I was able to item down Guin and it was no trouble after that. Lake died last. It felt like forever, but was actually just under 6 minutes. No Proteus, Hansel, Gretel, Merlin, Wu. So Little John was a star. Brought mana, mana, bomb, axe. Of course squad was mostly emblemed (all of these guys defensively). Melendor+12 LittleJohn4/52 Wilbur+9 Boldtusk+18 Skittleskull+12.
@TGW you don’t need Hawkmoon. Those levels where I took 3 green 2 red, including Hawkmoon, I redid with 2 red hitters to improve score, and never in any danger playing quickly. Belith and Brienne go a long way. If you want to take a bit of risk take mono green and play quickly.
@DracoLovesRi I really wish I had Wilbur but yeah I already failed. I am trying to produce enough iron to make bomb attacks. I am gonna go bombs, one thing of heals and minor mana and regular mana.
Yeah that’s still carpet bombing, using mana in place of damage dealing weapons. What can you do with baby pots and maybe Revival scrolls for a safety net?
I used this team to beat legendary 15, it took me 8 mins, used also 1 tornado, 3 time stops, 4 minor healing for Wu on mobs stages, and 2 Minor Mana for Wu after using Tornado… None of the bosses could go off and killed all of them at the same time…
13 & 14 were harder than this I think, and this time Avalon was harder overall, which I think is ok… That’s the idea of the challenges… like the inclusion of the coins, the low cost stages, the new heroes and the extended time…
Yeah, I like to take advantage of that when I’m stacking red and can put some fire damage on it. It seems quirky, but I guess they still burn on the inside!
For Epic, I used Hansel, Gretel, Caedmon, Gormek, Rigard. Also took Arrows, Axes, Bombs, Minor Mana Pots. I made sure all my heroes were full charged when I reached the bosses. Started off using all my damage battle items, then tagged Lady and Guin with Hansel & Gretel and used tiles to charge them up. I got lucky with tiles, never had to spend one mana pot to keep the H&G’s debuffs up for the whole battle. None of the bosses ever got to fire one special.
Now, for Legendary, I had a hard time. My first try was a fail, to the point I had to flee. No realistic chance of salvaging a victory even if I paid gems to revive. But on my second go, which succeeded, I used Kage, GM, Evelyn, Tarlak, and Seshat. Items were Dragon attack, Bombs, Axes, Minor Mana pots. Wnet into last stage fully charged. Unloaded everything on LotL, used all battle items, and played the board. My plan was to kill LotL and Arthur, then finish Guin. But a nice cascade of dark tiles ended Guin when Arthur was under 300 health. Only use 3 mana pots, and probably could have skipped them.
My takeawy from the final fights is that it’s critical to kill LotL first. Once she gets going, her special can make the fight unwinnable. Arthur and Guin aren’t anything special without her minions in the mix.