Nice heroes. I wish I had them. But you know… you can’t use them at Guardians event, so you rely only on your classics then.
Yep. Guardians is tough for me. Really tough. Have to bust out my Tiburtus +17 and Sabina +19 and hope for the best. Will have a maxed Domitia by next time, though. Probably going to save challenge coins from now until the next guardians to try and get Falcon and Jackal. I hear Jackal + Poseidon is wicked.
Proteus, Proteus and 20 more Proteusi
I just wanted to chime in with those running 4* teams to beat legendary. My team was four 4* and one 5*.
BT - Elena - Gormek - Scarlett - Wu.
I had to use items (5 dragons, 2 bombs, 4 health), but was able to clear level 15 on the first try. Went into the bosses fully loaded, all specials ready to fire and took out our Green Lady first, as she goes quick against red. Then used items to help with Guin and Arthur. I think it’s most important to not let Arthur start firing, as he will one shot a team of 4* heroes.
Just beat Legendary with:
Small mana pots
Medium mana pots
Small HP Pots
Alternate Hansel and Proteus with an emphasis on Proteus. Wu made taking down 2300+ HP mob enemies realistic, but it sure took a ton of tiles. Even longer for the bosses…
Endurance & Patience
Great now try it without wu. Im not puzzle incompetent as you seem to be suggesting. And yes I’m glad you did it with four stars but you still used Wu and or some are using Wu and Proteus but if you don’t have those two Heroes…
@Scarecrow has been generous enough to offer showing how to beat this with what heroes they have available. Perhaps take him up on the offer.
Seems like a fun challenge . Hmmmm, what would be the hardest classic 4* team to beat it with, exempting Blues. Colen, Hu Tao, Rigard, Kashrek, Scarlett: Can it be done ?!?!
Tried Legendary 15 twice last night… Not a place chaser, only looking for the completion. So if I tried twice, it is because first time failed.
My first team going in: Boldtusk(19), Sabina(16), Wilbur, Lianna(2), Wu Kong (15), items: Dragon Attack, Bomb Attack, Antidote(10), Mana Vial(10).
I probably could’ve done this on the first try had it been “old” Avalon where it was Morgan LF as opposed to LoL, but big mistake in being complacent. My boards weren’t worked well going into the final battle, largely because there was a Suspicious Chest in the first wave. So going into the final wave, bad board layout can royally screw you up on this one, especially there was no focus fire available. These three bosses also work really well together. Arthur is the trapper, that tries to goad you into attacking him, Guin zaps mana, and Regens and Dark Shields herself, and LoL heals plus create little minions that, again, zaps mana.
This one was not pretty, you can’t exactly carpet bomb these three to death (too much HP), and even with Wu adding the bonus damage chances and BT attack up / heal, and Sabina heal / dispel, and Wilbur Def up / Debuff, I just couldn’t get anything going. All LoL and Guin have to do is to continuously zap me out of my mana and Arthur found an opening and one shot Sabina. With basically no red tiles, BT and Wilbur were next to go. Can’t do much with Lianna / Wu alone and no more battle items to save them.
So second time around, since everyone and their grandmas seem to have a Hel / Proteus for mana control, except me, I had to make a decision on how to approach this again. I subbed out Sabina and put in Melendor, sure, another low def / high attacker. But I was determined to try to do more tile damage against Arthur. I was exhausted out of Dragon Attacks the last time around, so back to craft some more, in the mean time, I still had some bombs, and then I used the only mana control method I have, Time Stops, still Antidotes / Mana vials. So I got a better look at how much HP they have (6555 each, yikes). Perhaps the board was better this time around, but I was able to focus fire red tiles with BT/Wilbur/Wu, I dispelled the Spirit Link from Wilbur first with Melendor. Then one series of red tiles on the left pretty much took LoL down to about 25 - 30% life. A few more tiles down that way and LoL was gone. Arthur was next with the improved tile damage from both Melendor / Lianna / Wu. With only Guin left, sure I didn’t have any purple this time around, but I have 3 healers and can dispel her with Melendor, it’s just the matter of outlasting her. I probably used about 3 Time Stops, 3 Bombs and still had a good amount of Antidotes and Mana vials left.
Yes, RNG and board might have been better for me on the second time around, but at least I am done. Hopefully one day I will pull a Proteus… Hopefully.
@J1mau Yeah I just tried with Chao. And I wasn’t paying attention to Belith in the mob waves and she bit the dust before the boss wave. Damage was too spread out and not concentrated. I am gonna try to take out Chao, and put in Cyprian. I just have to get enough iron to make more bombs.
I’m part of the “don’t have Proteus” club too, though Merlin might be stretching that definition a bit.
Without those, you need like bombs to knock out the minions and either multiple mana potions or Time Stop to delay Guin.
It’s a brutal fight but possible.
Edit: you already did that. Nvm.
@Scarecrow, thank you for this video… this will help to my alliance, I want share to my alliance
Especially for members who “don’t have Proteus” club.
Sure, why not. The problem is I fed this year Colen, Hu Tao and Kasshrek, because such heroes are useless for me. I have on my alt Scarlett, though I didn’t use her since spring and soon she will be sacrificed too. Tell me anything else besides Scarlett and Rigard. I have LJ, Caedmon, Li Xiu, Chao, Kelile, Sabina, Bold, Wu, Tiburtus and… that’s it. On my main I have Skittle, but not Scarlett.
@jinbatsu , you’re welcome
I don’t suggest anything. Just try to help players to understand is doable even with classic heroes, easily I may add.
P.S. OK, instead Wu, I will use a blue hero…
Blue is a bit risky with blue reflect on Arthur, but if you can do it, more power to you.
Edit: ah I see. The gauntlet has been thrown down. Challenge accepted.
Already done… And not legendary, where tornados and time stop make so easy everything. Finished on epic. 12 minutes though
Great vids! Thanks for sharing.
Wow, I’m a little jittery after that clear, but I did it! I think it was my fifth or sixth shot.
My team:
The final minute of play:
To narrate the prior 16 minutes…
I cleared the first two rounds without trouble. The only issue I ran into was the final monster on the second round. I had everyone charged and my board set to go with a blue diamond, I could make a blue diamond by moving the blue diamond, and I had 14 blue tiles (i.e. 40% of the screen). But I had no way to kill the monster. So I burned Valen’s special.
Once on the bosses, I fired Triton at Lady then fired the blue diamond to make a new blue diamond. After that, I hit Lady with Valen and Triton. At that point, I fired the newly created blue diamond which sent five tiles up, which was perfect. I used two mana pots to top off Triton and then hit Lady again. Eight more pots and two more tridents got me within striking range. From there, I nuked with four axes and five bombs, and finished her off with some purple tiles. Shortly after that is where the video picks up.
What was I thinking? Well, thank you thank you thank you to the wonderful @Mariamne, I knew that there were no blue monsters in the first two rounds. I discovered that my tile damage against Arthur was pretty pathetic, so I could throw up blue tiles without any fear of retribution. My only 4* snipers are Triton and Sonya, and I knew I needed to be able to throw up damage fast. I raid with this team, except I usually have Sonya in Kashhrek’s spot. So I started doing some math, and I made a guess that I could do more damage with a Valen+Triton combo than I was doing with arrows. So I swapped in mana pots for arrows. I used Kashhrek because I knew I needed help keeping everyone alive, because with this lineup, riposte was going to be my only hope of bringing down Arthur. So Sonya stayed home. I got very close on a previous run, so I knew I’d need some luck, and this time through I got just enough.
P.S. Even though mysterious chests take no damage when shielded, they still reflect full damage!
At stage 15, does everyone go for LoTL before Guin? Because both Guin and LoTL are both threats in their own right. I know on rare I go for LoTL but I get worried immediately when I see both of them on the field. This is for epic.