So I am trying to decide whether or not I should give my surplus of rogue emblems to Kelile or Guardian Jackal. I have been reading around and a lot of people say this is a “no brainer” that Jackal is a “Glass cannon” but a cannon, nonetheless. With his holy defense down debuff, high attack stat, and very fast mana speed, he can hit often and hit hard. His defense is a bit disarming, but I’m sure with some points into defense he wouldn’t be as “squishy.” Kelile on the other hand has a “fast” mana speed, a decent attack stat, also that DOT. I am just trying to decide who is more worthy of these emblems. I think honestly that they both are solid picks, but was curious of your guys opinions??
Jackal without a doubt. Elemental def down is huge. Kelile is good, but not so special imho.
Okay, and say I went with Jackal, how would you recommend the emblem path??
Jackal, hands down. Elemental defense down stacks with other hero’s defense down. Awesome for titans.
All attack, enhance what he was designed to do. You don’t need to defend against a dead enemy
I would go attack path. With rogues you rely on the chance to dodge. His def will never be bulky enough. He is there to hit as hard as possible. So attack all the way
Thank you all! Definitely been a great help! Also @Aunty That is one impressive maxed hero. He probably does hit like a bomb!
Got jackal+15 went on attack path! In the long run you will probably use jackal more than kelile.
Just stripped Kellie for gJack yesterday.
Kellie is not bad for Platinum Arena Raiding, but GJ still works in Diamond and is awesome against dark Titans.
Yes, just like a nuclear weapon, lol!
It’ll be easy to replace Kelile… marj, Colen, and azlar for S1… grave and jeanF…
Only one hero that does what jackal does.
… just my thoughts.
In my opinion, even if he has a million atack it doesnt matter if titan can oneshot him, I think it make sense to fix his weak sides with emblems. (Defence is his case) He will have great atack damage no matter what.
I bring my +20, straight attack path, jackal on 12*+ titans all the time. He needs wilbur or turtle banners to keep him alive, but thats well worth his attack stat.
I would strongly advise against taking a defensive route on Jackal.
I have Wu, Jackal, Gretel, Rana maxed ja Mushashi 3/70. I have hit several times +100k to dark titan. My Jackal is purely for the attack. When hit directly, he dodges or dies, but when he hits, it’s like a sledge hammer. He is meant for the attack and he does it beautifully.
i understand your point guys, maybe its just my preference, but i really dont like weak champs like Jackal, Scarlet, Elena etc… yes, they have a lot of atack, but in raids or war you can’t use turtle banners or some other defence for them, and they can die just with hand atacks, even without any special skill. I would prefer to have more stat balanced hero to be able to use it in multiple places.
I feel u but unless the defense is 700 plus it’s not gonna make a difference. Besides even if he does die. His tile damage still exists. His defense doesnt.
I get what you are saying, but the stats and results don’t back it up.
Even if you took every +def on his talent tree you end up at 636 (pre emblem base of 531). He isn’t surviving much with that Def stat.
Additionally, saying he isn’t viable in raids or wars without boosting his def stat is completely wrong. I use Jackal in every war and in most raids paired with Poseidon. Helios (my Alliance) generally sits somewhere in the top 200-300 alliances and I raid in mid to high diamond normally. Being a very fast hero, You are not counting on him to stay alive for an 8 minute battle, you are trying to get him to fire 2 or 3 times when paired with a sniper to quickly wipe out 2+ heroes off the board and open room for the rest of your team to do its job.
In fact, here is a video that I just took to prove my point. As you can see, jackal more than holds his own against a elite team.