Hello guys.
Before someone advises me to not emblem Kelile i have to tell you that i have 400 rogue emblems and no 5* rogue to use them on.
I dont have Jackal or Scarlett neither , in fact Scatlett is my only missing classic 4*.
I want to share with you two pictures, and then i want your opinion about what path would be more beneficial for her.
My reds are kind of defensive or tactical, so she would be my first red sniper. Other reds i have
Gormek, bolstusk, colen, jean francois and Lancelot .
None of them as fast and deadly as Kelile could be .
Should i take advantage from kelile tile damage increasing it up to 800 or should i make her sturdier to use in some tournaments and maybe in my war defense instead of c.bolstusk(to passive)?
I had a similar issue and have an emblemed Kelile at +18. She is acting as a sniper for me, so I went full attack to make her a mini Marjana (until I get her).
I don’t regret going that path either. Usually for raids and wars if she is getting hit by another sniper, even with D path on emblems, she is likely dying. Her best D is rogue evade, so play to her strength and go full attack.
I have pulled Scarlett today , one year avoiding me that girl lol.
I have unlocked some Kelile nodes but now Scarlett is going to take all the emblems i think
I wasn’t sure where exactly to ask, so i’m resurrecting this thread for the purpose.
I just finished maxing Kelile with costume. The emblem path for Rogue and Druid is very different, basically if you take the attack nodes on one side, you miss them on the other. does anyone have a suggestion as to how to emblem Kelile with costume?
I suspect the answer is ‘max two and emblem for attack for the side you’ll use’ but thought I would ask and see what people think. since i just maxed her i don’t know which side i’ll use more, but at least i kept the copy when i got her costume.
You’ve read my mind, this is exactly what I’d say I chose to emblem her regular snipping side because I don’t have strong snipers, but I have several hit all/ hit three
The attack side on rogue mainly boosts defense and HP on the druid side, which is actually not a bad thing since attack nodes give such an insignificant increase to DoT you may as well ignore it. You want costume Kelile to survive as long as possible to burn everybody down.
I took the attack path on the rogue side except for the mana bonus mode, since it gave a more useful stats boost on the druid side. Only missing one attack mode on rogue, but druid is now fairly beefy (764 def 1240 HP at +19, took def for druid at node 19) which I’m quite happy with.