OK, I know I’m different from majority members here… I choose Def/HP for my Jackal.
Simple because he already good att, and what I want is more a little sturdy, so he can survive a little bit more, even he is Rogue (not guarantee always evade!).
And I’m not regret emblem him, very well always bring for purple Titan and in raid always in my stack yellow.
I stop at +19, because 20 is for crit, which is not def/HP.
PS: maybe I will bring next time my 2nd Jackal to attack path after he is maxed.
When I see kellie i se a marshmallow but Jackel is a different story. If he is your only yellow in the battle I understand your concern about his squishiness. As you emblem him you do have the options along the way to pick up a little survivability (you DONT have to pick up EVERY sword possible). Remember his biggest benefit is his gun.
when there is choice between def/att and hp/att it is the def/att
Jackal - no question. Possibly the best 4* hero around. I have mine at +20, and went all attack on his emblems. Considering he is a rogue, his “dodge” ability somewhat offsets the low defense. Bottom line, his V. Fast mana speed combined with another holy sniper (Joon, Poseidon, Leonidas, etc.) makes him indispensable in my holy stacks. I also like to pair mine with Inari (high attack stat) as the stacked dodge makes him last longer.
I definitely have decided in going the jackal route on this one. It’s been pretty much a one sided argument on the topic. Thank you all for your opinions on the matter!
Guardian Jackal by a mile. You may or may not see another one for a while, but you’ll probably draw 10 Keliles from summons and Training Camps between now and this time next year.
@PAdrian Well I do have a 3.70 Leonidas, but he is far from a heavy sniper at the moment… in all honesty I don’t have a ton of heavy hitters when it comes to holy. I am not even sure Leonidas should get the darts when I do get them all, although he is the only 5 star holy I have.
I’m gonna swim against the tide ever so slightly here… It depends on where you are with building your bench.
Jackal combined with other holy hero’s (particularly snipers like Joon, but even with for example Chao) is serious business - elemental defence down is awesome and you’ll want to use him a lot if you have other hero’s to make good use of what he does.
Kelile since her most recent buff has actually been a very serviceable and underrated 4* sniper - she’s not shaking any earth, but she’s still good.
If you don’t have other holy hero’s to stack with Jackal yet (what’s the rest of your bench like?) then you’ll probably be using Kelile more, and if you’re fairly early into maxing 4* hero’s then she will probably be the more important of the two for the moment…
Then again, if you’ve already got other holy 4* hero’s and/or you’ve got more holy 5*/5* damage dealers to work on… Then it’s definitely Jackal all the way
And if you’re someone who prefers to invest ready for future, you’ll always keep those emblems on Jackal (I did) even when you get 5* rogues asking for them (no, Alice, you can’t have them!)
@aer3 Well to be honest, I don’t have either of them really leveled enough to warrant using them over others. I do however have enough emblems to take one of em to about +15