🔵 [July 14, 2019] Trials of Fortitude Teams – Share Yours & Discuss!

My Team Last Time

My Team This Time

The Battle

As usual, this one is all about Brienne, and it was pick-on-Brienne day, so I used 2 Revive Scrolls for her. (Last time I didn’t need any.)

This one really isn’t challenging at all, just tedious.

I set off Horghall intentionally 3 times to get him to hit Boril’s Riposte, and then finished him off with tiles.

After that, it’s just a matter of tile damage with Brienne active until Bosses Boril and Vivica die.

Shiny New Emblems

Rigard went up one to +7, and Gadeirus went up one to +5, now that I finally decided he’s my second Druid.

Unwavering Focus on Food

Gregorian ate the Trainer Hero on his slow climb to third ascension.