I keep procrastinating deciding on a second Druid to give Emblems to.
So I’d like some input.
Current Situation
I have Druid Melendor at +18, which is as far as I’m going to take 4* Heroes for the moment.
And I’m not considering giving Emblems to 5* Heroes for the foreseeable future. I’m sticking with 4* Heroes for at least the first 2-3 Heroes in each Class that I give Emblems.
Barring a second Melendor getting Emblems, which I don’t feel inclined to do at the moment, my 4* options are Gadeirus and Caedmon. (I’d like to eventually give Emblems to Belith, Brienne, and Melia, but not as my second Hero in this Class.)
Current Usage
Neither makes my main green stack for Raids, but both will tend to get used in War.
Caedmon is fairly new to me, so I haven’t used him a lot. He was the second to last non-Event 4* Hero I got, ahead of Kashhrek, who took me a year to get. But as a well-balanced dispelling sniper, he has plenty of purpose in War, especially against blue tank teams. I anticipate using him reasonably often.
I’ve had Gadeirus significantly longer, and typically like using him in War paired with Triton and Proteus for the Family Bonus. I have Proteus at +18, a second maxed Proteus, and a third Proteus I was working on maxing before I pulled Seshat and reassigned the Glove and Trap Tools priority. I have Triton at +9, and am currently maxing a second Triton. I also like Gadeirus with Evelyn. So there’s lots of opportunity for me to use him in War with other Heroes I typically use too.
Future Usage
Gadeirus saw a lot of action in some of Season 2 Hard mixed with Evelyn, Melendor, Triton, and Proteus. I’ve been done with Season 2 for a while, so I’m not using him there at the moment, but can imagine using him in Quests or perhaps Season 3 in the future.
Gadeirus would be particularly nice for 4/5* Rush Attack Raid Tournaments.
Caedmon would be particularly nice for 4/5* Buff Booster Raid Tournaments.
Overall, I like both. I’ll use both. Both seem to have similar amounts of usage for me.
So it feels like a somewhat arbitrary decision.
RNG, perhaps?