Last month I got Musashi and today Inari and Onatel so I have a decision to make who should I give my darts to.
Note: this will be my first yellow 5* so I will use it on Titans, attack, and defense.
Inari > Musashi > Onatel
Inari has the highest attack and the special is kind of useful for survivability, Onatel is meh on Titans with her low attack.
Inari > Onatel, Musashi
Again Inari is the best choice I think, high attack, useful special (I don’t have any yellow healers so she is the next best thing with the dodge and minions).
And Inari is the most “fun” hero of them all.
On the other hand, Musashi is a fast hitter but he hits not that hard and Onatel is a more situational hero.
All of them are good but not great IMO.
Onatel - tank, flank - her special shines when used properly, AI will not be able to do it
Musashi - wing - not so versatile, hits weak but can be good on a wing
Inari - flank, wing - her special is the easiest to use by AI, no targeting, no timing required
Inari and Musashi are Rogues so I have to choose one of them - Inari wins.
Onatel is a Wizard, there are a lot of better Wizards out there, not sure I will ever spend emblems on her.
Overall Inari seems to be the most versatile and definitely most “fun”.
I like your reasoning here, and I’m curious to see where the discussion goes.
I’ve already made my bed, and I’m lying in it!
Inari was my first yellow 5 and is already maxed. I really, really enjoy her for raiding and use her on most if not all my offensive raids. I do also use her in my war defense, for lack of stronger options. Jackal is earmarked for the rogue emblems though.
Onatel was, even at low level, surprisingly helpful in the last trial… but your comment indicates that you have, or are considering other wizard options so perhaps that is not even relevant. For me it will be a question of how long it takes to get something else from my TC20. If Sartana happens, she will get emblems. If Vivica happens, she will get the next darts. But if they don’t happen by the time I have darts, I will happily give both to Onatel, my bird in hand.
Does that mean you will be using emblems on Jackal even having a great 5* in the same class?
I didn’t even consider that to be honest.
Although I will be giving emblems to my 4* in classes where I don’t have any 5*.
PS. thanks for your input, I’m pretty convinced with leveling Inary, just curious about others opinions
Long answer: I have few enough 5s that I think that giving emblems to my most used 4s is more efficient. Notable exception being the wizard class, since I don’t have Proteus and I don’t really want to give them to Kiril or kashhrek.
if you sleep on onatel you will regret it. I did nt use a single item last trial and Onatel was the reason for that. u couple her with guin Hansel gretel chao li xui, any mana reducer and you will understand how powerful she really is. she gets her special faster than gravemaker with even a decent chain once she gets going.
inari is good but just like rumplestilskin and danzburro I’m not a big fan of putting my trust I random. Inari special is great unless it misses with onatel you dont have that worry and if you spirit link her with musashi, joon, drake, it’s a problem that a lot cant handle.
I’m in the same boat except, I am deciding between Inari and Onatel. I have Drake maxed, and I’m getting Onatel close to 3.70. I"m confused on if I should take her all the way to 4.80 or if I should stop with her and start upping Inari since I just got her today in Atlantis. I have enough mats currently to fully ascend both, but am uncertain about the order in which I should do them.
What other 5* do you have, either maxed or in planning? I ask because, e.g., Musashi’s self-heal makes him valuable as a wing with Ares tank (Ares heals on;y nearby).
In fact I have Ares maxed as well as Misandra and Evelyn. Looking for a yellow and purple 5* for my defense team.
Currently using Ares as a tank and I guess I will do so in the future as he will get my Paladin emblems. So Musashi would have to be in flank position to gain benefits from it but I’m just worried that he is too squishy.
Also would that mean that I will give the Rogue emblems to Musashi instead of Inari? Not convinced about this…
I’m not even considering events as I can always use bombs and axes there.
Definitely, Onatel is great in offense and I will be ascending her for sure just don’t think shes overall better to be used everywhere until I have more darts.
Thank for your input!
Hard decisions to make when you have so limited resources
When I run Ares, I put Musashi on wing usually and let him heal himself.
These three are all solid to very good heroes. I think the question really boils down to play style.
Inari only damages by tiles or minor minion pings. So principally a defensive hero there to keep your team alive and force your foe to either hold specials or risk losing the mana. This path requires patience and willingness to accept randomness (esp. with Misandra’s randomness added)
Musashi is a straightforward, hard-hitting hero with solid tile damage. The self-heal trick is not so helpful in raids but great in titans, where the normal damage is rolling in.
Onatel is a strategic, mana-delay hero. I wouldn’t say “situational “ in that she’s helpful in all situations. She requires more thought and planning than most to transform her from “okay” to “great”. She will be fabulous in challenge events. I’ve written a lot about her over here: Onatel, best hero idea - #22 by Kerridoc
In fact both Inari and Onatel suits my playstyle.
Musashi on the other hand is good but not that great sniper as Joon or Drake IMO.
On mana control I have Merlin, Proteus, Hansel and Gretel already maxed and they are awesome.
One last thing to consider. Whats better in a mono yellow raid team:
Inari 4/80, Onatel 3/70 and Musashi 3/70
Inari 3/70, Onatel 4/80 and Musashi 3/70
Onatel seems to be tanky enough to be useful at 3/70, what do you think?
@Kerridoc, you were a huge fan of Inari leading into her release and very excited about the prospect of having her.
Are you using her now?
As you mentioned above, she is squishy but she packs a punch and the dodge is great if she fires before dying.
Do you find she is a mainstay in your team now or more situational?
I’m an Onatel booster, not Inari. My Onatel is not yet to final ascension, but i expect to,use her on my offense regularly. She will not be on my defense—Guinevere is clearly the better tank. I did not manage to draw Inari.
My apologies, I need to reread the posts to see who the Inari booster was. I knew about your Onatel fandom but thought you had liked them both but rereading your posts on Inari I see I was mistaken.
Regarding my dilemma I chose to upgrade Inari first as a more fun hero and overall a better one I think.
Anchor graded Onatel an overall B so I guess he also thinks Inari is a better hero overall (rated A by Anchor)
I have Musashi, Inari and Onatel and I went with Onatel. While she won’t be on my raid D but she is a pain on others. Once she gets going you are in for a world of hurt.