Finally got my last set of darts. I can’t decide who to ascend, Inari, Drake or Onatel? The only other fully ascended yellow 5 stars I have are Joon and Justice.
I also have a second Joon and Justice waiting to be leveled and I just pulled Leonidas.
I really love my Onatel, she saved my ■■■ multiple times by holding one site of the oponent team from gaining mana. It`s just a shame she is average speed.
It depends on what you want.
I have all three
Drake ist the most Allrounder. His damage and blind is a huge deal.
Onatel is brilliant in offense and pve bosses
Didn’t have quite the chance to fully test inari. She will be mostly part of my offensive team
Onatel is a belter it really should be Onatel
Onatel is a big meat shield…her attack is weak and her special is easily avoided. I don’t get her.
Onatel 100%
20 characters
I love my Onatel. She is brilliant tank and stands on her own.
Drake first. He’s the toughest of those three to come by in raids. Then Onatel, who is a bit squishy, but if she lives, she’ll be nasty. Inari is also cool, but very niche. I just leveled her due to no other options.
Onatel isn’t squishy at all, in fact she has quite tanky stats. Are you confusing her with someone else?
Okay, I don’t have her, but she usually dies from 6 purple tiles of my 3 darks stack and if she casts, she dies before it will get threatened. Drake on flank blinds me fast and that’s a pain, since he also does good damage. He just isn’t a tank. If he’s tank, he’ll die even quicker.
Onatel is best in flank, not tank. Her special can’t be dispelled but stops when she dies, so she shouldn’t be the hero you put front-and-center.
I love Onatel, and I’m not a big fan of Drake, but I agree that, if you have only one 5* yellow, Drake is the best call. He’s useful in every role.