⚖ Hero Balance Discussion: Xiong Shanjun

This thread is for discussing whether Xiong Shanjun is well-balanced, or whether you think he needs a buff or nerf.

This thread is NOT for general discussion of Strategy or Summons related to Xiong Shanjun. For that, please see: Xiong Shanjun - 5* Dark / Purple from Journey family

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:bar_chart: Poll

  • I think Xiong Shanjun is reasonably well-balanced overall
  • I think Xiong Shanjun is excessively weak, and needs a buff (increase of their strength)
  • I think Xiong Shanjun is excessively strong, and needs a nerf (decrease of their strength)
  • I’m not sure yet
0 voters

:speaking_head: Discussion

  • If you think Xiong Shanjun is well-balanced, too strong, or too weak — why?

  • Are there specific, concrete suggestions you’d make to the game designers to alter Xiong Shanjun ? Or are there specific reasons you think they should remain unchanged?

Purpose of this thread:

To provide an aggregate place for the topic here on the forum; thus preventing there being a million threads popping up. And to provide an actual set of impartial votes rather than a Ideas & Feature Requests which has no real voting.

In short, to neaten the forum and to give players and outlet for their thoughts on his balance without bogging down the rest of the forum or the other Xiong Shanjun thread.

I’m going to, after work… give a list of fixes that do not change the core of xiong… but make him useful today.

Xiong isn’t old (released in April of 2023)… So i don’t feel it is inappropriate or unreasonable to expect his skills to be similar with other heroes of his generation. Asking for a Richard without costume to do what Fortuna does, attack down in perpetuity… Would be unreasonable.

Xiong is also from a premium portal so while he may be the worst of the portal… He should be the worst from all portals. He can be fixed… And here are some thoughts…

  1. Max health reduction over time becomes immediate, like Aradia
  2. Max health over time can be affected/increased by matilda, Motega, franz, hammertusk.
  3. His present reduce max health overtime would be adequate for a hero who was at very fast speed. It hits early so damage is effectively done, but at average… The defense has already suffered significant damage so it just cuts onto the void and is only noticed of/when a healer like Cleopatra heals everyone for 100%.
  4. Boosted health over time is fine. Yes it can be wiped away with a dispel, but it is a reasonable give and take.
  5. Increased mana gen… 24% seems really low for a new hero. Considering it is only to caster and nearby, it definitely seems low. The ninja grandma is doing more in half the time… It sold at least be increased to 35% for caster and nearby… But my suggestion is… Since it we presumed xiong was designed to be a tank… is to give the caster 45% mana gen boost, adjacent heroes 35%, and distant heroes 24% mana gen boost. Either that or scrap that and just have him give moderate chunk mana to him and his neighbors.
  6. For the enemy decrease in mana gen… Make it undispellible… Or maybe a 10% decrease over time… 5% reduction on turn one, 10% on turn two, 15% on turn 3.

And… Maybe… If not those… Maybe a max health down over time… But if it doesn’t remove any health, then damage of 250 is received.

And… Probably last suggestion…

Like eset, hits one specified hero and then two random ones. If he is the last hero standing… His special is non existent.

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I pulled this guy on a free pull and immediately knew he was going to be bad for both attack and defense. Look at M&M. After the nerf, they are still better than X-man.

I feel that Xiong never really got that little bit of attention that the other journey heroes have.

By this I mean that all the journey heroes have more immediate use than he does, and this includes the Nine Headed Beast.

For Xiong Shanjun to actually have meaningful use, please consider what the designer actually had in mind.

In my view Xiong should have his boosted health made immediate.
His mana buff to himself and nearby should be increased to 35%, and the mana debuff to target and nearby should also be increased to 35%.

I don’t see this as being OP since he can be dispelled, and or blocked by a variety of heroes, some of whom are from season 1.
Further, his boosted health can be turned against him by some of the newer heroes, who were designed to deal extra damage to overhealing, and overhealed heroes.

Maybe apply mana down before his get his mana up… that way if it is reflected, he can then nullify that with his mana up.

I just re read his card… He does give mana down first before mana up…


He might be worth ascension materials if his health reduction and boost is made immediate. A serious buff is needed here.


Cocaine Bear is weak. The only garbage in the Journey Family…


Damage over time and heal over time does not really cut it in todays meta, where everything has to be instant and fast. He really is weak and needs a complete redesign. Completely useless for the time being.

The biggest problem with this game is that new heroes get introduced without any developer feedback about their usability. If they had an idea about how this hero is supposed to be used, then I’m all ears.

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When would he have been a good hero? Not at w3k release… I think i have to go back to s2… And even then…

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This guy has NEVER been good. He is essentially a redesigned Ares and even then, that’s a stretch. Ares was good, once upon a time, but he quickly fell out of favor as power crept up in s2.

heal all is enough for me, this isnt too much to ask

Very impressive and detailed analysis. I doubt SG will change his speed so I heartily support your list of fixes:

  1. Make his 800 max HP reduction immediate (and stronger against BHP), an immediate reduction that can be increased by Franz, etc.
  2. Leave 800 boosted HP over time alone
  3. Increase mana generation buff/debuff to 35% (although your tiered suggestion is pretty cool, novel).
    He goes off… boom, done… and the balance of the game swings in your favor. THAT, I believe, is the true, original intent of Xiong Shanjun.

This guy needs a buff.

He’s like Danny Green… Unmitigated trash.

I’ll open a buff request thread for him tomorrow or something

Another one? I’m surprised this guy is so bad,…

I don’t think there is one?

You are writing in it right now.

No, this is not a buff request - this is a balance poll/discussion. They’re different.

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In the same portal as Erlang Shen who’s months older than Xion. What a joke :roll_eyes: