To be fair, I think it’s the rush tourneys (and wars) that should be nerfed, not the heroes. Tree is reasonably balanced in all other formats, rush is just a shitshow. Just change rush to all average speed and make it not be a miserable experience for everyone
It’s insane to balance him for something that happens a few times a year though! The balance is you use him on your defense as well as facing him on attacks.
So where I usually do better on attack than defense here I may end up winning more defense than attack.
But let’s not mess him up for the entire rest of the game because of rush format.
People saying “reasonably well balanced” have no clue, or have an agenda.
Treevil is probably the most overpowered hero to ever be released, worse than Ruby. He does more damage than almost any other 3*, does more defense down, does more attack down, does mana down, has higher stats, and he does all that in one package.
I loved 3* tournaments because they were fun and you had many options. Now with one fell swoop, the entire tournament revolves around one hero, just like Alfrike broke 5* rush tournaments and wars. It’s no longer about anything other than “how can I fire my Treevil first, or how can I kill his before it fires.”
I have him limit broken and emblemed and he makes the tournament a joke when he goes off, either on my opponent’s team or my own. Which is wrong. No one hero should be this strong. Slayers 3* heroes were already borderline OP, but they are a joke compared to Treevil.
My vote is to make him a 4*. I like his debuffs and he’s great for challenges and titans, but it’s just too much for a 3*.
Wrong. You can bet your behind you will be seeing him in 4* rush tournaments, 5* rush tournaments, and rush wars.
People will be leveling 6, one for each war attack team. He goes off, you win.
Can all that not be cleansed by one hero?
One thing to keep in mind is availability. Treevil isn’t as easily available as Alfrike is. Alfrike has a chance to be summoned once every 4 weeks. Treevil doesn’t have that kind of luxury. Also, you CANNOT get Treevil from HA. Only when the challenge festival appears again, is when you can get Treevil. So, I estimate that we’re 16 weeks out from Treevil appearing again. But with new events being planned/added, we may see less opportunity to get him throughout the year.
I agree with everything in your post but this.
it’s day 2 of 3* rush tournament, no Holy, and my defense is as follows:
LB+20 Treevil, Treevil+0, LB+19 Treevil, Treevil+0, Treevil+0.
i’m currently 9-3 on defense, so 3 players have managed to crack the Treevil code. in a tournament where the only form of true mana control isn’t allowed (Pixie), i’d say that’s strong evidence that Treevil is fine as is, even in Rush Attack.
Fielding 5 leveled Treevil is indeed an index that he is a well balanced hero. (sarcasm)
Good boards can allow players to go 6/6 against Alfrike/Mother North/etc. too.
I’d argue that you leveling, limit breaking, and embleming 5 Treevil says more about how you really feel about his power level, and is a good indicator of motivated reasoning on behalf of not adjusting the hero (or simply fixing rush)
You can’t cleanse if you can’t gain mana and get 1-shot by every special and 2-shot by slash attacks due to his ~-50% defense down. I fought a Treevil tank yesterday, had Helo ready to cleanse, I got hit, I cleansed, but I had no tiles to do anything before he went off again and lost in the next few turns. The only way cleanse works is if you are ready to fire your own specials or are at most 1-2 moves away from firing your own Treevil and specials after the cleanse. The very fast format makes it really hard to recover unless you are ready with your own specials right after.
Treevil is so OP for a 3*, well in the vfast format. through 2 days my offense is 9-1 (the loss really was a comical board - i go 3/2 and didn’t get any tiles). My defense is sudri (S3 red slow), helo (S4 blue healer/cleanser), Treevil, Noril (Slayers green), and Maeve (Slayers purple). Treevil is only emblemed at +18. My defense is 11-0
It’s really only OP in the vfast format, i think a very slow 3* would easily be taken out in any other format. I haven’t limit broken any hero on my roster but def considering treevil cuz he might be usable in vfast wars vs alfrike, maybe.
I unironically think that a LB+20 Treevil is viable for rush wars for a lot of the top 100. Maybe not the tippy top, just due to roster depth, but certainly the bottom half and a good chunk of the top 50.
That said, for those of you advocating nerfing Treevil, would you be okay with no nerf but simply a fix to rush format of making all heroes Average or Slow speed? To me this seems the better fix as I don’t see Treevil as OP for normal formats.
Given the relative rarities, I’m pretty certain that he’s already significantly more prevalent than Alfrike, and this will continue to become more of an issue over the coming months. I’m not sure your math checks out here
We have such discussions only because E&P is bad at balancing heroes. So we got the senseless Rush tournament and war to have more use for otherwise meh heroes (beside of few exceptions). Very sad.
Wow! You got my point. I mean, he’s new, there’s no real experience, but some already whip out pitchforks and torches.
Without dragging things OT, I’ve seen this suggested a few times by different people making it average or slow for all instead. I don’t think it’d work. I think more likely we’d end up with wars where no special skill gets used at all and everyone is killed by tile damage, or as soon as tank goes and there is any ghost space its easy win as defence will never get chance to fire.
So that’s why I got two treevils in a single 10-pull and haven’t got Afrike after hundreds of pulls in Valhalla. Yeah, Afrike is EASIER to get! LOL! I’ve heard a lot of whoppers, but this is a good one.
I could maybe see this if all heroes were made slow, but average? There are a lot of average heroes that see play even in standard speed formats. If this were true Liz would never see play as an elite tank/flank, you’d never see defensive Xnolphod/Octros/Krampus/Wolfgang/Sif/Uraeus/Lidenbrock. Telluria would not have dominated the meta to the point of necessitating a nerf that divided the community. Ursena would not have been the top meta tank before that. Guin would not have been the top meta tank before that. Hell, ninjas are only problematic defensively when they fire on 2x or 3x charge, which is basically average and vSlow speed.
That’s only speaking defensively. Offensively I love average speed heroes. Slap a level 23 mana troop on them and they’re basically fast heroes with better specials.
Why!!?? Nerfing a hero that can be very good in only one tournament format is ridiculous. It seems to me that a better option is to stop complaining and learn how to beat it, we have many heroes that fall in this category. People said that he can be a good fit for 5* tournaments and 14* titans but they forget that because of his defense and heath starts it will be kill with one hit. Many people had face teams with more than one of them and have won.
The title of the game is Empires and puzzles, you have a puzzle now “how to beat this hero?”, can you solve it or complain that it is too difficult?