⚖ Hero Balance Discussion: Treevil

Nobody has beat my double tree tourney defense (with Maeve/Noril/Aderyn) and nobody ever will barring an absolute perfect board (even then I have my doubts). What is the puzzle? There is no logic or key combination of heroes to do it without sheer luck. He is broken for this tourney and is basically unbeatable.

Good for you, and on that note are not slayers heroes broken for very fast war as well? With all the healing , mana stack and how hard they hit should they be removed too?

And yes, we are at the mercy of RNG but most of the time it can be overcome with the right heroes and synergy.

If I am facing an opponent that put ailments on my team is not logical to bring cleansers and maybe an extra healer just in case?

Finally it is just a game, we will win some and loose some, and with all due respect, we do not gain anything complaining about it

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(Without having read the previous posts:)

Congratulations, SG! You have just ruined 3* Rush tournaments! Treevil isn’t just three stars Alfrike, for 3 reasons it is even harder to deal with:

  1. There are very few 3* answers to Treevil. Helo and costumed Tyrum are the only cleansers. And because of the mana debuff they have to be ready to do so when Treevil fires. Shrubbear, the only other direct answer I can think of, also has to be ready before Treevil fires.

  2. There are no mana troops in 3* tournaments. Therefore it is much harder for the attacker to get the needed 7 tiles to load their specials. (Only very few costumes need just 6 tiles…) Of course, the def also takes a little bit longer to cast their specials, but there it’s a small additional mana increment. For the attackers, it often means having to find 3 combinations rather than just 2.

  3. 3* heroes have less survivability; they have less hitpoints compared to the average incoming hit. So after having Treevil hit your team and reduce the defense it needs just very little extra help from other heroes to fully wipe out your team.

It totally destroys diversity in 3* Rush. Before it there were many good heroes and viable strategies against them. Now the battle just comes down to whether you’re able to activate your own Treevils (or other damage stack) before the opponents treevil fires. There is not only more luck involved, but also less diversity.

It’s fine to introduce a good 3* defdown option for mythic titans or some events. It’s also fine to release a slow hero with a powerful special, but this one is far too powerful. My suggestion would be to remove the mana generation debuff. That way it stays as powerful for mythic titans and events and also stays the best (tank) option for 3* Rush, but it is not completely overpowered and attackers at least have a chance to fight back. But to be honest, even after removing the mana debuff I think it is too strong! Even on attack, it kills the average frail 3* hero too easily!


Well my Double Tree has been beaten once so yeah, probably a perfect board. The main issue for me is the 6 turns…that’s pretty insane given that’s longer than a lot of 5* with comparable abilities.

In Rush wars we can bring yellow to the party and smash the tanks…no yellow tournaments are just horrific

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  • Shrubbear. if i had brought him to flag 4 on day 1, i probably could have pulled off a victory despite Treevil tank firing three times. i had enough tiles to charge Grevle (which also would have been enough to charge Shrubbear), but i couldn’t overheal enough to overcome not getting dark tiles for my offensive Treevil.

  • Gill-Ra is also a cleanser, and she also provides her own attack and defense down to mitigate hard hitters.

  • best defense can also be a good offense. the combination of C. Gunnar and C. Ulmer can hit all enemies hard. most importantly, if both are at +20, they get the benefit of charging in 6 tiles without a mana troop. add another big hitter, and the defense down and attack up can be wipe out the opposition. only a few costumes can benefit, but everyone has a reasonable chance to get C. Gunnar and C. Ulmer, and C. Ulmer’s buff can also reverse Treevil’s attack down without a cleanse.

  • on the subject of lack of cleaners, don’t forget that firing the opposite buff can overwrite specific ailments. Phoenicus was released along with Treevil; in one hero, you can get an attack and a mana generation buff. Bauchan provides a mana generation buff and a mana cut. plenty of others that can overwrite specific ailments, though yes, there isn’t a specific hero that can overwrite all three buffs at once, but again, in that case, the best defense is probably a good offense at that point.

  • this is just for one tournament type that excludes Holy. otherwise, Holy can be a great counter, especially Pixie for future 3* Rush tournaments.

i’m sure there will be more as this specific tournament meta plays out.

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As has been mentioned buffers are also good counters. I haven’t levelled the red flamingo yet but his mana up rate will be enough to recover from the tree special to hopefully charge up your own tree or other attacking heroes. I will have him ready for the next rush tourney.

Yes, this makes it more difficult in general for VF rush but with a strong tank like Tree it is even harder.

Not sure that Tree makes this situation much wose. I have been O/S by Pixie without any defbuff needed. Facing hard hitting emblemed and Lbd heroes in 3* defenses is always going to leave your heroes in a bad position

Conversely There are a couple of points that make Tree tanks in 3* VF tournies easier than Alfrike tanks in 5* VF tournies:

  • Counters that are charged at the point that he fires are still very effective. With Alfrike there is a very high chance that any counters you have charged will be wasted. In one of my battles vs Tree I had my Helo charged just as Tree fired. I was able to cleanse and charge up my own Tree and win from there.

  • As pointed out by @Liam_K there are no corner horror rezerrs like MN and Alberich. Yes you have Gramps but he will never bas effective nor prolong the raid in the same way.

Yes it destroys diversity for a very specific type of tourney. I personally think it makes the challenge more interesting in this type of tourney.

For the record I am 2 wins and 2 losses vs Tree tanks. My defense has a tree tank and is at 5 wins and 2 losses.


I don’t think multiple trees are much worse than a single tree - as long as you have your own tree. There will be a delay between tank tree and other trees firing and if you can slot in your tree in that window you will probably win as you probably gives yourself enough of a delay to execute your own attack. Where it will have a big impact is where you happen to charge up multiple trees in one turn - in that case it is the end for you. But it would also be the end for you if it was tree and some other hard-hitting heroes.


Tree is a good prospect for 4* Rush too. With emblems n LB. So yeah he’s a great addition to most rosters.

Good for Titans with potions.
Good for rush.
Good for events.

Please, please do not nerf this awesome 3*.

I can’t get Alfrike despite $$$$ so I want to keep my Tree the way it is. :laughing:


It’s something I haven’t tested by any means for the average part, I guess I could ask someone in the alliance to set up an avg only def for me to test it.

I think the difference though is with the def heroes you mention is that while the themselves aren’t fast, they are generally surrounded by fast so there is the impact of setting those quicker heroes nearby off. Eg it wasn’t Telluria alone that killed, it was the Gravemaker, Vela, Seshat, C Joon firing quick that used to surround her so you had to be careful firing tiles in those directions whereas if they were all average too firing tiles around to avoid telly would be more viable.

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Despite dropping out because of the tree day 2 in the tournament, I still believe he’s a fine hero and shouldn’t be touched.

It’s the rush format that isn’t quite balanced, not the tree itself. The very slow speed compensates for his powerful effects. And at least it’s something which f2p/c2p players can realistically chase to improve their PvE game mostly.


The very fact that Big T’s special is comparable to Alfrike’s, but gettable as a 3*, seems to be a big red flag to me.

—Yes, in some ways Alfrike’s is arguably better, but it is also worth noting that Big T hits everyone rather than having random targeting, and that can matter all by itself. Also that we actually are even having the discussion at all seems problematic.

In non-VF wars, in principle a readied cleanser is an answer to Big T, except the mere existence of an opposing Big T freezes the cleanser — you can’t afford to fire a readied cleanser before Big T unless you feel really, really confident you can charge the cleanser up again in time, or if you brought multiple cleansers just because of the frickin’ tree.


Alfrike Wars and now Treevil Tounament are completely imbalanced by design.
In Rush Wars the team with the most Alfrike’s wins. We have around 10 Alfrike’s in our Ally - when we fight against a team with for example 15 Alrike’s in their rows we normally can’t stand a chance. Where is the fun there?
It’s time - please stop the completely senseless rush sh…

You all are looking at this the wrong way. Previously rush wars were dominated by Alfrike + reanimators. Isn’t it time we all got a decent 3* quite affordable counter to these teams? It’s pretty easy already to get six trees for each of your war teams, and also six shrubbears. It’s really nice to be finally able to oppose the broken $$$ heroes with 3*, don’t you think? Tree gives us all that option. Don’t harm it.

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Just think about what you want to do, nerf a 3 * hero with a very slow mana gain! :man_facepalming::joy: A hero with a very slow mana gain should have such an ultimate! Yes, now he is very strong, but only because the tournament has no yellow heroes! Shame on the entire community for the thought of nerfing such a hero! Shameful whiners!

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I’m at a level where I don’t have Alfrike (not for want of trying) but will face nothing but Alfrike in Rush tournaments and usually all my Rush war hits as well. I don’t actually mind her as I have counters and they work.

The issue is that it just gets a bit dull.

Now for a lot of people that was a bit of a rich person problem on the whole. Those of us who spend and have strong teams will naturally play against like level defences.

So the Treevil problem is that since it’s a 3* it was even more obtainable than any broken 5* we’ve ever had.

Suddenly Treevil becomes a problem for everyone, not just us up in the Ivory Towers.

Since he’s V.Slow he will for the majority (not you @Homaclese, you are always the exception to a rule :joy:) only come out to play in a Rush setting.

But boy are 3* and 4* Tournaments going to get a bit dull…

So whilst it is a bit of fun playing with him now I can’t imagine it’s as fun if all you get is Tree followed by Tree followed by Tree.

Same thing happens all the time in Call of Duty. When everyone is using the same gun, it’s broken and boring and need to be fixed.


It’s only for now. There should be more new 3/4* coming out soon.

Remember … there will be new summon portals. As early as Jan 2022!

When there’s no purple, then there will be Trees at all. Or if the absent colour is not yellow.

If it’s no blue, chances are red heroes will dominate. Yes, Trees will still be present but probably not as many.

Any rush 3* tournament that allows Purple will still have the tree as the tank because he’s simply that good. Same thing happens in any 5* rush that allows Alfrike. She’s Queen of Rush if allowed to take part.

I have 3 fully levelled, emblemed and broken Treevils. He’s fun to use but utterly horrific to face if it goes wrong. My whole team was destroyed by 2 Treevils after I blitzed the middle 3 and then had a dead Board. 1 fired and then the other and that was my team wiped.

And since I have 2 Treevils in my defence I can see the wall of green from my defence wins. So it’s pretty idiotic tbh.

But heck, I like a game to be consistent so it’s only fair 3* rush is now the same sh!tshow 5* rush is :laughing: :laughing:


I take exception to your exceptionally brazen claim that i am the exception


I do not have a Treelike nor an Alfevil…

I voted for op for The Tree Dude but I never had any more problem against Alf than everybody else. I have killed her and got killed in very fast… nothing new…

The problem with Treevil is that damage!

If it was not there I would call it a well balanced twig but in this shape it’s OP.

Note: only in rush format!

I do not mind a strong three star being used in raids/titan battles… good for the lowbies/c2p/unlucky.

Twohundred and fifty percent AoE and the most powerfull ailments in the game not counting Mindless Attack…

This fellow has to be tured down…

The problem is not that the Tree’s soecial beshadows the other three stars… that’s power-creep…

This special (not talking about stats) sends Alfrike crying in the corner 'cos Alf feels an easy pray competed to the Tree…


I am waiting for SGG to release something similar for purple for 4*. Then rush events with purple will be complete. :rofl::joy:

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