I think Fosco is excessively weak, and needs a buff (increase of their strength)
I think Fosco is excessively strong, and needs a nerf (decrease of their strength)
I’m not sure yet
If you think Fosco is well-balanced, too strong, or too weak — why?
Are there specific, concrete suggestions you’d make to the game designers to alter Fosco ? Or are there specific reasons you think they should remain unchanged?
Purpose of this thread:
To provide an aggregate place for the topic here on the forum; thus preventing there being a million threads popping up. And to provide an actual set of impartial votes rather than a Ideas & Feature Requests which has no real voting.
In short, to neaten the forum and to give players and outlet for their thoughts on his balance without bogging down the rest of the forum or the other Fosco thread.
Wow I didn’t even realise this hero is slow. He’s a utility swiss army knife, but the blade is blunt.
Shame that the plague doctor is designed like this
I think if he were fast, one would say he’s good. If he were average, he’d be about right but still only marginally useful, like gobbler and less favored than captain of diamonds.
At slow… He just doesn’t work well because he fires after most of his teammates.
At very fast he’d be over powered, but not when everyone else is also at very fast.
If I’m not mistaken, this issue was raised in beta.
At slow speed this hero has nothing to offer.
Yes, in fast war he will definitely become a pest, but he is not a game changer.
At average mana speed he will become real valuable.
In short order when Alpha Aethers were released, I LB2’d Wang Yuanji and have never regretted it. Why? Despite being Slow and despite the generally limited use of her Fiend removal, she boosts health by 625. This is no small amount, especially for a 4* hero.
Fosco, despite having an additional effect of buff removal is still too weak at Slow. Regen of normal health doesn’t cut it at this speed.
So suggestions on fixing him:
Remains Slow but instead of health regen, he provides an immediate 540 boosted health to all allies
Special remains unchanged, but his speed is bumped up to Fast
Definitely needs to be at fast speed if not very fast! Hes just not valuable at slow speed and is nothing more than a feeder. So can we get his sspeed changed or not?
Hes just not worth leveling at slow speed. Id say set him to fast and immediate 500 health boost to be effective.
But do they even pay attention to what we say? Been waiting on a buff for Klaern and several other heros thag have balance discussion. Come on and pay attention to your customers.
The carnivals of gods event is coming up. Please help to review this hero. Change his speed from slow to average so it is usable. For a dispeller at slow speed and 540 HoT over 3 turns… this hero doesnt make sense at the moment at this current meta. Its a new 4* hero from a new event, please help to buff this hero