🎭 Fosco - 4* Ice / Blue from Carnival of Gods

@PlayForFun so… I think the consensus is overwhelming that fosco is underwhelming… If there isn’t one, can you make the balance+ buff thread for fosco.

My personal opinion is that slow for dispel is underwhelming… And considering the number of amazing 4* event heroes that are already in the game, e.g. Sergei, ferrent, mielikki, waddles, zhou yu and his blue brother, the holy and fire 4* from w3k as well…

It just seems like this guy should do something else… Or at a different speed… And if… This has been mentioned before, please accept my apologies.

While I’m at it. He doesn’t even pair that well with his own family… because Fortuna has priority dispel in the same color… So if she goes off first, then fosco’s dispel will likely be inconsequential. It just seems like… He should be more… Considering he is the 4* god… So not zeus or Hades… But maybe a Hermes… 2nd tier god… but has an important job.