So, my alliance offered to help me when I first joined over a few weeks ago if I needed any questions or help. Then, they stopped offering help and told me to refer to the boards. I do come across as abrasive and defensive, and I don’t mean to, I just want to be a better player. Plus, if you are going to post that you can ask for help whenever needed, and then are told to stop and refer to the boards–well, here we are.
I understand the mechanics of the game. I’m actually a fairly good player IMO, and I just want to know what is the ultimate team-ups for who I currently have. Some of the characters you will see I have been told to keep multiples of, even though I’m not sure I would need to. I just want to be a better player and advance through the game. I’m almost to SH 21 (I think I’m a little over 24 hours before I can start working on that, and I am about to LVL from 38 to 39.) I’m also almost finished in World 21 of Atlantis on Normal, and I am struggling with World 1 of Atlantis on Hard.
I have been using mono teams and 3-2-2 teams, but as you can see I don’t have a ton of choices in certain colors (luck of the draw I guess!)
One of the co-leaders of my group gave me a list of people to work on, but what I am looking for is more who flows better with who? And, if I’m asking the wrong question, then I guess we can close this topic whenever. I just wanted to see if anyone was able to help someone who wanted to improve his playing capability. (Plus, I’m getting sick of grinding effing 8-7 over and over and over again. LOL! But, if that is what it takes, I’ll continue to do it.)
Any help would be greatly appreciated, and happy gaming!!
(BTW, if the pics didn’t post, I’ll repost, but copy and paste instead of upload.)