Roster help


I have been playing quite some time, with big breaks in between for personal reasons.

I have finally reached my goal for my “main” team, which I use for defense.

After talking with people from my alliance, I have started working on at least one 3*70 hero to be able to double a color when facing certain tanks.

I have a lot of work ahead, but I’d like to ask some help to plan the long term. Which teams should I build, based on the heroes I own?

What would you guys advise me to do with these? I am trying to get the best teams for wars mainly, but I will be using the strongest heroes for titans as well of course :slight_smile:

Thanks to anyone taking the time to read and thanks even more to those who will answer!

Wishing you all a good sunday.

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You have a good set of 5 star heroes but for the love of God, stop doing what you are doing. You have a lot of unfinished projects and you keep jumping one hero to another without even placing them at the max level of the current tier they are in.

If I were you, focus one hero of each element, feeding them same colored 1*, 2* or trainer heroes until you get them to max or at 3/70 for 5 star heroes. And i bet you dont have enough deep bench. Start working on it by MAXING 3 to 5 rainbow teams of 4 star heroes, i.e. Rigard, Boldtusk, Kiril, the Pulverizer Trio, Wilbur, Proteus, etc. They will help you get ascension items for your 5 star heroes.


Yeah hard to know for sure what your depth is like… but I’d agree with @Ultra… if you don’t have a solid selection of 4s, make that a priority over 5s.

You do have some great heroes that once maxed, you’ll definitely enjoy.

But quicker and more efficient use of resources would be to get those 4s done… that’ll ensure better win rates for raids, stronger war teams and higher titan scores… all ways to get better loot and needed mats for those dreamy 5s you’ve got.

Happy grinding!


Thanks a lot for answering you guys! :smile:

I’ve been trying to level up my war teams evenly, but I guess I’ll do one team at a time.

Forgive my noobiness, but what is deep bench? :sweat_smile:

If you talk about the ability to do events like Tavern of Legends, I do have some 4s and even 3s, at least two of each color, but they are not part of my war build plan so I did not include them here. But I manage to finish events like these with ease :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ll already take the advise and focus one hero of each color though.

Thanks again and I wish you a great day :blush: