Help with how to pick teams for battle

This is a long one sorry. I’m really new to this game. I love it but at the same time I hate it. Lol. I did pretty good on getting as far as I have. At least I’d like to think so. Here’s pics of what I have. The top row I use for everything. For main team I like to have a rainbow team. I’ve got enough feeders to level up someone new if I need to. I’ve been trying to research the hereos bit theirs just to many. Im not sure on how to battle titians or build a defense. I’ve been stuck at leve 15 forever. My strongest hero is Richard which im not able to ascend him up to lack of rare stuff needed. Im getting really frustrated and i don’t want to give up. So this is why I came to u guys and girls. I also not everyone is going to agree with each other but, i can try to make more since of what I’ve got. Oh BTW the alliance I’m part of on wants to talk smack to each other instead of helping. So I can do wothout that. Also if thire any of the heros I have that can just be food that would b nice to know. Thanks. Here’s pics of what I have. Screenshot_20200614-210046_Empires

Sorry posted the wrong link there. In my opinion, you should level wu Kong as he’s very helpful with titans, gormek for your red as he has good debuff, Sonya is a good dispeller, and melendor is your healer.

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And this should help you find most of what you need to know.


You should check the alliance recluotmen forum section or try another alliance. Companionship is the primordial thing every alliance should have.

Regarding you roster id max your 3* star heroes first.
Make a rainbow team

Belith with healing, finish Bane, do Nashgar , valen and tyrum
second choice
Berden , hawkmoon , pixie, karil and maybe prisca.

These two teams will bring you the 3* mats to max your 4* . After maxing those 3* bring some of your 4* at least to 3/60. Max that 4* that you have the mats.
Sonya for dispell
wu kong for titans
gormek def dowm
melendor and Sabina for healing
tibs and almur are pretty good too.

Dont touch richard if you dont have the mats to max him . It will slow you down.

good luck!

pd: If you have some costume keys on your power you can use them tomorrow . You can get a costume 3* at worst that will really help you anyways


Thanks for the advice. I’ve seen these costume keys in my inventory. I’m not sure what they do or what they are for. Like I said I need all the help I can get. My alliance offers no help at all. I’m tired of being stuck at this one level their has to be away to beef up and get past it. Thanks again. Btw i usually use two healers bcz my team is weak. Do u think that’s better to have 2 healers or more fighters?

Agree with @Lexxtarc. You need to build a strong base of 3* first. I would suggest at least 2-3 rainbow teams MAXed. By the time you do that you’ll have materials to start the same process with 4’s. After repeating with 4’s then start 5’s. If you start 5’s too early they just bog down your resources and are not a good return on investment.

In addition, when you level pick 1 hero of each color. Feed 10 of that color feeders to that color leveling hero at a time. That will help get your special up and also give you the most XP, so it goes faster.

Costumes help enhance an existing hero. I would summon for them if you happen to have keys, but at this stage it would be best to stick with getting as many maxed 3’s as you can.

There are a lot of helpful tutorials from some really smart players too. I would look into base building help too as properly setting up your resource infrastructure makes a world of difference at that stage of the game.

Good luck out there! :ok_hand:

I like agressive lines up so depending the context i will use from only one to none healer at all(this on defense). As i said i will focus on max your 3* and then slowly build your 4* . Dont worry too much about your raid defense team yet. Use a healer and some hitters. Put a rainbow team

In offense is wisely to have a healer(for example one for each war team you use) . And at your level you will need them to help your team to survive to those hard quest which drop the unfarmeable mats and will help you to complete the map stages. I dont know if you know but when you reach province 15 you will unlock season 2 named Atlantis. Its harder than season 1 , and you will need those valuable healers.
So , yes , ponder healers but max some hitters too because you will need the damage to take the enemy down.

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Lol. Or just go into the situation with your eyes open… knowing the facts and not having unrealistic expectations…

It can still be fun… for some. Sounds like you’ve lost sight of that and for that I’m sorry.


Any time. :slight_smile: just enjoying my coffee at Starbucks.

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Overpriced pi$$ water if you ask me.

Thanks for the advice. I’m assuming you don’t play anymore?

which heros do u think should b my starting line up? Also is there any of those three* and 4* I can feed to other good players?

I do. Spent too much to stop. Just trying to warm you from this cash grab. I got suckered in, don’t do the same.

For now, don’t feed 3s. Level your 3s as much as you can. Max any 4s you get. Until you spend enough money… Cough cough, until you get"lucky" enough to get a solid 5s rainbow, don’t bother leveling them. Level your 3s and any 4s you get. 4s leveled is better then a5s 3.70. sorry, in drinking Starbucks, and got drunk off pi$$ water

does my stating line up look good the way it is. I usually use 2 healers since my team sucks

Nothing wrong with using 2 healers, if that’s what you’ve got to work with… however I’d split them up.

Maybe Mel tibs bane Richard hawk?

And I wondering if a maxed valen would be a better option (over Richard)… I’d have to see their cards. But fast over average may give him a slight advantage.

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Level bane and hawkmoon fully. I got ocd and level each hero 1 by 1.

How do I add u. Like I said I’m pretty new at this. Also I just got a ton of costume carcters. I don’t need anyone to hold my hand. But I sure could really use some answers to some question on topics like how to stack against titians, a good defense team and a good main team. I several 3* that in my opinion need to be feed to better players but im not sure which ones. I could really need some help with these decisions. Thanks in advance.Math4lyfe

New screen shot as of todayScreenshot_20200615-!054002_Empires|225x500

Titan stacking is loading the strong color , so multiple red heroes against green titans. A lot of people pair that with an attack booster such as Wu Kong, Boldtusk, Kiril and a D dropper like the ramming pulverizer trio. For example here is a sample red team for a green titan:

Wu Kong (attack boost), Gormek (D drop), Boldtusk (heals and attack boost stacks with Wu), Scarlett (tile damage), and Kelile (tile damage).

I used classic 4’s for easy reference, but you get the idea.

As I mentioned earlier, focus on getting rainbow 3 teams. A sample rainbow team to use in raids provinces would be:

Pixie (mana control, good get BTW), Tyrum (fast mana and dispell), Belith (heal + dispell), Valen (fast mana + D drop), and Nashgar (hit hard/sniper).

There are a lot of options though. Use Hawkmoon instead of Nashgar and Carver instead of Belith to attack all enemies, leave Belith and use double healer, attack multiples with Karil instead of Valen. I think you just need a team maxed to start and it’ll be your attack and D team for a bit.

Once get a deeper roster you can mix up your attack. For example, I rarely attack with rainbow teams.

Another thing to remember is your D team will lose, period. Once the team functions to keep you at the raid arena or cup range you want in general, that’s all you can ask of it. Don’t go in with the mindset of having an unbeatable D team.

I think if @Math4lyfe offered help it would be foolish to refuse. She has a lot of resources and a good network of players to reference for help. :+1:

Hope that helps, good luck!