Since I read a lot of questions about heroes, many new people seem confused, I decided to start this topic.
The game can be tough. Especially if you don’t spend a lot of money for summons. If you DO spend the money early in the game - you might get heroes that you have no idea how to use and what they do.
If you are totally new, a hero with extremely valuable special skill might seem totally worthless to you.
So… The game changed for me once I got my hands on a few 4star heroes. I’m specifically talking about them, because 5stars are rare even further up in the game. In the beginning it takes insane luck to get one.
The first one I want to talk about is Boril.
The counterattack skill was immense for me. I rarely use him anymore, but he was the best hero I had at one point. For progressing through season 1 he was precious, won me so many lost battles! I actually finished off Dark Lord with Boril last man standing, counterattacking his special skill. If you get him or Cyprian (another perfect riposte hero), put them in the middle, they are extremely good early on. Even for raids. It’s true that a dispeller can easily remove the counterattack buff. BUT chances are that the dispeller kills himself while doing so. Not many people in bronze/silver even gold arena have enough common sence to attack the nonbuffed heroes to dispell perfect riposte.
Moving on… Little John/Skittleskull. Also gamechangers for me.
Never ever ignore a hero that can attack everyone with his special. Even if the mana speed is slow. You have mana potions, don’t you? If you are lucky enough to get mana troops or a character with +mana regen, the slow speed becomes much lesser issue.
Skittle has attack debuff, which is amazing for progressing through season 1. Can be the difference between life and death. Also works in raids, but I prefer John there.
The mana slow debuff is huge in raids. Also a little something from me… I was still in Silver arena when I got Little John and Wilbur. I practially stormed my way into Platinum with these two.
If you manage to fire Wilbur’s special and then Little John’s special, this is game over in 99% of the time.
Wilbur is somewhat rare hero, so I’m not gonna talk about him too much.
If you don’t have any defense reducing hero, I highly reccomend keeping Ulmer or something in your team until you get better one. Don’t hesitate to level Grimm/Gormek or Tiburtus. They can lead you to glory bigtime!
Another gamechanger for me was Boldtusk and/or Kiril. Before that you only get healers like Hawkmoon, who only well…heal. You might get Rigard or Sabina. Rigard is the better options since he heals and dispells your heroes. Sabina debuffs enemies, but a lot of snipers do that, so she is not neccecery.
But Boldtusk and Kiril heal AND buff your team. Awesome, right?
I never got Wu kong, but if you happen to pull him. Level him and use him for God’s sake. You’ll see why.
Why I post this?
Well, some new guys might get confused reading the forum.
There are a lot of posts saying that Boril or Skittle or Lil John are basically useless etc. And this is not true.
Early on any 4star is precious, so don’t hesitate to level them.
Best regards from me, hope I helped someone who is feeling confused.