
Personally I see don’t see value in the Harpoons at all for titans…

The titan parts are a nice gimmick but realistically both the Harpoons themselves AND any items from the Hunters Lodge cost too much for the small benefit they return

Harpoons have found a niche use in some PvE scenarios when the player is going in with an under strength team (e.g. class trials or seasonal quests).

The only other use I’ve heard for the Harpoons is for the attack/ fefnece debuff… It’s the only item which does both in one so there is value in that as it allows the player to take additional attacking heroes or another item.

If we look at the hunters Lodge, the only items that are SOMEWHAT useful to me are:

  • Poons (see above) but they don’t need any titan parts so…
  • Caltrops → nice for rare red titans to remove the counter… Don’t use any other time
  • Titan Shields → has the nice gimmick for some titan hits BUT it’s unsustainable… You can only do it every now and then

And that’s about it lol… Rest of them may be fun to use but… Don’t add enough value to be worth crafting…

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