What happens once your Alliance hitts Titan with the 73 Harpoons …what’s the reward if any !??
Totally not worth the resources you have to use to get harpoons. We did it once but it was so long time ago cannot remember what we got.
The reward is extra parts but as to how many varies.
I have actually questioned this ladt tier of harpoons but never got a reply but this seems to be a good place to bring it up again up.
We have 8 to 9 star titans which means the last harpoon tier is around 93 if I recall and this 93 is more than double the amount of harpoons required for the 2nd tier which is around 39 or there abouts if I also recall.
Now from 2nd tier I have received up to 9 to 11 parts at times and 1st tier 4 to 5 parts but the max we have seen reaching the 3rd tier on rare titans is 12 parts.
Now harpoons aren’t cheap to make to begin with SO the question lies in being, is it really worth the extra resources in producing the enormous amount of harpoons which is more than twice the amount required by the 2nd tier just to obtain that last tier for 2 or 3 of extra parts only.
I feel this should be a topic of interest and brought to SG’s attention as being an issue that needs adjustments in either last tier harpoon totals or in rewarded parts amount for top tier as the differences between 2nd and 3rd tiers although acceptable in numbers is very unacceptable in the parts rewarded for those numbers when compared to middle tier.
Is the loot at the end? worth the cost of making all the harpoons?
Good Q. I’m also.wondering same…
Not to reach the top tier it isn’t IMO But 1st and 2nd tier are acceptable and work fine.
If you are looking at this as an individual, it is not worth it; thankfully not possible.
A 30 person alliance, however, can and often should max the harpoon guage. Everyone uses three, and a few use a fourth harpoon so all get a dozen or more titan parts. Those craft weapons well worth what was spent making the harpoons
I am talking about the differences between the 2nd and 3rd tier not how many members has harpoons,lol.
The difference between these 2 tiers for parts is definitely not worth it for just a thise few extra parts.
For me personally it is more important to use ham and iron that can be spent on harpoons to upgrade buildings. Also on few occasions my alliance hit the 2nd tier for harpoons but Titan escaped so it defeated the purpose of using so many harpoons. 94 harpoons to reach 3rd tier is crazy (that is for 9* Titan - 5922000 ham and 8892000 of iron!!!) and I told my alliance members to a spend resources on buildings and heroes and making sure we are killing titans and not letting them go. Rewards yeah you got some Titan parts, which btw diluted the other ascension items, but to craft more items from that Titan parts you will need more ham and more iron.
The cost of 73 harpoons:
5 common herbs x 73 = 365
1 large bone x 73 = 73
1 clean cloth x 73 = 73
Or, 511 items to make the ‘poons.
What you get:
Roughly ? titan parts per 30 alliance players, or ? titan parts. (I have a spreadsheet that says an 11* Titan should be dropping 16 parts bare minimum per person, but I am not seeing numbers like this, and 11* are what we hit!)
Now if your alliance is making titan items in the Hunter’s Lodge, then it is probably worthwhile for you to hit at least Tier Two harpoons (amount changes with level of titan). But if y’all are only making harpoons, with no plans to change any time soon, then it’s probably a waste.
Right now less than half of my alliance are at the point where we can make harpoons. That being the case we decided to stop at the second tier, which we can reach with those of us with harpoons using 3-4 harpoons each. We battle 7-8* titans. When more of us have harpoons we can reevaluate whether it’s worthwhile going for 3rd tier.
There’s no way we will ever go for maxing harpoon hits. The gap for tier three is good for a chuckle and that’s about it.
We do the same, first tier on standard titans daily for 8* and 2nd tier for 9* titans and then build up excess harpoons for max tier on our rare titans only as they are usually harder anyway.
But this still doesn’t answer the question as to why the difference between 2nd and 3rd tier rewards is so minor considering your using more than twice the amount of harpoons from 2nd to 3rd.
On an 9* titan that’s about 50+ harpoons ( 93 in total if recall) more than 2nd which only requires 36 or 39 (i forget exactly) for basically just an extra 2 to 3 parts,
All true and I was not aware before that the drop difference was so minor. We may just stick to 2nd tier, which would make it easier to stockpile harpoons once everyone can make them.
I made no mistake.
The amount of individual harpoons does jump by a large amount from tier to tier. However, the amount of titan-parts received is scaled up in a way that makes reaching the higher tier level well worth it
The only reason I would make that assertion is because it makes sense only for a full alliance whose members all have the ability to make harpoons.
I think the math says an alliance would need 15 members with 5 each to reach the 73 level. This is a point where they have to decide jointly if the rewards are worth it. When the alliance fills up, it is an easy decision since the most one member must toss is three.
Two extra parts, each. Cost is three harpoons each plus one more from a few members.
Seems balanced
Stockpiling is a question of assets, yes?
I am using two builders, and both buildings have a five day wait. Even leveling a hero, crafting tornadoes and strengthening some troops leaves me with enough assets to make several a day.
Granted, this is not everyone’s experience; however, it shows there will be players/alliances who should reach the max harpoon tier.
No doubt they should be able to, the question is whether they want to. The assets could be used for building other items instead.
I understand what your saying totally (I do).
I guess I tend to disagree based with you when seeing the parts number rewarded gap being so big.
1st tier = 4 to 5 parts at 13 Hrps
2nd tier = 6 to 9 parts at 33 Hrps
3rd tier = 11 to 12 parts at 94 Hrps, haven’t seen any member get more than 12 so far on rare titans.
These are exact harpoon numbers based on our current 8* titan.
These gaps just doesn’t make sense that’s all.
I know it is what it is and will more than likely never change, I get that, but it doesn’t mean we can’t place our thoughts on it, lol.