New Fables of Grimforest hero is released: Frog Prince
This thread is for discussing strategy related to Frog Prince, as well as your thoughts on Frog Prince.
Frog Prince
Mana Speed
S Slow
Challenge Festival
Aether Power
At the start of each battle, this Hero regenerates 420 health over 6 turns. In battles with multiple waves, the effect is refreshed at the beginning of each wave.
Special Skill: Royal Poisoner
Deals 230% damage to all enemies.
All enemies receive 1285 Poison damage over 5 turns. The caster receives a small amount of mana each time Poison damage is applied.
All enemies get -34% mana generation for 5 turns.
Allies share the damage this character would receive from Special Skill attacks and normal attacks for 5 turns.
All-in-one still under construction. Card image to be added when available.
This thread is for thoughts and discussion on Frog Prince.
Based on preferences Forum members have expressed, please try to stick mainly to Frog Prince and not wander off topic too much to other heroes.
Some Popular Questions for Discussion
Is Frog Prince worth summoning for?
Would you use Frog Prince on Defense? Offense? War? Quests/Events? Titans?
Which heroes on your Roster best pair with Frog Prince ?
What heroes would you take when facing Frog Prince as an opponent?
Would you give Frog Prince Fighter Emblems? Which Talent Grid path will you choose?
What do you think of special?
What do you think of Frog Prince’s character design?
If you Summoned Frog Prince and would like to post your results, please include some thoughts on why you Summoned Frog Prince, and whether/how you plan to make use of them.*
*NOTE: Summon Results posted without any commentary/feedback at all should be flagged as Off Topic and removed, based on preferences expressed by the Forum community. Please include some comments about what you think of Frog Prince when posting Summon Results. In addition to opinions about Frog Prince, you are also encouraged to include how many Summons it took before receiving Frog Prince (or how many Summons you’ve done without receiving Frog Prince), so other players are presented with realistic experiences of the rarity of Legendary Event Hero.
Avoiding Overspending & Heartache
More Insights & Reading
I highly recommend reading these three threads for more information and context on summoning odds:
If you’ve read them a million times before, you may consider reading them again before deciding on your budget for summoning. A little time spent deciding on how much money you want to risk on summoning goes a long way to avoiding disappointment, frustration, and regret later.
Wondering About Your Personal Situation?
Feel free to discuss your team and roster here, and ask for advice from other Forum members.
If you’d like more extensive advice on sorting out your particular roster, I recommend creating a new thread in Gameplay Help & Tactics, and posting screenshots of your hero roster, along with your questions.
Released version is severely toned down. What made him awesome was the -54% uncleansable mana gen debuff which is merely -24% now and cleansable. On top of that his poison is reduced to 1,285. His damaged is buffed to 180% which is still nothing as slow.
But if he was released as that, everyone will cry foul. This change does weaken him a lot. But at least it was nerfed before release
The poison damage is still devastating, he immediately makes rayne obsolete
I through they wanted to support changes towards green
Doesn’t matter that the damage and poison is increased, they are cleansable. They reduced the mana and now it is cleansable.
All to all, the new one will not change anything, I guess. I hope I can meet the prince and build some experience.
The only good thing is that they destroy heroes before release
Whoa, they changed him quite a bit. He still looks decent but not sure if worth a chase. Maybe a few pulls. I don’t have a legendary shared damage hero, so that would be nee
I definitely agree that it’s amazing that they’ve started to go down the “nerf before release”-route way more. And I do agree that a nerf was appropriate. But not THAT much. He’s pretty weak now, and he wasn’t that amazing to begin with - even in rush. There’s so many better options for rush, and with all the taunting that defines the rush-scene, he would do very little.
But in the end I’d rather have them nerf the hero too much as per release like this than buffing too much or nerfing too little. So I’m very glad about this outcome. I just think that the nerf was excessive.
Agree that the trend is good that they nerf before release. Maybe they need to find the balance and don’t go too far. We had recently Ultrox that was nerfed too much and and now the frog.
Some of the properties should have been uncleansable. It takes for ever too fire the prince and nothing can last. Big numbers looks only impressive on paper, e.g. a lot of poison but there are too many way (and heroes) to prevent or get rid of.
So let’s hope SG continue to balance before release but not nerfing to this level.
I guess most players will try their luck for G Hippo and maybe get this one or the cat.