Empires & Puzzles - Hero Utility (Bringing it All together for you)

I think its your ALICE @D2z (she eats too many shrooms and pets too many cats and rabbits)…

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My Alice is VERY special! hahahaha!

I DID get to use my newly emblemed Hel :slight_smile:

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Speaking of that…in the past 3-4 months I have reset my old Guin defense one by one, lol. Kingston, Guin and Alasie were the last to be reset…Alasie just about a week ago.

Hel, Costume Sartana and Zeline got the Wizards
Seshat, 2 x Evelyns, and Alasie, got the majority of the Rangers.
Killhare, Panther, Delilah and Kingston got the fighters, and Tyr will get any new incoming fighters.

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Ha ha ha. Nice with Hel, love when she fires early on!

Great Wizards you have - we Ditto there just I’ve the Helx2 vs your Costumed Sartana.

Just maxed Evelyn! Only used vs Titans maxed so far, not sure she will get used much during field aide - have always admired her power being on the wrong end of it. Moving to Vela/Alice I’m suspecting your high classed Alasie was dismembered to disperse the emblems between those sited? Alasie has always been a rock for me, however see the need for adjustment here as she has the blems…

I think I have to bite the bullet and potentially strip Zim and Alasie and disperse among the Rangers with the major goal being to high class Vela for War D (she really is that destructive). Thanks for the nudge on that… I think. ha ha.

Kingston has earned rights for now to keep his 18… I’m weak in the fighter class (Do have Tyr, Fenrir, Magni, Yunan and another Kingston at 3/70). Misandra isn’t my style for regular use so shes not getting any more than 1 :slight_smile: - Great fighters you have (Panther and Delilah have evaded me and Killer… maybe next year lol).

Hmmmm. You got me thinking again. THANKS LOL. Best in War @D2z

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Here was a perfect example of why I would love to be able to reset single levels, or maybe 5 at a time. I did just redistribute after stripping Alasie…so she got a few levels back. Same with Kingston.

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Looks like 2 of my responses made it past the error will leave the 2nd in tact. Thanks D2!

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Shoot error when I replied so paraphrasing… Any reset option other than ALL OR NOTHING is better - simply put @D2z your ‘one at a time’ is a great idea. I just reset Khiona and had to turn around and 1st class her to give her back her talent… and its been done a lot - not a real reasonable approach to classing, thats kinda class-less. Ha ha ha, really is though (its double paying or repaying for what you already had to make an adjustment). Great Idea. What do you think Guv and Gentelmen - has this topic already been discussed/been brought up? Advise.

@Guvnor, @zephyr1, @JonahTheBard, @Gryphonknight

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The single approach would provide so much more flexibility and options to us players and still there is a charge &/or cost (in the redistribution itself) involved in most of it…

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@Razor: [MASTER] Partial Talent Grid Emblem Reset


I need help for the best talent path kageburado

like this

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@ALASTORH feel free to LINE me at RaZoRENP if you can. & in a brief will assist you.

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TM, Hero Utility, GuiLDWare & APG are LIVE again

Thanks! -=RaZoR=- 6:47AM AZ Time


Sorry to use this Forum, but this is where it connects in the contact us section that I can actually type in. I’m trying to join the Titan Mafia. When I fill out the profile I get the following error. My username appears on the main home screen as one of the newest members, I just can’t get everything sorted correctly to get access to the info. Any Help?


I’m having the same trouble anyone know why?

Just a guess here but perhaps Razor is making adjustments to his website. I’m having problems adding a few new hero’s, and can’t seem to locate him on line app . Other than this, everything else seems to be functioning. Hope it gets sorted for you soon!

I have been on break for RL issues, otherwise I’m prompt on assisting. I’m still on break happened to post a video and caught this. Based on that error message:

  1. Are you using any special characters or non English alpha/numeric? The database was setup for English initially and to mod a this point isn’t an option.

  2. There are 15 entry fields in your profile. All 15 MUST contain data (zero’s are not acceptable for a numeric entry).

  3. i.e. Entering the letter ‘a’ in a numeric field or vice versa.

@KnightAntelope1 - advise
@jqhosko - advise
@Defiler - fixed (unrelated to their issue - regardless thanks for stepping in an providing a plausible answer).

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Is this discontinued like 4 months ago? I do not see recent HOTM.

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Is this Hero Utility discontinued?