Emblemming Mitsuko - good idea?

Hi - looking for opinions from people who are using Mitsuko…

I will soon have her maxed and I am considering moving emblems onto her. Currently I have them on Morgan Le Fay, enough to get a hero to +14. As much as I love Morgan, she’s diminished by my other strong greens (Evelyn and Zeline, also emblemmed) and while I take her on offense against blue tanks, she’s never in my def team (even on tournaments all the rules are not in her favour…).

My other reds are emblemmed Marjana and emblemmed Zimkitha. Zim is currently in my def team for war (Zeline - Zim - Joon - Kunchen - Magni). No reds are in my general def team (Evelyn - Kunchen - Aegir - Zeline - Joon). Mitsuko could be replacing Zim for war and be an option to consider in my defense. Since green tanks are rare, I do not use my reds for offense that much, but when I do it’s Zim - Marjana - Falcon - Kunchen - Zeline. Potentially will be looking to fit Mitsuko somewhere there.

Just wondering if people who have Mitsuko on max and emblemmed consider her a good hero and do not regret placing the emblems on her. Those who have both her and Morgan would be welcome to opine also…

One more thing - probably a no brainer - but emblem path for Mitsuko is def/health, right? Anyone thinking different and why?

Unfortunately I don’t have any 5* sorcerer. I wish to have your “problem” :joy:

Nevertheless, I wouldn’t think twice; Mitsuko all the way. She is one of the best offensive heroes in the game. When you control her, I dare to say she’s even better than Hel. Damaging is not so important indeed. But the mana cut… And theoretically, you may defeat any defense which has a blue hero at least. You may make them beat themselves :smiley:


Mitsuko is great, but on defense I think Zim is better, outside of the tank spot. If you aren’t pushing the attacker to bring blues then Mitsuko isn’t making the most out of her kit. If Mitsuko isn’t going to be on your defense then I wouldn’t emblem her. On offense her most powerful thing is the blue reflect, which is the same no matter how many emblems you throw on her.


I have Mitsuko at +11 def/health all the way and she is really great. I bring her along on almost every attack. Even without a blue on the defense, because her mana cut to 3 is a very useful skill all on its own. One of my favorite heroes. Very often run a 3-1-1 setup with her in one of the utility spots and she is just awesome. The timing of her reflect against a blue enemy can take a bit to get the hang of, but sometimes she’s valuable just for her mana cut, and sometimes even just her equal damage to 3 is valuable on low health enemies next to each other about to fire a good special. All 3 of her skills bring value and to me, having her live as long as possible to deliver whichever one you need is most important to me. Many times I’ve won fights with her alone due to sturdiness, stealing mana, and dealing some damage. Ghost, repeat

Also, at the end of her tree way down the line is a 4% mana bonus. Expensive but I think I will probably take it, letting her charge in 9 tiles with only a level 11 troop. Freeing up my other troops for other heroes


Watching Finley kill himself is gratifying especially since he’s so powerful. Still think she’s the best use of those emblems

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Okay, I think I’m convinced - especially the Finley argument did it. Thanks!

Still don’t know how to fit her in my def team but I’ll experiment some.

@Suicide_Bunny, I wanted to chime in on this as a long-time Mitsuko user, but didn’t have time a few days ago. Mine is +9. I may go further if she starts struggling to survive, but she’s very robust right now.

Emblem Path

I went Def/HP, but actually had a decision at the 8/9 fork. One way is healing and defense, the other is crit and attack. I wanted the defense boost, but regard the healing as virtually worthless. Ultimately, I went crit attack there since Mitusko’s attack is credible, I didn’t mind boosting it, and it struck me as a better value than eating the healing bonus for essentially no return. Another viable solution may be to stop at +7, honestly, especially since you have other valuable sorcerers. Anyway, if you want to read more, here’s the thread where it was discussed.


Mitsuko is critical in many of my raids against blues in positions other than tank. She excels as part of a stack or as a standalone in a 3/1/1. Plus, something I’m looking at (but giving you an exclusive preview!); I think she may be invaluable in beating Kunchen tanks.

I’m not using her on green titans, nor trying to leverage the reflect against blues.

I don’t use her on defense, but I think she’s a decent tank. Just I’d rather send Gravemaker out as my red hero. She’s not terrible in other spots, but it sounds like you have other better options.

Obviously she’ll be good in some tournament rules, especially the current one where everyone is packing blue hitters into their defense.


It’s amazing, but can take some getting used to. The timing can be tricky; I know of at least one poster on the forums who has discussed having some problems getting it right. She’s probably been the third hardest hero for me to figure out, behind Wilbur and Onatel (don’t laugh - I can’t explain why I just could NOT get Wilbur right…I know it’s lame, but we all have some game aspects we struggle with).

She is great at killing average or slower flanks and wings, especially A3E attackers like Frida or Thorne. And of course she’s amazing against Isarnia. A fast flank is more of a toss-up. And even if you’re in time, Magni and Alice often won’t kill themselves. Be prepared to follow up. And be aware that Magni still puts his shield up. I do not automatically bring her against a fast blue flank (where I often do against an average or slower flank/wing).

Lastly, some of the heroes you’ll want to reflect have Pierce: Athena, Alasie, and Finley are still very dangerous. Alasie is particularly troublesome on the flank (significantly less so on the wing), between the chances she fires first and/or Pierces. I still bring her in a lot of those situations, but it’s far from a lock that you get the desired performance.


Wow, thanks for the write up! A little late, because I already brought her to +9 (with around 400 more emblems awaiting food and iron…) but I do use her often recently and agree on many points.

Offensive use of her is great - defense is just so silly using their specials in blind. One weird thing with her though is that she cuts mana so slowing the specials she wants to be fired asap with the shield up. Not quite following that logic. But yes indeed, she is amazing in this tournament when people put all damage dealing blues on their defense… No way I’m not getting to top 1%, so far only 1 lost attack.

I did place her on my defense right flank (removing Evelyn, so Zeline - Kunchen - Aegir - Mitsuko - Joon). I did not see any negative or positive effect of that on my cups (still holding around 2550) but definitely less people attacking me than usual, so I’ll keep experimenting. I used to lack tanks, now I have just too many lol. Unfortunately, GM avoids me everytime he’s back on Atlantis so I’m not great on other defensive reds, she seems like my only viable option (Zim somehow always made my cups drop to 2400ish).

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@IvyTheTerrible hit the nail on the head with her. She’s designed to bait blue wings and flanks into suiciding on her reflect. Just be wary of Rangers Athena and Alasie who may bypass her reflect buff.

Unless Saint Nick shows up this Xmas, I’m personally planning to tank with her eventually long term as she deters blue offensive heroes against her – particularly now that dispels from blue heroes are blocked by her blue reflect buff.

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