Mitsuko Emblem path question

I have mitsuko maxed and already have her with emblems at +7. She has 700 plus on attack and defense and over 1300 hp. My question is should I take the attack up or focus on def/hp? On raid defense I use Melendor, Magni, Mitsuko, Domitia, Joon. I can also use Rigard, Magni,Mitsuko, Lianna, Joon.
Her attack stat isn’t bad and She does hit 3 equally plus her mana cut and blue special reflect. I just need ideas on making her a harder hitter or keep her alive longer.
On red stacks I can use Gormek, Scarlett, Kelile, BT all max. Khagan and Elena at 3.70 and can take 1 to 4.80 after this next Mount umber. I also use them with Wu on titans.
Any help is appreciated since the amount of emblems is huge vs 3,4* emblems.

You should check out this thread, where I had basically the same question at the exact same +7 point.

Thanks, @IvyTheTerrible I searched and read some Mitsuko threads but didn’t see this. I see you settled on a new forum name…I like it :+1:

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FYI , I went def/hp to +7, then took crit over healing at node 8 (forcing attack at node 9). From there I’ll resume def/hp.

I find her attack credible, but I’m rarely / never relying on her for primary damage in my raids, so I just want her to live and reflect.

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I went with the crit path. I will return to the defense path later. I am also not looking forward to Snow White coming out. Her special is a direct counter to Mitsuko. Luckily as an event hero she won’t be a huge issue like the HOTM. I have fought a bunch of max Kingston’s and I want one so BAD!!! I love the way his skill tosses the stiletto and it whirls around again.