So I’ve been playing just over a year and have invested some money, so I have a small but decent roster of heroes, but it presents some difficulties. In addition to material walls, I am also up against a perpetual emblem wall and need to decide how to allocate them.
Some heroes about which I’m confident with going all in and maxing out their emblems as soon as I can. My defense team, for example, as well as some advantageous 4*.
So it brings me to my question. Aside of top shelf heroes, I have a number of quality but not great 4 and 5*. Do I pick 1 or two and allocate all of my emblems to max them, leaving others without any, or do I spread them out to add nodes to multiple others to keep them a little more effective in attack teams, wars, tournaments, challenge events, etc.
Do I pick 1 or two and max, or put a few nodes on each of those to make them more usable? Any thoughts?