Emblem strategies?

So I’ve been playing just over a year and have invested some money, so I have a small but decent roster of heroes, but it presents some difficulties. In addition to material walls, I am also up against a perpetual emblem wall and need to decide how to allocate them.

Some heroes about which I’m confident with going all in and maxing out their emblems as soon as I can. My defense team, for example, as well as some advantageous 4*.

So it brings me to my question. Aside of top shelf heroes, I have a number of quality but not great 4 and 5*. Do I pick 1 or two and allocate all of my emblems to max them, leaving others without any, or do I spread them out to add nodes to multiple others to keep them a little more effective in attack teams, wars, tournaments, challenge events, etc.

Do I pick 1 or two and max, or put a few nodes on each of those to make them more usable? Any thoughts?


Focus on one hero at a time, 4-5 nodes on several heroes is not as helpful at max emblem on one.

Try to pick heroes you favor against titans, play in war, and use in events. That will maximize their value and help you win more emblems. Then rinse and repeat :sweat_smile:


I agree with above focus on one hero and more specifically once you choose a hero and search on this forum there is likely a thread that will show you the optimal use of the emblems in the emblem tree for that hero.


For me a lot depends on the amount of reset tokens I have. Emblems sitting there on no hero is worthless. But getting great hero and having none left after maxing an unworthy 4-star can be infuriating. Be weary of being able to reset those emblems, you may end up kicking yourself.


I like to go to level 15 so i have the talent skill maxed. But I don’t know if this is the way to go.


Good point, a lot depends on the talent


Stopping point can also depend on the class. Sometimes like for rogues the mana node is early so at times worth stopping there if lots needing the shines.

For others such as druid getting the big 4% at node 20 is more useful


Second this, that last node (which require the most emblems is situational). Like I rarely buy the last node on cleric and monk unless certain circumstances are met

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Depends on your roster and play style

Loot to get loot

Generic, LB + Classes

Node 20

Might also consider stopping at Node 19 since Gold Emblems are most profitable for 5* Node 20



It seems like general consensus is that it’s best to train fewer heroes to higher nodes than several heroes to lower nodes.

I’m fairly confident in picking the talent tree when it comes to how I use a particular hero.

I have about 15 reset tokens on hand. I’ve only used maybe 2 since I started.


Well said, all great tips. Very wise… :sunglasses:

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I feel you. I started playing at about the same time as you did and emblems are the biggest issue. Heroes wise, my roster is starting to be decent and I’m closing the gap with more experienced players, as we can only use so many of them.

However, long time players have had the time to accrue a lot more emblems than I have - limit breakers are not as much of a problem, since I was able to complete the Omega quest as soon as it was introduced (I can’t imagine how starting rn must be btw).

To answer your question, I’d focus on heroes who are key to help you get the most loot (challenge events, titans, tourneys, … ). Using emblems to generate emblems if you will. It’d help you solve the 4* mats problem as well.

I also prioritize 3*/4* and give the remaining emblems to my 5*, as they’re much cheaper to emblem up and offer a much better ROI, but that’s just a personal choice.


I personally finish one before I start another. One Team after the other. So I’m able two beat at least three teams in war by OS.
And have a decent Team in every color playing 3/2.
Mono for Events was tricky for a long period. But one day the 5 of 1 color fully Embleme is showing up.

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Interesting. See I only emblem the 4* that I use in mixes with 5s. The costumed healers, Proteus, etc.

I don’t have a single emblem on a 3*. Is that unusual?

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I quickly realized that challenge events were a great way to get extra 4* mats, so I focused on event teams asap. I’ve since become a bit of a challenge event junkie, as I enjoy them so much.
These mats allowed me to ascend 5* I use in wars, and emblemed 4* challenge event heroes are very decent in wars as well. I think this process was the fastest way to progress, but I might be wrong. Different paths can lead to the same destination.


Yes it’s unusual if you want to score high in 3* tournaments and Rare challenge events. They will help you get more loot (emblems and LB mats)

For newer and middle of the road players, 3* events are your quickest way to premium loot as getting 5 3* heroes is easier and quicker than getting 5 4* or 5 5* heroes

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I can’t tell for sure, but I don’t think so. The top players in my alliance - of which I am not - have all the new 5* and don’t care about 3*, and some even about 4* (they sorely regretted it during Clash of Knights :joy:).

The thing with 3* heroes is that they’re only useful in tournaments and challenge events (for the most part anyway), so if you don’t like these parts of the game, there’s no point wasting your emblems on them.

What I do know is that the top players in the game have essentially an infinite amount of resources, so their tournament 3* are all LB+20.

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I actually have no problem finishing the challenge events with good mixes of fully ascended 3* without emblems. I can often finish in the top 1% of tournaments too, discounting those times when luck destroys all hope because I don’t spend gems on them.

I meant competing in challenge events. If you only care about completion, definitely don’t emblem them up.

And true, I forgot that the defenses we face in tourneys are based on our strongest heroes, so if you don’t have any emblems on your 3*, you’ll face weaker defenses during the first few days. That’s not the case for me, because my event teams are emblemed and limit broken, so I get LB+20 defenses right off the bat.

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I have started to play around the same time as you have and I have the same issue.

For me it depends :slight_smile: I have heroes for which I went all in and heroes for which I spread the emblems.

For my war defense I went all in except the last node unless I really needed that mana node (Elizabeth and Xno got there +20 mana node, Frigg stays at +19 for example, as well as Sir Roostley).

I have noticed that where I am at right now, 5* need at least a bit of stats boosts, even if they are newer. So for example I got Garnet at +9 and Lepiota at +5 and I still have some emblems to get Lady of the Lake at +5 when I manage to max her.

However, before I got to these 5*, I relied (and I still rely on, but to a lesser degree) on my 4*, whom I emblemmed almost completely, usually leaving out the last few nodes. So for example I have Rigard, Proteus, Melendor at +19, Tiburtus at +20, Orla, Cillian at +17, Boldtusk at +18 etc.

What I am missing most right now, believe it not, are emblemmed 5*. Because I like wars most in the game, I prioritized 4* and 5*, so I only have a few (almost fully emblemed without the last couple of nodes) 3* heroes. And for example I am about to strip Nashagar in order to get the mana node for Black Knight.

So my advice is to set your priorities, what do you like in the game, what are the heroes you use most (especially on defense) and emblem some fully and for the rest to spread out emblems among them.