🧭 Eighth Path of Valor (Valour; PoV8) Log and Discussion – Starts Mar 15

:calendar: Schedule

Start Time
End Time

:speaking_head: BETA Updates

There are no new challenges currently being tested in Beta. See Links below for previous Beta Information.

:recycle: Frequency of Path of Valor

Path of Valor seems to now start on the Monday following the end of the previous Path of Valor.

The NEXT Path of Valor (#9) tentatively is hypothesised to start: 2021-05-10T08:00:00Z

:dizzy: Rewards

Purchasers of Valor Pass get BOTH the Free and Premium Rewards. Non-purchasers get ONLY the Free Rewards.

:clipboard: Rewards Summary

This section totals all of the Rewards across all of the Milestones. For a full log of the Rewards for each Milestone, see the next section.

For the summary, click the arrow below to expand

Click here for a summary of the Rewards

Gems, Tokens, Coins & Avatars

Item Free Premium
Avatar Yang Mai Frosth
Gems 150 700
Summon Token 0 4
Epic Troop Token 0 1
Epic Hero Token 0 2
Challenge Coins 0 30
Valhalla Coins 0 300

Ascension Materials & Emblems

Item Free Premium
4* Ascension Materials [new] [free from last time]
3* Ascension Materials [premium from last time] [Same element as 4*]
Rogue Emblems 70 160
Practice Swords 0 10

Flasks & Resource Bundles

Item Free Premium
WE Flasks 1 4
Raid Flasks 0 1
Tiny Iron Bundle (10k) 0 1
Tiny Food Bundle (10k) 2 0
Small Iron Bundle (50k) 2 0
Small Food Bundle (50k) 0 1
Medium Iron Bundle (100k) 2 4
Medium Food Bundle (100k) 2 4
Large Iron Bundle (250k) 1 2
Large Food Bundle (250k) 1 2
Giant Iron Bundle (500k) 1 2
Giant Food Bundle (500k) 1 2

Relics & Loot Tickets

Item Free Premium
Food Harvester 0 1
Iron Harvester 1 0
Item Harvester 0 1
Recruit Harvester 0 1
Omnia Harvester 0 1
Loot Tickets 5 15

Battle Items

Item Free Premium
Time Freeze 0 5
Hunter’s Caltrops 2 5
Miracle Scroll 0 5
Turtle Banner 0 10
Minor Mana Potion 0 10

Trainer Heroes

Item Free Premium
4* Green 0 2
3* Green 1 2
2* Green 1 2
1* Green 1 2

Crafting Ingredients

Item Free Premium
Large Bone 0 30
Metal Ores 0 20
Grimoire Dust 0 10
Meteor Fragments 0 10

:spiral_notepad: Full List of All Rewards

For the full list, click the arrow below to expand

Click here to expand full list of Rewards
Node # Premium Reward Free Reward Comment/ Change from PoV 2
1 Grey Summon Token -
2 2x Tiny Iron Bundle 1x Tiny Food Bundle Reversed
3 1x ETT -
4 100x Gems 50x Gems
5 10x Practice Swords - Was Rugged Clothes
6 2x Small Food Bundle 1x Small Iron Bundle Reversed
7 1x EHT -
8 1x WE Flask 1x WE Flask
9 10x Minor Mana Potions - Was Arrow Attack
10 1x Iron Harvester 1x Food Harvester Reversed
11 30x Large Bone - Was Crude Iron
12 2x Medium Iron Bundle 1x Medium Food Bundle Reversed
13 5x Loot Tickets -
14 2x 1* Green Trainer Hero 1x 1* Green Trainer Hero Was Red
15 100x Valhall Coins -
16 2x Medium Food Bundle 1x Medium Iron Bundle Reversed
17 1x Raid Flask -
18 30x Rogue Emblem 30x Rogue Emblem Was Ranger
19 10x Challenge Coin -
20 300x Gems 100x Gems
21 3x Grey Summon Token -
22 2x Medium Iron Bundle 1x Medium Food Bundle Reversed
23 20x Metal Ores - Was Crypt Mushroom
24 2x 2* Green Trainer hero 1x 2* Green Trainer hero Was Red
25 1x Recruit Harvester - Was Item Harvester
26 2x Medium Food Bundle 1x Medium Iron Bundle Reversed
27 10x Turtle Banner - Was Bear Banner
28 30x Rogue Emblems 30x Rogue Emblems Was Ranger
29 1x Raid Flask -
30 10x Loot Tickets 5x Loot Tickets
31 10x Grimoire Dust - Was Midnight Root
32 2x Large Iron Bundle 1x Large Food Bundle Reversed
33 200x Valhalla Coins -
34 1x Orb of Magic 1x Sturdy Shield * Premium was Sturdy Shield
* Free was Hidden Blade
35 10x Meteor Fragments - Was Dragon Bone
36 2x Large Food Bundle 1x Large Iron Bundle Reversed
37 5x Miracle Revive Scroll - Was Super Mana Potion
38 2x 3* Green Trainer Hero 1x 3* Green Trainer hero Was Red
39 3x WE Flasks -
40 2x Giant Iron Bundle 1x Giant Food Bundle Reversed
41 20x Challenge Coin -
42 5x Hunter’s Caltrops 2x Hunters Caltrop’s Was Scroll of Alteration
43 1x 4* Green Trainer hero - Was Red
44 2x Giant Food Bundle 1x Giant Iron Bundle Reversed
45 5x Time Freeze - Was Panacea
46 100x Rogue Emblems 50x Rogue Emblems Was Ranger
47 Item Harvester - Was Recruit Harvester
48 1x Mysterious Tonic 1x Poisoned Darts * Premium was Mystic Rings
* Free was Mysterious Tonic
49 Omnia Harvester -
50 Frosth Avatar (LINK TO BETA) Yang Mai Avatar (LINK TO BETA)

:crossed_swords: Challenges

Path of Valor has two kinds of Challenges, Daily, and Valor.

Valor Challenges run for the entire 50 days of Path of Valor, and have tiers. As you complete each tier, the next tier unlocks.

Daily Challenges refresh every 24 hours, and don’t have tiers. Once you complete them, they’re done for the day.

:calendar: Daily Challenges

I will not be adding this section from PoV8 onwards (takes up too much time for too little value). You can check back on the Daily Challenges on PREVIOUS PoV’s if you need to as there have not been any new additions for quite a while.

Links to previous PoV’s are below.

:person_fencing: Valor Challenges

Defeat Titan

Tier Titan Kills Needed Valor points
1 5 kills +300
2 6 kills +450
3 7 kills +750
4 8 kills +1300
5 9 kills + 2200
Tier 5 (V) is the final tier; Total Kills = 35 Kills; Total Valor Points = 5,000

Complete Daily Challenges

Tier Daily Tasks Valor Points
1 3 Dailies +50
2 6 Dailies +75
3 7 Dailies +100
4 8 Dailies +150
5 12 Dailies +225
6 15 Dailies +375
7 18 Dailies +550
8 21 Dailies +750
9 27 Dailies +1100
10 30 Dailies +1625
Tier X (10) is the final tier; Total Daily Challenges = 147 (of 150 total); Total Valor Points = 5,000

Attack in War

Tier Description Points
1 Attack 6 times in Alliance War 375
2 Attack 12 times in Alliance Wars 800
3 Attack 18 times in Alliance Wars 1425
4 Attack 24 times in Alliance Wars 2400
Tier IV (4) is the final stage. Total War Attacks = 60; Total Valor Points = 5,000.

Defeat Heroes

Note: Heroes defeated in either Regular Raids or in Raid Tournament battles both count toward the Defeat Heroes Valor Challenge.

Tier Description Points
1 Defeat 50 Enemy Heroes in Raids 375
2 Defeat 100 Enemy Heroes in Raids 800
3 Defeat 200 Enemy Heroes in Raids 1425
4 Defeat 300 Enemy Heroes in Raids 2400
Tier IV (4) is the final stage. Total Defeated Enemy Heroes = 650; Total Valor Points = 5,000

Gain Experience

Tier Required EXP Valor Rewards
1 2,000 +250
2 5,000 +350
3 10,000 +600
4 25,000 +900
5 65,000 +1200
6 150,000 +1700
Tier VI (6) is the final stage; Total Valor Points = 5,000; Total Experience Needed = 257,000 exp

Summon Heroes or Troops

Tier Summons Req Valor Points
1 5x Heroes / Troops +50
2 10x Heroes / Troops +75
3 15x Heroes / Troops +100
4 20x Heroes / Troops +150
5 25x Heroes / Troops +225
6 30x Heroes / Troops +375
7 35x Heroes / Troops +550
8 40x Heroes / Troops +750
9 45x Heroes / Troops +1100
10 50x Heroes / Troops +1625
Tier X (10) is the final tier; Total summons = 275; Total Valor Points = 5,000

:money_mouth_face: Valor Pass Pricing in Each Region

=> Please see: Valor Pass Price - Global Currency List 🌍

:goal_net: Milestone Valor Point Requirements

=> Please see: Path of Valor Milestone Point Costs

:question: Question…?

Got a question not answered in this post? Have a read of @guvnor’s FAQs for the Path of Valor.

If you still haven’t got an answer post it here :slight_smile:

:newspaper: Official Announcements

:link: Related Threads

Previous PoV Discussion Threads:

Beta Threads:


let’s maybe kick off the discussion by reminding everyone to upgrade their barracks now, in the interim between PoVs. because there are more than three troop related challenges and you can’t miss more than three dailies and still finish the dailies challenge.



Predictions to the emblems and ascension mats?

Maybe tonic and darts ?

Emblems should be Rogue, as they go in alphabetical order. No idea what mats will be featured though.

As @Yarthan says, it will likely be tonic (premium) and darts (free).

Emblems are rogue.

Trainers are green.

Premium is Tonic & Orb
Free is Darts and Shield.


Great!! I have at least 20 of each of those in my inventory. Sadly, no good heroes worthy for them. I might pull the trigger and ascend 2nd Joon and costume, both versions already at 3/70, and 2nd Evelyn. What I am low at is the telescopes, currently only 14.

Nice to see that they finally made the female avatar (May’s Yang Mai) the free one


Also nice to see they lowered the difficulty bar on the challenges.

Probably financial losses from previous PoV made SG come to their senses.


Meanwhile Frosth looks like Edward from Twilight.

1 Like

Thank you for the response to my comment! Nice to see the female avatar for free!


Since it has gone live, approx when might we expect this section to be up? Thank you in advance for working on it and sharing. Much appreciated.

The bigger Valor challenges look to be the same as POV 6. You can see their point distribution in this thread - 🧭 Sixth Path of Valor (Valour; PoV6) Log and Discussion – Starts Nov 23

The daily challenges I guess will be updated live

This is the one circulating on Line …



I can’t believe the thieves from SG put summons to POV again (3rd time in a row). not only they reduced the time of POV occurrence, it seems that summons are now just permanent part of POV so basically you’re forced to complete all the other tasks (given you won’t have enough tokens to complete it every other month). congrats SG - you manage to take a fun out of everything you create - even from the good ideas…


It is within reach, if you have VIP and have planned ahead a bit (collecting silver tokens).

Even if you can’t complete the last summon challenge, it’s only 1625 points. At least they lowered the difficulty bar on all other challenges, thus completing them, even with 25% dailies missed, should give you 48th milestone which is the important one.


F2P here and i don’t really see the problem.


619 in what timeframe if you’re F2P (not even VIP which is not free btw). are you able to gather 619 in one month?

you need 275 heroes in 45 days that’s 6 tokens a day if you’re F2P I wonder how you get so many please let me know I would like to have the same