šŸ§Ŗ Early Information on Superior Talents for Season 1 heroes [Part of The Beta Beat v51]

same thought crossed my mindā€¦ after all, thatā€™s what happened with costumes :frowning:

@PlayForFun do we know if these are rolling out with v52 in a week or so?

It will only arrive in November:


Hope they donā€™t nerf it before release. No need. S1 are currently crap

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Probably in v53 at the end of November?

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Thanks! I probably read that and it didnā€™t actually get to my brainā€¦

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I am unsure. We will see :slight_smile:

Staff can turn it on any time they want in a ā€œbalance updateā€.


The problem will be when they roll it out to other families too. It will happen. Remember when costumes were just for S1?


For the family bonus, I am sure they technically can in the current state of the game.
For the Superior talent, I am not so sure, at least not on v51. v52 could indeed ship with Superior talent support built in the game but not enabled yet until November.

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Oh, yeah. Thatā€™s my fear too. And many people spoke about it in other topic as well.

They ALWAYS ruin good things they add in the game because of the greed. Itā€™s unbelievable.

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Believe it. This is more of a slot machine than a video game.

From our perspective, itā€™s greed/uncalled for/etc. From a business perspective, especially a f2p micro transaction video game, it makes sense.


After superior talents S1 will stop being the bottom of the barrel. That distinction will go to Sand Empire heroes (who also have the misfortune of not having the best costume bonus).
So if superior talents are ever extended, the sand empire will probably be the gateway, just like it happened with costumes.

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Sand empires heroes just need a buff in their special skills, simple and plain. Their family bonus is also stupid.

They will probably receive a passive too since Vampires received. Then ok.

Season 1 are the only ones that need that kind (superior talents) of further buff. Theyā€™re ignored for ages. And their family bonus will be useless (if released like it was in beta).

so now that these are about to go live, who else is embleming up their key S1s to get access to their Superior Talents?

Iā€™m carefully reviewing the vanillas I have to see whom I use the most, who is close (at +18 or +19) and where I have excess emblems to spendā€¦


My 4* healers are already at 20. I added the last node, if it wasnā€™t already in place.

Not using many S1 3/4/5* now. Those in use are mostly at 19 already. Should be adding on node 20 if I have spare emblems.


I have a few still stuck at +18/++19, so I am thinkingā€¦ some Superior Talents seem better than others. on the flip side, I have lots of excess Barbarian, Paladin and Sorcerer emblems while high competition for Monks, Wizard, Rogue and Ranger soā€¦

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The main heroes I have not taken to +20
Are rogues and rangers. Cb Lianna, cb Domitia, c Elena are all hoping for another node. So is c Rigard. Viv is only at +15, so there are some clerical decisions to make!

Edit: have we gotten confirmation that the superior talents will be the same as posted in this thread? My D is very excited, especially super tanky ccKhagan waiting for 500 hp minions when you sneeze at him.


Think I will wait till it is forced and then see the live upgraded Superior Talent before I decide who gets scarce emblems.

Those whose superior talent is not as ā€œworthyā€, I may hold off on pushing to 20.


It seems strange that the update description did not say what they are!


I was thinking of getting them ready too but then it just occurred to me that I donā€™t have a single S1 hero ascended, so I realised I canā€™t even enjoy this feature :sweat_smile: