🧪 Early Information on Master Emblems, Master Talents and Superior Master Talents [Part of The Beta Beat v67]

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This thread is to provide early insights and discussion on the initial release of the Master Emblems, Master Talents and Superior Master Talents.

Don’t get too attached

Details from Beta, especially brand-new Beta content, don’t tend to be very reliable for actual release.

It’s incredibly common that features are changed during Beta testing, or sometimes even after testing but before release. That is, after all, the purpose of Beta testing.

So I wouldn’t get too attached to any of this — it’s not unheard of for entire portions of features to be removed or reworked, or for radical changes to functionality to be made.

Master Emblems

Master Emblems can be used to further emblem your heroes with 5 additional levels, which is unlocked if your hero is already has 20 emblems.
There is a specific Master Emblem for each existing Hero class.

Master Emblems can be acquired from Master Class Trial Quest.

Other the Master Class Trial Quest itself as per information from Staff it will be added as a loot to orher various sources. These sources are not shared with us by Staff.

Master Emblem nodes can be substituted by Golden Emblems like normal talent nodes.
Similarly to Golden Emblems, Master Class Emblems will not be returned when the Talent Grid is reset.

The new talent nodes give Stat boost, and when you reach the 25th node, then your non season 1 hero will get a Master Talent, and Season 1 heroes are getting Superior Master Talent.

See the desripton of these Master and Superior Master Talents in the next sections.

Master Talent Layout

Here is the Layout for Master Talent nodes.

Master Talent Node Costs

Each new talent node gives these stat boosts at the bellow cost.
Each node cost food, iron and class specific Emblems and Master Emblems for the specific class.

Click here for Talent Node costs
Stat Boost Food Cost Iron Cost Emblem Cost Master Emblem Cost
21A +50 Attack 20K 20K 1 1
21B +60 Defense 20K 20K 1 1
22A +50 Attack 20K 20K 1 1
22B +60 Defense 20K 20K 1 1
23 +90 +50 Health 20K 20K 1 1
24A +50 Attack 20K 20K 1 1
24B +60 Defense 20K 20K 1 1
25 +90 +50 Health 20K 20K 1 1
21A +50 Attack 35K 35K 10 1
21B +60 Defense 35K 35K 10 1
22A +50 Attack 35K 35K 10 1
22B +60 Defense 35K 35K 10 1
23 +90 +50 Health 35K 35K 10 1
24A +50 Attack 35K 35K 10 1
24B +60 Defense 35K 35K 10 1
25 +90 +50 Health 35K 35K 10 1
21A +50 Attack 80K 80K 30 1
21B +60 Defense 80K 80K 30 1
22A +50 Attack 80K 80K 30 1
22B +60 Defense 80K 80K 30 1
23 +90 +50 Health 80K 80K 30 1
24A +50 Attack 80K 80K 30 1
24B +60 Defense 80K 80K 30 1
25 +90 +50 Health 80K 80K 30 1
21A +50 Attack 200K 200K 50 5
21B +60 Defense 200K 200K 50 5
22A +50 Attack 200K 200K 50 5
22B +60 Defense 200K 200K 50 5
23 +90 +50 Health 200K 200K 50 5
24A +50 Attack 200K 200K 50 5
24B +60 Defense 200K 200K 50 5
25 +90 +50 Health 200K 200K 50 5
21A +50 Attack 600K 600K 100 10
21B +60 Defense 600K 600K 100 10
22A +50 Attack 600K 600K 100 10
22B +60 Defense 600K 600K 100 10
23 +90 +50 Health 600K 600K 100 10
24A +50 Attack 600K 600K 100 10
24B +60 Defense 600K 600K 100 10
25 +90 +50 Health 600K 600K 100 10

Master Talents and Superior Master Talents

When a Season 1 heroes and costumes receive his/her 25th Talent node, then that hero gets the Superior Master Talent while other heroes get Master Talent

I have highlighted with green the changes in the new Master Talents compared to regular ones.

Click for talent skill description details
Talent type
Talent Description
Regular (20th node) Wound
After any normal attack, +30% chance to active the following effects:
  • Deal 60% of the damage done by normal attack over 5 turns. If target aleady has this ailment, the previous ailment’s remaining damage is added to the new ailment as additional damage.
  • Master (25th node) Master Wound
    After any normal attack, +30% chance to active the following effects:
  • Deal 80% of the damage done by normal attack over 5 turns. If target aleady has this ailment, the previous ailment’s remaining damage is added to the new ailment as additional damage.
  • Superior (20th node) Superior Wound
    After any normal attack, +50% chance to active the following effects:
  • Deal 60% of the damage done by normal attack over 5 turns. If target aleady has this ailment, the previous ailment’s remaining damage is added to the new ailment as additional damage.
  • This character gets +30% attack for 3 turns.
  • Superior Master (20th node) Superior Master Wound
    After any normal attack, +50% chance to active the following effects:
  • Deal 80% of the damage done by normal attack over 5 turns. If target aleady has this ailment, the previous ailment’s remaining damage is added to the new ailment as additional damage.
  • This character gets +30% attack for 3 turns.
  • Cleric
    Regular (20th node) Manashield
    +35% chance to resist negative mana effects and effects that prevent use of Special Skill.
    Master (25th node) Master Manashield
    +35% chance to resist negative mana effects and effects that prevent use of Special Skill. If effects were resisted the followiing effects are also activated:
  • This character recovers 10% health.
  • Superior (20th node) Superior Manashield
    +60% chance to resist negative mana reductions and reflect negative mana effects and effects that prevent use of Special Skill.
    Superior Master (25th node) Superior Manashield
    +60% chance to resist negative mana reductions and reflect negative mana effects and effects that prevent use of Special Skill.If effects were resisted or reflected the followiing effects are also activated:
  • This character recovers 10% health.
  • Druid
    Regular (20th node) Companion
    If this character received any damage by the end of enemy turn, +15% chance to activate the following effects:
  • Summon a Thorn Minion with 15% health and 15% attack.
  • Master (25th node) Master Companion
    If this character received any damage by the end of enemy turn, +15% chance to activate the following effects:
  • Summon a Thorn Minion with 25% health and 25% attack.
  • Superior (20th node) Superior Companion
    If this character received any damage by the end of enemy turn, +20% chance to activate the following effects:
  • Summon a Thorn Minion with 20% health and 20% attack.
  • Superior Master (25th node) Superior Master Companion
    If this character received any damage by the end of enemy turn, +20% chance to activate the following effects:
  • Summon a Thorn Minion with 30% health and 30% attack.
  • Fighter
    Regular (20th node) Revive
    When receiving a fatal attack, +30% chance to revive at the end of the turn.
    Master (25th node) Master Revive
    When receiving a fatal attack, +30% chance to revive at the end of the turn. If revived, the following effects are also activated:
  • This character gets 25% attack for 2 turns.
  • Superior (20th node) Superior Revive
    When receiving a fatal attack, +35% chance to revive at the end of the turn. If revived, the following effects are also activated:
  • This character gains 50% mana.
  • Superior Master (25th node) Superior Master Revive
    When receiving a fatal attack, +35% chance to revive at the end of the turn. If revived, the following effects are also activated:
  • This character gains 50% mana.
  • This character gets 25% attack for 2 turns.
  • Monk
    Regular (20th node) Withstand
    +30% chance to resist negative status effects.
    Master (25th node) Master Withstand
    +30% chance to resist negative status effects. If status ailments were resisted, the following effects are also activated:
  • Cleanses the newest status ailment from this character.
  • Superior (20th node) Superior Withstand
    +50% chance to resist negative status effects. If status ailments were resisted, the following effects are also activated:
  • This character deals 100% damage to the attacker.
  • Superior Master (25th node) Superior Master Withstand
    +50% chance to resist negative status effects. If status ailments were resisted, the following effects are also activated:
  • This character deals 100% damage to the attacker.
  • Cleanses the newest status ailment from this character.
  • Paladin
    Regular (20th node) Protect
    If this character received any damage by the end of enemy turn, +25% chance to activate the following affect:
  • This character get +25% defense for 2 turns.
  • Master (25th node) Master Protect
    If this character received any damage by the end of enemy turn, +25% chance to activate the following affect:
  • This character and nearby allies get +25% defense for 2 turns.
  • Superior (20th node) Superior Protect
    If this character received any damage by the end of enemy turn, +50% chance to activate the following affect:
  • This character get +25% defense for 2 turns.
  • This character and nearby allies recover 10% health.
  • Superior Master (25th node) Superior Master Protect
    If this character received any damage by the end of enemy turn, +50% chance to activate the following affect:
  • This characterand nearby allies get +25% defense for 2 turns.
  • This character and nearby allies recover 10% health.
  • Ranger
    Regular (20th node) Pierce
    +25% chance to bypass defensive buffs including counterattacks.
    Master (25th node) Master Pierce
    +25% chance to bypass defensive buffs including counterattacks. If buffs were bypassed, the following effects are also activated:
  • The target gets -20% defense for 3 turns.
  • Superior (20th node) Superior Pierce
    +60% chance to bypass defensive buffs including counterattacks. If buffs were bypassed, the following effects are also activated:
  • The target gets X bleed damage over 3 turns .
  • Superior Master (25th node) Superior Master Pierce
    +60% chance to bypass defensive buffs including counterattacks. If buffs were bypassed, the following effects are also activated:
  • The target gets X bleed damage over 3 turns .
  • The target gets -20% defense for 3 turns.
  • Rogue
    Regular (20th node) Evade
    +20% chance to dodge Special Skill damage.
    Master (25tth node) Master Evade
    +20% chance to dodge Special Skill damage. If damage was dodged, the following effects are also activated.
  • This character deals 50% damage to the attacker.
  • Suprerior (20th node) Superior Evade
    +30% chance to dodge Special Skill damage. If damage was dodged, the following effects are also activated.
  • This character and nearby allies get +15% chance to dodge Special Skills for 3 turns.
  • Suprerior Master (25th node) Superior Master Evade
    +30% chance to dodge Special Skill damage. If damage was dodged, the following effects are also activated.
  • This character and nearby allies get +15% chance to dodge Special Skills for 3 turns.
  • This character deals 50% damage to the attacker.
  • Sorcerer
    Regular (20th node) Delay
    If this character dealt any damage by the end of its turn, +15% chance to activate the following effects:
  • Drop the mana generation of the target by -50% for 2 turns.
  • Master (25th node) Master Delay
    If this character dealt any damage by the end of its turn, +15% chance to activate the following effects:
  • Drop the mana generation of the target by -50% for 2 turns.
  • The target gets -20% attack for 2 turns.
  • Superior (20th node) Superior Delay
    If this character dealt any damage by the end of its turn, +60% chance to activate the following effects:
  • Drop the mana generation of the target by -50% for 2 turns.
  • Superior Master (25th node) Superior Master Delay
    If this character dealt any damage by the end of its turn, +60% chance to activate the following effects:
  • Drop the mana generation of the target by -50% for 2 turns.
  • The target gets -20% attack for 2 turns.
  • Wizard
    Regular (20th node) Jinx
    When dealing damage through normal attacks and Special Skills, +25% chance to deal +15% extra damage per each active buff.
    Master (25th node) Master Jinx
    When dealing damage through normal attacks and Special Skills, +25% chance to deal +25% extra damage per each active buff.
    Superior (20th node) Superior Jinx
    When dealing damage through normal attacks and Special Skills, +50% chance to deal +15% extra damage per each active buff. Before dealing the extra damage, the following effects are also activated:
  • Dispel all active buffs from the target before damage is dealt.
  • Superior Master (25th node) Superior Master Jinx
    When dealing damage through normal attacks and Special Skills, +50% chance to deal +25% extra damage per each active buff. Before dealing the extra damage, the following effects are also activated:
  • Dispel all active buffs from the target before damage is dealt.

  • :mantelpiece_clock: Beta Updates

    • April 04, 2024 – added for first look testing.
    • April 30, 2024 – Health nodes give +50 health instead of +90. Food and Iron cost is added for 1 and 2 star heroes.

    :link: Related Threads


    Thanks for the info. The master for fighter says 20th node.


    Thx, I have fixed this.

    1 Like

    Thanks for the info!

    Sigh… as I noted on another thread, I find it a bit boring and annoying, to work on heroes I already moved to +20, and LBed, and… ah well

    The stronger (in my roster) will get stronger, while others will be left behind, only to come out in, say, late 3 kingdom war teams , or farming, or as fodder for earlier Tower levels :stuck_out_tongue:

    Also annoying: I deliberately left the +19/+20 nodes of some of my heroes. Proteus for example - don’t care to boost his attack with the +20, as I focus on survival for him. So if I want to get his master nodes, I need to give him the +20 :confused:


    I’m glad they’re paying attention to threads like this one… The Game Dynamics are Too Complicated Now

    Sure having 4 different skills for each class (regular, master, superior and master superior) is nice and simple for new players to get their heads around as is having to find ascension materials, aethers, alpha aethers, emblems and master emblems to fully max out a hero. Nice and straightforward.


    Before long defence heroes will become literally unkillable. The toon costumes are bad enough already, this will be the final nail in the coffin


    Thanks for your hard work @PlayForFun
    Btw, i may miss it , but i could not see the information whether the golden emblem can replace the new 21-25 nodes or not. Could golden emblem be used here?

    Sorry found it!

    1 Like

    Saw the thread about “Master Class Trials” and thought we’d get a “middle/grey” class trial that gave master trainers every stage… before also seeing this thread and realizing we’re now “limit breaking” talents for all heroes and future heroes dumped in the game.

    Be sure to add a silver token and 100 food and 100 iron.


    Currently we can see so many superpower teams, TP6xxx, in raid and war upon the issue of LB/LB2/Legendary troop. I am certain that the master talent will definitely kill F2P more. I find difficulties to compete in diamond arena these days due to so many superpower teams. Maybe SG should consider issuing a new arena, Grand Diamond, for those whales.


    Might be time for me to join team-“enough already”.


    Yeah. I stop at 19 for some cos that critical node doesn’t do much since I don’t use crit troops.

    That’s at least 125 emblems under the “impending new system”. I will wait till Zynga releases the update and when I have enough master emblems to go beyond 20.

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    Also, it will take time to emblem all the heroes. I’ll probably start master embleming heroes who are already lb2… and most of those in my roster are +20 anyway.

    But indeed, will wait and see before I actually +20 any heroes I haven’t been intending to


    I agree and that is my hugest problem with the game right now. Its making the game unfun when I am unable to kill sooooooo many defenses.(even with a big roster)

    IMO they need to either nerf defense or buff offense in a way that makes one shot teams much more possible like how it was ages ago (well maybe not AS much because it was TOO easy at one point but its wayyyyyyyy too much hard right now).

    I think everyone will be more happy and mire importantly less frustrated with an easier time taking down defenses. Sure its a team building game but its still a gem matching game and being able to male good matches and winning is often not possible or completely unlikely no matter the board.

    Sure scores will tend higher bit i dont think it would kill the competitive side of the game if offensive become stronger and defenses weaker to make wars/raids/battles more fun. Especially war imo(so even if its only applied to that it would be nice).


    Did aether reset token give back master emblems?
    (Bcz it gives back golden emblems)
    And what about regular superior talents?
    Will they still exist?

    I don’t understand why we have to keep making already insane heroes stronger. Toons on defense are already crazy. What is a master superior talent going to add to that? I love this game and have for 7 years, so it feels really crappy to see so many people upset with it and wanting to leave… but it’s going to get to that point with me. We need other improvements and QoL updates! Not stronger heroes. I just don’t understand.


    They have just it will not be returned by normal Reset Emblems:
    "Similarly to Golden Emblems, Master Class Emblems will not be returned when the Talent Grid is reset "

    Golden Emblems are returned by Aether Reset Token. So I guess Master Emblems will returned too.

    Ps: Right now both the Reset Emblems and Aether Reset Tokens are returning the Master Emblems, but Staff said that is just for smoother testing purpose.


    Have we heard anything if aether resets will ever be available in the game?


    They are available in the game (I have 3 in my inventory)
    Here’s what we’ve heard


    Right, I was just wondering if we ever heard anything else other than what they originally said there. Basically if they were available in any other form, other than the 3 they gifted us back when they did. I could definitely use them now considering how much things have changed since aethers first became available.
    Thanks for the info!

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    There will be an even wider gap between Whales and Humans.
    Whales will buy everything on the first day, they will build a defense which is literally invincible.
    And what is waiting for the other players? You pull a hero in January and finish all of the ascensions, emblems, etc, somewhere in December - if you are lucky to get everything you need.
    When you finished your shiny new hero, you will realise that the new monster hero released in december, have better stats at 1/0, than your fully ascended and emblemed hero…