đŸ§Ș Early Information on Superior Talents for Season 1 heroes [Part of The Beta Beat v51]

For me they’re ready to go. Secondary costumes being too dangerous? I don’t think so.

If season 1 heroes are getting better, I bet a 1000% damage to all Fast hero is coming soon. Khufu already can wipe an entire team at slow, guardian Panther costume half kills everyone at fast. Is marjana that dangerous with 30% evade chance? Nah.

If you’re concerned about tournaments
 Why not put season 1 heroes back to it?! They are basically unusable anymore. If you are using them, all you can do is hope for a very good board or else you’re just DEAD.

Also, not everybody will put emblems on season 1 heroes, mostly c2p and f2p.

This update is the by far the best and most fair update in maybe the entire game history. Everything S1 heroes had to offer was the costume bonus that now was stolen by the greed and sent to event heroes too.

S1 heroes are too slow for what they do, they have ridiculously low stats, they can be countered by most non S1 4 stars and even some 3 stars (treevil for example is better than Quintus, sartana and obakan together).

The only thing id change about this is Zynga to add a note promising they won’t release this feature for non S1 heroes as well. Because they love to ruin things by letting overpowered heroes being even more overpowered.


Just wait on lb troops😂.


I was
 But i went and used all of my dark troops on a magic hero.

Painfully succinct and accurate.

I wanted to argue with this, but sadly, I’m not sure I can. Obakan +20 was a BIG disappointment for me.

Agree, but I don’t think it will happen. Anybody can see how super-easy it would be to flip a switch and make this effective for non-S1 heroes. The only hope is the fact that it likely wouldn’t generate that much income for them. Whales are already buying up all the emblem offers without this feature.


I didn’t see this in the v51 release notes. I would assume this means that this will be in later beta’s again? (or did I completely miss it in the notes)

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Neither was season 1 family bonus nor the Monster Island event.
I guess they want more testing to happen on those.
Monster Island came with beta 2 but it’s a rather big new event.
Season 1 family bonus and superior talents just came with beta 3, again too short testing I presume.
Beta 4 was just the final beta to check everything is OK before release with just minor additions (balance and a few new heroes, covenant quest update which was already under test during v50 beta, no new game play mechanic addition like superior talent is).


I have asked Staff what will happen with this Superior Talents and S1 Family bonus.
I am still waiting for their answer.

Maybe they will annonce them in a balance change once everyone on V51 ?
We will see :slight_smile:


I may end up keeping my Sha Ji +20 longer than expected, with that reflecting Manashield even for a 2 star. Haha. No attack to speak of, but defense more like a 3 star.


This is great! Is is possible to limit break a 2-star?


Unfortunatelly no :frowning:

I have tried it earlier :frowning:


I was getting excited about Superior Delay for sorcerers, but now I am worried for them
 if a sorcerer with superior delay fights against a cleric with reflecting Manashield, I am afraid the sorcerer’s delay would often reflect back from tile damage on offense or slash attacks on defense. What do you think?

Then the secret plan for Uber-Needler is ruined! :laughing:

Not something I had considered, but it sounds pretty plausible. I definitely think the cleric super-talent is among the most desirable, if not the outright most desirable, and I have already taken several of my S1 clerics from +18 to +20 in anticipation. (I had a glut of cleric emblems anyway.) I can already envision the griping I’ll be doing when one of them throws my Onatel’s mana steal back at her. Fortunately, I don’t think I’ll be seeing that many S1s at the level where I typically raid anyway, so maybe I’m making a mountain out of a molehill.

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Can’t wait for a buffed aife to screw me over


She is dangerous, but I just had Layla at +20 earlier :frowning:

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How is the wizard class skill going to work when they inevitably give these abilities to non-S1 heroes
 it’s effectively giving Zeline a double dispel, which I suppose is good for taunters

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when does the new talent arrive?

thank you


I am wondering about when offense and defense both have reflecting Manashield —maybe for example with Hansel’s special skill blocking mana reduction, when Hansel’s skill gets reflected would Hansel then have a chance of reflecting the skill back to the defense? The mana reduction could bounce back and forth several times between the reflectors until one of them fails to execute the superior talent.

I doubt it. I think the game is coded so that you don’t get this ping-pong effect. I mean imagine both sides with Ursena’s yellow reflect up. One side uses cVivica to def down/dispel, it’ll likely reflect and the casting side would suffer the def down/dispel and that’s the end of it. Note, that is what I think would happen, not that I’ve ever been in that situation.

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Is the dispell portion of wizards subject to the 50% probability to trigger? Or does it always trigger when dealing damage?

Just wait for a buffed Dawa +20 lb😂

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