🧪 Early Information on Shadows of the Deep Quest [Part of The Beta Beat v69]

NOTE: Please do not, under any circumstances, share IMAGES OR VIDEOS from Beta in this or any public Forum thread. Violations can cause players to lose their Beta accounts, or threads to be closed down.

This thread is to provide early insights and discussion on the Shadows of the Deep Quest and Shadow Summon.

Don’t get too attached

Details from Beta, especially brand-new Beta content, don’t tend to be very reliable for actual release.

It’s incredibly common that features are changed during Beta testing, or sometimes even after testing but before release. That is, after all, the purpose of Beta testing.

So I wouldn’t get too attached to any of this — it’s not unheard of for entire portions of features to be removed or reworked, or for radical changes to functionality to be made.

The Shadows of the Deep Quest

The Quest has two parts.
You can not start the second part until you have finished the first part.
Each part has a different Special rule, and both of them have 6 levels.
Each level can be played once.

The event heroes (Shadow + Secret heroes) have a stat bonus if they are used on the quest:
+25% attack, +25% defense, +25% health.

Part I Special Stage Rule: Sanity Restoration

Sanity Restoration is filled after 5 usage of the Special Skill.

Part II Special Stage Rule: Eldritch Power

Eldritch Power is filled after 5 usage of the Special Skill.

Insanity description

Eldritch Signs

If you match 4 shields of the same element, then the shiled is turned into Eldritch Signs.
When an Eldritch Signs is matched a random Hero receives 100 HP.

Insanity is lowered by 10 each time a Hero is healed by Eldritch Signs.

Charged Eldritch Signs

If you match 5 shields or more of the same element, then the shiled is turned into Charged Eldritch Signs /
When an Charged Eldritch Signs is matched all Heroes receive 200 HP.

Insanity is lowered by 10 each time a Hero is healed by Eldritch Signs.

Eldritch Horror

Your heroes are turn into this once the Eldritch Power indicator is full, and your activate it.

The mana speed of an Eldritch Horror is Very Fast.
Attack is increased to 200% in this form.
Defense is increased to 150% in this form.

Special Skill: Eldritch Slash

  • Deals 1000% damage to the target.
  • Heals all allies for 20% of the damage dealt.

Part 1 Stages

Stage WE Recommended TP Wave Enemies Bosses Reward
1 4 1800 3 Devout of the Deep (G), Devout of the Deep (Y) Devout of the Deep (Y) *2, Dolores (Y). Devout of the Deep (G) * 2 5 Shadow Coins
2 4 2200 3 Devout of the Deep (G), Devout of the Deep (Y) Devout of the Deep (Y) *2, Omen (R). Devout of the Deep (N) * 2 5 Shadow Coins
3 5 2600 3 Devout of the Deep (G), Devout of the Deep (Y) Devout of the Deep (Y) *2, Dolores (Y). Devout of the Deep (N) * 2 5 Shadow Coins
4 5 3000 3 Devout of the Deep (G), Devout of the Deep (Y) Devout of the Deep (Y) *2, Secret Hero II(B). Devout of the Deep (N) * 2 10 Shadow Coins
5 6 3400 3 Devout of the Deep (G), Devout of the Deep (Y) Dolores (Y), Atwood (G) 10 Shadow Coins
6 6 3600 3 Devout of the Deep (G), Devout of the Deep (Y) Omen (R), Secret Hero II (B) 15 Shadow Coins

Total: 30 WE, 50 Shadow Coins

Part 2 Stages

Stage WE Recommended TP Wave Enemies Bosses Reward
1 7 4000 3 Choollo Pod (P), Swawn of the Old Ones (Y) Swawn of the Old Ones (Y) *2, Shoggo (P). Choollo Pod (P) * 2 20 Shadow Coins
2 7 4200 3 Choollo Pod (P), Devout of the Deep (G) Choollo Pod (P) *2, Omen (R). Shoggoth (P) * 2 20 Shadow Coins
3 8 4600 3 Devout of the Deep (Y), Swawn of the Old Ones (Y) Swawn of the Old Ones (Y) *2, Secret Hero II (B). Swawn of the Old Ones (Y) * 2 20 Shadow Coins
4 8 5000 3 Shoggoth (P), Swawn of the Old Ones (Y) Shoggoth (P) *2, Melancholia (P). Choollo Pod (P) * 2 25 Shadow Coins
5 9 5400 3 Swawn of the Old One (Y), Choollo Pod (P) Omen (R), Secret Hero II (B), Shoggo (P) 30 Shadow Coins
6 10 5600 3 Swawn of the Old One (Y), Choollo Pod (P) Melancholia (P), Secret Hero II (B), Omen (R) 35 Shadow Coins

Total: 49 WE, 150 Shadow Coins

Grand Total of Part 1 + 2 = 79 WE, 200 Shadow Coins

Enemy Informaiton

All enemies has a Special Skill.

Name Element Skill
Devout of the Deep Yellow - Deals 200% damage and inflicts 10 Insanity to all enemies.
Devout of the Deep Green - Deals 350% damage and inflicts 30 Insanity to the target.
Choollo Pod Purple - Inflicts 25 Insanity to all enemies.
- All allies receive a small amount of mana over 4 turns.
Swawn of the Old Ones Yellow - Deals 400% damage and inflicts 30 Insanity to the target.
- The target receives 318 Bleed damage over 3 turns.
Shoggoth Purple - Deals 300% damage and inflitcs 20 Insanity to the target and nearby enemies.

Guides Created by @birksg

Old guide

Thanks @birksg

Shadow Summon

In V73 the Shadow Summon has arrived.

Rare Hero: 63.9%
Epic Hero: 23.7%
Legendary Hero: 1.6%

Rare Event Hero: 7.1%
Epic Event Hero: 2.8%
Legendary Event Hero 0.5%

Legendary Featured Hero 0.4%

For each summoned Legendary Hero, you get 3 bonus draws, each with a 20% chance to get another Legendary Hero.

Legendary Hero of the Month: 1.3%

Triple Chance Bonus

Featured heroes

  • Omen
  • Hunter
  • Atwood

Summon Cost

  • 1x Summon: 450 Gems or 100 Shadow Coins
  • 10x Summon: 3900 Gems.

List of Available heroes:

This Summon includes Investigator and Cultist Family Heroes previously released via Secret Summon, and no Classic Heroes, and some selected event heroes

Origin Legendary Heroes Epic Heroes Rare Heroes
Alliance Quest Heroes Bearnadette, Milady de Winter - Felton
Challenge Event Heroes Februus, Finley C, Firmin Richard, Fortuna, Jana, Senan C, Umbria Cillian, Fosco, Guardian Jackal C, Hansel C, Kalø Treevil, Vodnik
HOTM Onatel, Reuben - -
Season 3 Norns C Shadereave -
Season 4 Phileas Fogg C, Prof Lidenbrock C, Xnolphod C Griffin C, Zila Lei C -
Seasonal Events - - Goopy
Shadow Heroes Abigail, Atwood, Dolores, Hunter, Melancholia, Omen, Rashan, Zavinia Shoggo Cthuwu
Slime Heroes Mucktus - -
Super Elemental Heroes Gastille, Zaria Lexi -
Tower Events ChristĂłbal - Kornel
Untold Tales - Shar’Khai -

For a full list of items currently in Beta testing, as well as their related threads, please see:


Looks fun, also good that it gives 200 coins instead of 180. Like Cthulhu theme.


The quest runs over 4 days, which is a nice way to deal with WE crunch when other events happen.

I was able to auto play part 1 easily. Part 2 I barely made it past the first wave on auto play. The insanity will be tough to deal with.


Prepare for galactic levels of power leap, as well as LB3

:rofl::joy: looks like those secret heroes won’t be that secret anymore now that they have been granted a dedicated portal, with the same odds and probably appearance by rotation.


No prediction here, but they “tested” Treasure Quest and it never came. Don’t get your hopes up about Secret Heros popping out of this dedicated portal any time soon.

Sounds pretty shady to me

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It surely warrants some Investigation.

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This was a tough but doable quest.
Part 1 was extremely easy. I used my regular team to autofarm.
Part 2 was tough.
The bad news: every mob enemy is an elite enemy that inflicts insanity. Getting hit with 20 insanity doesn’t sound so bad. I have Goldie on my roster, so I can just heal it away. Until that 20% chance procs and now the enemies heal and get the ailment reflect. The stronger heroes you bring, the worst it can be for your own team.

The medium news: Eldritch Power can be helpful, but also not. First you have to use 5 specials to charge it up. The first stage I used 0 specials because I was too worried about insanity. This is not a good strategy. The boss wave on the early stages have one boss surrounded by 4 (or maybe 5 I forget) mobs. Would I rather do 1000% damage to one, or Toon.Azlar damaging everyone? If you’re using a sniper, Eldritch form is probably good. But I didn’t always want to replace Azlar. Or Morel providing defense down. Or Daroga providing an attack stack.

The good: Just use Proteus. After a couple of rough attempts, I decided I’d go back to an age old strategy and just use Proteus. It’s only three waves. The mobs aren’t particularly tough. I could bring a bunch of Mana pots and it wasn’t too bad. Use your mana control heroes for this quest. I survived with just Proteus, but I considered Waddles and other mindless attack type heroes as well.

I didn’t try a hero like Junaid who hits and heals, which could help limit insanity.

Overall, I think the average player (who probably has never seen an insanity hero and doesn’t visit the forum), will get crushed by insanity. I expect a lot of complaints coming up.


Agaist insanity, how hulda minion and slayer family heroes fare?


Sounds like you need to rely on damage from effects, rather than the specials themselves… Like Odile’s dance and Hippo’s buff.

They are making a dedicated portal for Secret/Shadow heroes and making them not so rare anymore…maybe this is why we have not seen a secret hero in a while…

This shadow quest that gives Shadow Coins which I am guessing means a NEW PORTAL…yay /s

So maybe from now on secret heroes will only be obtained through the new portal and not added as a 0.1% to all pulls like before.

Not sure how I feel about this. May flood the game with secret heroes…they already have counter heroes that resist insanity prepared as well.

I think this is a bad change. I don’t want a secret hero portal. I kinda liked how it was a rare chance but applied to all active portals.

Le Sigh - even something super rare that was cool they have to kill…


At least Zynga prepared an antidote ahead of the general release.

I do wonder how the early birds who chased these supposedly rare heroes feel. :thinking:

They probably predicted this as most players wise to the game do.


Information about Shadow Summon is added to the OP.

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Is this limited to event legendary hero only or any legendary hero?

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Any legendary hero (with costume if available) from the available list mentioned in the first post.


3900 gems for a 10x pull is just… INSANE…


But wait…you get 3 heroes for the price of 1 lmbo