🧪 Early Information on Shadows of the Deep Quest [Part of The Beta Beat v69]


You have 97.5% chance to get a Rare or Epic hero.

You have 2.5% chance to get a Legendary hero.

You have 51.2% chance to get a single Legendary if you have received any.
So 1.28% in general.

You have 0.8% chance to get 3 extra Legendary heroes if you have received any.
So 0.02% in general.

It is said like this :
For each summoned Legendary Hero, you get 3 bonus draws, each with a 20% chance to get another Legendary Hero.

So if you catch 4x5* with a ten pulls you had to play lottery instead of this game :rofl:

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I forgot to add insert extreme sarcasm


Didn’t read thoroughly till I saw your post. 3900 gems per 10x. :scream:

Summon costs inflation is like hero power growth: tsunami strength and speed.

And when you get lucky and pull a 5* in your ten pull… It’s Reuben!