🧪 Early Information on Master Class Trial [Part of The Beta Beat v67]

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This thread is to provide early insights and discussion on the Master Class Trials

Don’t get too attached

Details from Beta, especially brand-new Beta content, don’t tend to be very reliable for actual release.

It’s incredibly common that features are changed during Beta testing, or sometimes even after testing but before release. That is, after all, the purpose of Beta testing.

So I wouldn’t get too attached to any of this — it’s not unheard of for entire portions of features to be removed or reworked, or for radical changes to functionality to be made.

The Master Class Trial

This is standard 3 level Quest.
Each level can be played once.
There is a Master Trial Quest for each Hero class. So there are 10 variations.
You can use heroes only from the specific class on the quests.
There is no further limitation.

Master Class Trial Quest Stages

Barbarian version

Stage WE Recommended TP Wave Enemies Bosses Reward
1 10 4500 3 Blue, Red Mok-Arr (P), Atomos (G), Kageburado (P) 2x Master Barbarian Emblem
35x Barbarian Emblem
2 15 5000 3 Green, Yellow Guardian Kong (R), Miki (B), Gravemaker (R) 3x Master Barbarian Emblem
65x Barbarian Emblem
3 20 5500 3 Yellow, Red Zekena (Y), Garjammal (G), Cathal (B) 5x Master Barbarian Emblem
100x Barbarian Emblem

Total: 45 WE, 10x Master Barbarian Emblem, 200 Barbarian Emblem

Fighter version

Stage WE Recommended TP Wave Enemies Bosses Reward
1 10 4500 3 Blue, Yellow Sargasso (P), Deliah (Y), Zircon (B) 2x Master Fighter Emblem
35x Fighter Emblem
2 15 5000 3 Red, Purple Misandra (B), Captain Nemo (R), Guardian Panther (P) 3x Master Fighter Emblem
65x Fighter Emblem
3 20 5500 3 Yellow, Blue Sairose (R), Octros (R), Fenrir (B) 5x Master Fighter Emblem
100x Fighter Emblem

Total: 45 WE, 10x Master Fighter Emblem, 200 Fighter Emblem

Cleric version

Stage WE Recommended TP Wave Enemies Bosses Reward
1 10 4500 3 Green, Purple Zenobia (R), Grimble (P), Elkanen (G) 2x Master Cleric Emblem
35x Cleric Emblem
2 15 5000 3 Red, Blue Malicna (P), Snow White (B), Quartz (P) 3x Master Cleric Emblem
65x Cleric Emblem
3 20 5500 3 Red, Purple White Rabbit (Y), Tha Hatter (G), Rian (B) 5x Master Cleric Emblem
100x Cleric Emblem

Total: 45 WE, 10x Master Cleric Emblem, 200 Cleric Emblem

Druid version

Stage WE Recommended TP Wave Enemies Bosses Reward
1 10 4500 3 Red, Green Horghall (G), Asterius (R), Hannah (P) 2x Master Druid Emblem
35x Druid Emblem
2 15 5000 3 Red, Yellow Guardian Owl (Y), Zimkitha (R), Boss Wolf (P) 3x Master Druid Emblem
65x Druid Emblem
3 20 5500 3 Nature Chakkoszrot ({P), Emilio (R), Balbar (G) 5x Master Druid Emblem
100x Druid Emblem

Total: 45 WE, 10x Master Druid Emblem, 200 Druid Emblem

Other versions are arrived to Beta yet, but some will arrive daily to Beta.

Guides Created by @birksg

Thanks @birksg

Event Recurrence

  • This will be a weekly quest.
  • Class duration in Beta is 1 day.

For a full list of items currently in Beta testing, as well as their related threads, please see:


So, one Master Class Trial = 1 node on a Legendary hero of that class…

With 10 classes, that means that it’s going to be 10 weeks before you see your class again, AKA 50 weeks to get a hero from +20 to +25 :skull: then again, I suppose if you do the math… Class Trials aren’t much better when you get 22 per trial, and need 1,500 for a Legendary to +20

It will be interesting to see if these will come from any other sources such as MV though


Wow, much more restrictive than the current class quests…

First thing I did was check if I have a healer in every class :stuck_out_tongue:

For Rogue… one Brynhild and a Frosty… oh and Para…

:sweat_smile:should be fine for the rest: not listing them all, … means I have others

Barbarian - c2 Kiril
Cleric - oh, oodles…
Druid - Kitty, Mel
Fighter - good old Boldtusk
Monk - Azmia, c1 Boldy, Ptolemy, etc…
Paladin - Goldie
Ranger - c1 Rigard
Sorcerer - Diaochan, Sabina…
Wizard - Kiril, cMel


when master emblems coming to officiall game cost emblems was a decrease on tiers here actually is 125 to 80, 250 to 125


Yes hopefully, 1240 Emblems will be needed instead of 1500.

1 maxed 5* per year for free from these quests. We’ll have to see how many we get from other sources. There’s also the fact that the stat boost is the same across rarities, so F2P will again be baited into raising rares and epics that will shine for a few weeks before people who raise only 5* catch up.

I have finished the Barbarian Quest without a healer and healing poiton on first attempt, and I have 0 Legendary Troops.

Little John (with C2 bonus) + 20 Emblems, Leionidas C (with C3 bonus) + 20 Emblems, Richard C (with C1 bonus) + 1 emblem, Azlar (with C2 bonus) + 20 Emblems, Malosi + 18 emblems.

Only Azlar was limit broken, the rest were just maxed to 4/70 ír 4/80.

Items: Minor mana poitons, Timestop, Tornado, Revive scrolls.

Items are mostly needed for the last stage, and not all of them is used for each kind.


Oh I need to check too. I know my only Rogue healer is a 3*: Frosty
I have missed some based on costumes (Mother North, 2x Sabina costumes, for example) but, I have one for everything luckily, maybe I need to take Timothy to 3/70 at least.


  • c2 Kiril x2


  • Rigard
  • Thalassa
  • Vivica
  • Ariel
  • Mother North
  • faiez
  • Anna-Belle
  • Aino at 1/1


  • Darkfeather x2
  • Melendor
  • Gullinbursti x2
  • Nova
  • Helo
  • Anoushka x2 (1/1)
  • Kitty (1/1)


  • Boldtusk x2


  • Ratatoskr
  • cBoldtusk x2
  • c2 Rigard x2


  • Goldie
  • Jolly
  • Heimdall (3/10)
  • Goldie (1/1)
  • Jolly (1/1)


  • c1 Rigard x2


  • Frosty
  • Timothy (1/1)


  • Hathor
  • Flip
  • Lady of the Lake
  • Sabina
  • Flip (1/1)


  • Kiril x2
  • Grevle
  • Rekhetre (1/1)

I expect those master emblems to enter MV since AA is already there.

More interested in the pricing when they hit the store.

Emblems are about US$0.03 each. Would these master emblems be US$3.00 each ? :thinking:

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That’s great! Thanks for sharing your team :slight_smile:


Of course maybe I was just lucky as other Beta players are complainting about the difficulty…

Simple attack of the bosses at the last stage can be 1500-1600, but it can be delayed with timestops.


Today we have received the Fighter Version of the Quest.

I have added the details about it to the OP.


They should buff the normal trials to give a master emblem of each on the third quest.


Ohh I will max Frosty asap then… cheaper than Brynhild but he might be squishy against 5500TP (3rd quest)…
Ranger is another problemetic one I guess… wonder if C1’s HOT is enough… I am not seeing any other option in my roster here… maybe just pure damage and some items lol

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How many new heroes will be released along with this at 450 gems each

There are additional 5 nodes are theres for master emblem slots 21 to 25, while we are getting 10 master emblem and 300 emblem, which are enough for 2 legendary heroes and one epic hero.

My other Ranger option is Cupido, not the most reliable heal. But together with c1 Rigard will hopefully be enough…

Not much to do for Rogues though . Brynhild and Frosty lol

A question would be for many who had used 1500 to max their legendary to +20, would there be return of the 260 emblems across all, back to their inventory?, this shouldn’t be difficult…

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I was a bit hesitant to pick Red Hood last fated summon, but she’s going to be really handy as a ranger healer.

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I see… for me I will use Seshat and Devana along C1 Rigard for more survivability

I like quests with limited hero usage as it brings up new setups to try