šŸ§Ŗ Early Information on Master Class Trial [Part of The Beta Beat v67]

same, these restrictions can be fun :slight_smile: I like mixing and matching heroes on my roster to find new, interesting and fun teams!


Hello, Timothy. I guess Frosty can kind of do for a pinch with some healing pots. His minions give a bit of buffer.

Stupid question that I didnā€™t see answered in the Beta Beat about Master Emblems, but what are these? Everyone keeps talking about them, but I donā€™t understand. Are there going to be 5 more talent nodes that only use master emblems?

Donā€™t have him - though if you know of a way to magic him into my roster, please do

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Here you go

Iā€™m just kind of kidding around, mainly because Timothy was being trashed on his thread. I donā€™t know how many 5* healer Rogues are there, but I think Puss and Boots is the only other one? Iā€™m wondering if that may make their stock rise a bit.

Yeah, but it has a Topic will be added placeholder.

And the thread re Master Emblems exists - here

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Belladonna is the only other one IIRC.

For rogues Iā€™ll have to rely on Frosth. Maybe Frosty too, if they cut through the minions too fast. S1 heroes might also help against specials with their superior dodge.

I forgot to do the barbarian version, but was able to complete the fighter and cleric versions with my f2p roster. However, I used all of my items on the toughest stages (tornados, time stops, mana pots). The tradeoff is well worth it for the master emblems and I expectg I may even bring some of the hunters lodge items just to make it easier. But Iā€™m not excited that new content will be ā€œuse your best battle items for 10 master emblemsā€. But it will be well worth it.

The bosses can one shot you. Slash attacks can do near 1000 damage. The mobs are very easy.
The bossā€™s mana seems pretty fast. This is going to be tough.


Ohh so even Frosty wonā€™t handle this lolā€¦


One class?!
I have only Goldie, Frosty, Margaret and Aueela(everyone of them not leveled), how can I even pass this?!

Most heroes would become useful at it goes albeit with use of battle items , this would force me to review my roster in general, for instance cleric, I have mostly healers no strong hitters, barbarian no strong healer mostly hitters,ā€¦not even trying to mention sorcerersā€¦therein they are so scanty.

Oooph thanks for the warning!


Yes, they can hit hard. I have seen 1500 hits.


Cleric version is now also added to the OP.

So far this was the hardest for me, but I have found a new long forgotten battle item, which I have not used for a while:

  • Titanium Shield

This helped to survive the attack from the bosses, and the reflected damage has made the time to win faster.


Itā€™ll def take the game past basic hack slash win!I had a bit of a tougher time on the cleric trial but still passed through thanks to gestalt and boom and fang. For a lot of players itā€™s going to be about the effort to reward ratio. I think the boss strength needs some rework and the rewards boosted given as said above, it will take 10 cycles before you see the same class event again otherwise you create 1 more nudge against the f2p players making it harder for them to enjoy the game

The new Master class trials can be a challenging fun.
After I read about it, I started to design teams for it.
A lot of bench warmers will get some use now.
It will be challenging for newer players with shallow rosters, but a lot of content is.

Here are my newly designed teams

Happy gaming


I guess i will at least take Timothy to 3/70 now. Hope they release more rogue healers

I dont even have titanium shield researched. Guess i better do it now.


I haveā€¦ other concerns.

Letā€™s see what my current roster of Clerics, sorted by TP, looks like!

Mixing and matching heroes with nearly the offensive firepower of a horse-drawn drayful of Mennonites armed with bouquets of daffodils should beā€¦ something, alright.