đŸ§Ș Early information on Master Trainers [Part of The Beta Beat V49]

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This thread is to provide early insights and discussion on the Master Trainers

All Information from Beta is Subject to Change!

Don’t get attached

Details from beta, especially brand-new beta content, don’t tend to be very reliable for actual hero release.

It’s incredibly common that heroes are changed during beta testing, or sometimes even after testing but before release. That is, after all, the purpose of beta testing.

So I wouldn’t get too attached to any of this — it’s not unheard of for entire portions of skills to be removed or reworked, or for radical changes to stats to be made.

Master Trainers

They will be introduced in Version 49 as a fixed rewards in Legends of Kalevala event.

You can check the event and rewards here:

These Master Trainers are not tied to any element.
Their eleement is gray (like the Trainer Troops.)
They can be used to level any hero regardless of the element (like the trainer troops).

They give 10% more XP than regular trainer heroes to the same element.

Here is a table where you can compare how much XP they give comparing to other heroes.

Hero Rarity Same element (XP) Differenct element (XP)
Normal Hero :star: 180 150
:star::star: 468 390
:star::star::star: 756 630
:star::star::star::star: 1080 900
:star::star::star::star::star: 1440 1200
Tranier Hero :star: 1200 1000
:star::star: 1800 1500
:star::star::star: 3000 2500
:star::star::star::star: 6000 5000
Master Trainer :star::star: 1980 1980
:star::star::star: 3300 3300
:star::star::star::star: 6600 6600

Master Trainer Proprties

Like Trainer Troops these Master Trainers can not be used in Battle.
Here are their properties.

Rarity Mana speed Power Attack Defense Health Special Skill
:star::star: Slow 222 230 230 480 Trainer Strike:
- Deals 150% damage to the target.
:star::star::star: Average 289 290 290 550 Trainer Strike:
- Deals 150% damage to the target.
4 :star: Fast 354 350 350 600 Trainer Strike:
- Deals 150% damage to the target.

For a full list of items currently in beta testing, as well as their related threads, please see the master #beta-beat thread:


Surprised we haven’t got class trainers. I.e. Cleric Trainers, Druid Trainers, Fighter Trainers etc. who give additional XP to their class.


They will probably also come to some offers soon enough but always good to have new things accessible for free too. :+1:

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It is highly likely :slight_smile:

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this is a nice addition, and also nice that they are a fixed, RNG-free reward :wink:

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neat. Though i wonder if they’ll be available post-Kalevala

If they aren’t tied to an element but can be used in battle, how do they get mana? Does every tile count? Only the color of the troop you give it? Can you even give it a troop?


When I go to use master trainer in battle I get a message saying hero not allowed.


Nice addition so it gets a YES from me
Why not?

@PlayForFun are these the same as troop master trainers? If not, when are we getting more of them?

You are right. I have fixed the OP.


These are not Trainer Troops as those can be used to train Troops.

This is a Element less Trainer hero, which is different than a normal Trainer Hero.

How will this work if I use these to level up special skill to 8/8? Same % chance for all ?

I didn’t find their master topic so I post here @PlayForFun but it seems you can receive them from HA!!!

Screenshot found in some French Line group.

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Hmm, I did not known that.

I will ask @Petri about that is this expected or not.

If yes, then I will add a Master topic for it.

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Well then, that’s a poorly designed card that shows a SS for one that can’t be used in battle. That section of the card should say something like “Can’t be used in battle. For training purposes only.”

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You can see the Note bellow the card about this.

Right, in little tiny gray letters.

It should be on the card itself in place of the SS description that has no purpose.

What XP would the common (1⭐) master trainer give? Or there is none in that rarity?

It was not part of the Beta testing, but based on the foruma (+10% above the normal 1 star trainer troop with same element XP) it should be 1320.

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