What are your strongest and weakest classes?

With the coming of Master Class Trials, the classes of characters have suddenly become more important.

For me, fighters may be my strongest class while my paladins are significantly weaker.

Making an inventory of costumes helped me check this through...

My costumes by class:
barbarian: c2 Domitia, c1 Seshat,og Obakan, og ei-dunn,
cleric: og/t Vivica, og Snow White, c2 Boldtusk,
druid: c1 Kelile, og Caedmon,c2 Cyprian,
fighter: c2 Vivica, c1 Morel, og/t Elena,og/t, c2 Obakan, Boldtusk, c1 Caedmon
monk: c1 Boldtusk,
paladin: og ei-dunn, c2 Elena, c2 Caedmon, og/t Cyprian,
ranger: c1 Domitia, og Seshat, c1 Snow White,
rogue: og/t Domitia, og Morel, c1 Elena, c1 Obakan, og Kelile,
sorcerer: c1 Vivica, c1 Isarnia, c2 Kelile, c1 Cyprian,
wizard: og Isarnia,

and helped me recognise that my paladin costume for Elena needs some priority in preparation for the trials, whenever they will be.

@Elioty33 , I found your early reference here on scheduling:

I’d appreciate confirmation., of the sequence and our position in it?.


What is/are your strongest class/es?

  • Barbarian
  • Cleric
  • Druid
  • Fighter
  • Monk
  • Paladin
  • Ranger
  • Rogue
  • Sorcerer
  • Wizard
0 voters

What is/are your weakest class/es?

  • Barbarian
  • Cleric
  • Druid
  • Fighter
  • Monk
  • Paladin
  • Ranger
  • Rogue
  • Sorcerer
  • Wizard
0 voters
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We just had the Sorcerer two days ago and so far, the predicted rotation has been correct.

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IMO the strongest class ability by far is Superior Jinx (any S1 wizard) followed by Superior Revive (S1 fighters). Cleric reflect and monk immunity are also nice when they kick in, but not something you really think about when you assemble a team. Druid minion generation used to be great but they nerfed it. Sorcerers, paladins and barbarians are meh. Rogue evade is not that reliable.

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In this case it may have helped to read the first post :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks :+1:

With Paladins up next, my HEllena (currently at 2/1) will have to wait for next time around. :sweat_smile:

Ah yes, my bad. It seems I missed the point. I have so many maxed heroes that there are no “bad” classes in the sense that I would need to plan ahead in order to win the Master Class Trials.

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As for these class trials I prefer not to change a costume so that they will disappear from some other team and then I start a fight with 3-4 people when not paying attention.

So if they keep their current costume on my worst classes are Barbarians, Clerics and Monks. Barbarians will be fine later, my 2 newest that are on the way up are from that class. Clerics and Monks still suffer from The Great Emblem Reset. In the end I used 44 reset tokens and I still haven’t given emblems back to some stuff that I haven’t used in war yet.

As for Clerics my healers are ok, but two slightly out of date hitters are 80+0 and that’s kinda weak for third stage. For Monks it’s a bit weak class for me and I reset 5 of them that I still haven’t put back any on. For reference the strongest of them is Yang Mai.

Strongest would be Thief, Wizard, Sorcerer and Warrior. Could auto those classes.

Noticed a peculiar thing. First 3 years Ranger was my best class if we don’t count the first few months. Now it’s in a bit sad state and 4th weakest. My only decent costume these days not counting Toons is Finley. Would make the trial easier if I borrowed him back to Ranger just for this.

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Polls now active above?

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Seems Ironic that it’s my paladins that need support.

HEllena is the only paladin in my top 30, and that only due to the 4/85 og and 4/80 toon.

If I had realised this earlier, I’d have prioritised her paladin costume before the toon.

Master class trials can provide a real motivation to level certain costumes.

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Overall for depth and variety I think Wizard wins out for me. My 2 strongest heroes are Clerics but I think I lack real variety with most being Healers or support heroes. Barbarians and Paladins also make a really good case with Ranger’s coming 5th. Shocked to notice that whilst some of my favourite heroes are Fighters and Sorcerers I don’t have much variety or depth in those area’s.

Weakest is probably Rogues and Monks. Maybe Sorcerers too.

Just one gamer’s opinion

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm:

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Clerics and Fighters are definitely the strongest ones for me out of the heroes that I have maxed. Weakest is by far and away Rogues, and to some extent Druid and Monks.