šŸ§Ŗ Early Information on Additional Telluria & Vela Balance Updates [Part of The Beta Beat v31]

There are two, equally important I would suggest, issues at play here:

  1. Game Balance.
  2. Receiving what you paid for ( / what you saved for, if FTP)

If they bothered to make TC20 or forgotten heroes like Khaghan or Obakan more useful this would solve both issues.

Nerfing a hero multiple times (while good for game balance) is against the spirit of offering something, getting everyone to rely on what was represented and then changing it after the fact.

Sure it might make game balance sense but itā€™s a surefire way to anger the mob on one side of the fence.

The option of balancing undesirable / terrible heroes (or at least make them useful) makes this an overall better game for everyone and goes a long way towards fixing the problem. Not suggesting this is easy by any means. It takes more effort and resources, sure, but Iā€™d suggest is the right thing to do.

But for commercial (rather than purely gaming) reasons I donā€™t expect them to take this approach.

Hence the shortcut to just nerf Telly / Vela.


Broke Telluria and a New generation Will take place of her

Not good for yellow, green, red or darkā€¦ There is no way to control the use of a ā€œbetter Tank optionā€ balancing Heroes without rules.

In some weeks, all grades will show the best option in place of the last one and It starts again.

Every body that has not the rare counters Will ask for new nerffs, and the owners of this ā€œNew meta Heroesā€ Will notā€¦

If the issue is variety, work on rules. If the issue is the Hero, work on Balance.

SG is not clear about the issue. I think She want to fix the variety without broke the Heroes because She know that It is not the real issue.


The best and easy way to destroy GTV meta at this point without nerfing to the ground Vela is to change Vela color to something like Red (Green will be too similar to Zeline). And change water damage to burn damage that she can overwrite GM or JF.

I love the idea of bringing back the purple tankā€¦
Actually Ursena, Kunchen and other great purple heroes were the tank just before GTV.
In addition, Clarissa will make purple tank even more interesting.


What we imagine:
Black Knight

What SG imagine:


with such rebalances (you will lose not only players (intermediate level), but also experienced players in the future), you need to change the class (of Teluria emblems), vela just needs to be made similar to the gravemaker (if you consider it in balance ā€¦). it will not overpower (for three targets with very fast mana, randomness 1-3 targets in defense), but players who have (vela) it will not lose the resources spent on it, and this output is overnerf (vela), this nerf will destroy the vela as hero not only as a hero of defense but also an attack, make it an equal gravemaker


Lets try that and see the result.

If it doesnā€™t change the result, that means the problem is Telly not Vela because Gravemaker have been here for years without making blue tank as strong as Telly.


Locked so horrendous blundering can continue unabated. Almost 9 months and counting since Vela was released and youā€™re telling us she isnā€™t fixed yet?

Pretty sweet stuff, donā€™t worry Telluria is 2 months less. Totally reasonable.

Iā€™ll say it again, get rid of both of them and be done with it. SG is only highlighting how horribly inefficient they are at balancing/re-balancing heroes. Youā€™re not winning any points with anyone. Just proving incompetence.


In that lineup Vela posses no danger and in fact the least needed hero. No one will attack with a red team and vela has no danger at all.

As a reminder, please keep conversations civil.

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SG can make money with Gravemaker in Legends portal if heā€™s not nerfed.


Very bad defence team. In case of Ursena - no healing, no mana slow, no high defence + 25% of paladin. I can ez break this defence with 3 x yellow + 2 x blue even if Ursena get mana first. In case of Telluria it will not work. And Ursena more rare hero than Telluria so we wouldnā€™t see it too much as Telluria

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the difference in speed between fast and average mana is 2 tiles. In defense is even more negligible especially having mana troops helps average mana heroes more than they help fast mana heroes. Indeed 110% vs 130% argument shows how stupidly Beta5 versions are thought through.


Clarissa is actually twice the hero Vela isā€¦ but nobody realized that yet.

@Guvnor how is Vela in beta? Is she better or worse than before for attack purpose?

For every one who itā€™s for nerf on Telluria and Vela again, I will give you this opportunit without them, I put just one 1* hero on defence, you guys are welcome to fight against me and letā€™s see if this will be fun for you.


Yeah without gtv we have no 5* def anymore ā€¦ Did you read what you wrote ā€¦ i forgot those 3 are the only 5* heroes that are in the game. What infantil comment is that? Come down

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I really donā€˜t understand why they donā€˜t change Telluriaā€˜s speed to slow and improve their specialā€˜s to 3 Turns.
Change Vela to a Blue Clarissa, et voilaā€¦


@Guvnor 3 days and no Update in beta? Whats Happening in beta rite now?

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They probably stopped updating us because everyone gets angry. If we let them do their testing peacefully we will be updated soon enough

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