Only bummer if Vela becomes less than desirable after rebalance all of my Ice hero options are paladins lol. Richard Frida etc⊠Please make new heroâs NOT paladins going forward.
So basically thereâs too much to recap but currently can be summed up as followsâŠahemâŠ
SG has no idea how they broke the game with the initial release of Vela and then TellâŠwhich when paired with Gravemaker becomes a difficult/impossible combo to beatâŠcontinue monkeying with Vela (cause we know sheâs the problemâŠNOT)⊠all the while completely ignoring Gravemaker who is part of the equation.
Someone wanna clean SGâs glasses for them? Or loan them a flashlight or 3?
I have proposition: leave Telluria and Vela as they are, and make everyone else OP.
And when everyone is OP, noone is. evil laugh. Very evil.
I think that you overreactede with nerfing Vela so much!
I understand if you nerfed something (lower base damage to all, excluded additional damage, lower water damage per turn, decrease duration of some skill) but you totally destroyed her.
And problem isnât solved it still exist because today in 8 raids in 7 of them was Tell, but only in 2 was Vela!
But you didnât have enough courage to nerd happy that or both of them and you just butchered Vela because it was more peaceful solution to you!
Except Vela isnât OP - on the contrary, Finley is more OP.
Make Mitsuko easy to get in the Next AR event. Could be very helpful for many dealing with Vela and have difficulties.
Yeah, true. I never had a problem with her alone. She is also not that bad with Teluria. They were quite difficult before the first nerf but now I find them manageable. Then again I use rainbow against them. Found out Kage is quite effective against Telluria, and Queen of Hearts blocks AoE of both. Natalya, despite being hated for some reason, is also great counter against Telly and Vela is not that effective against her. Unfortunately all of them are rare heroes (Natalya is almost impossible to get now and not many would ascend her I guess) so not advisable as counters. I am also lucky to have G. Kong but itâs the same case - he is rare and available once per 5 months.
But still, I find nerfing Vela because Telluria is everywhere puzzling at the very least, enraging at worse. I wonder whether Vela will be buffed when SG nerfs Vela and inevitably finds out that Telluria is still everywhere, but now flanked by Finley or C-Magni or Ariel. Guess not.
They are going to have to nerf all blues for telly. Vela will be replaced with Finley cmagni master lupus alasie.
Or just lower telly defense so he can be easier to kill with his Paladin talents
Thatâs exactly what will happen my alliance mates are all thinking of a backup plan if The Vela nerf is severe. We will be back here again for the same reason.
SG wants variety at the top? Whatâs the player incentive to try different teams?
It takes so long to build a +20 (or close to that) defense team, most players want to be âall doneâ after that, and move their focus elsewhere. They could nerf Telly and Vela significantly, and it STILL would not change a huge number of teams. It takes far too much to move emblems around.
I propose a âswitchâ function. Use it on a hero, and it lets you select a new hero of the same class, and moves the emblems. The emblem path is the same. Donât like the path? Reset and pay the food/iron to re-path, then. The âswitchâ could have a gem cost, or be a new kind of emblem.
Exactly, it wonât change situation with Tell where we can see her even when we open fridge.
With or without Vela, Tell will be everywhere, almost in every defense team, but now only with some other satellite (mostly Finley, c-Magni, ArielâŠ)
Letâs assume (I know thatâs not a good word hereâŠ) that SG makes balance changes that dethrones GTV. In order for NEW teams to start being seen, WEEKS worth of resources will have to go into moving emblems around - JUST TO TEST THE NEW TEAM. Didnât work out the way you like? Turns out Noor isnât so hot on defense? More weeks of resources devoted to emblems once again.
SG please give players some incentive, some reason at all, to NOT stick with exactly the same team.
THEN youâll see variety, and players happily throwing new teams out for us to battle.
TY for the humor in the midst of this threadâs angst.
@Petri often repeated in the current thread (and this was a popular opinion even in the first balance round discussions):
Many players think that the main reason of defense setups being stuck is the current emblem system (especially the lack of flexibility to move the talents around and change defenses or experiment with different setups)
In case the goal of SG is to decrease the Telly defenses saturation (which seems to be the biggest complain of the playerbase) and bring more variety (which was publicly stated as the goal of SG), and also if they understand their own game: SG must know that even if they reasonably rebalance telly/vela again, no one will change their heavily (and costly) emblemed telly defenses. Rebalance alone is simply not enough.
The players would be forced to change from telly/vela within the boundaries of current game mechanics ONLY in case SG would overnerf them into B/C grade heroes, but I trust that is not the goal here
Having said the above my questions are:
- Is SG aware of the wish of (I believe) the majority of the playerbase to have a more flexible emblem/talent system?
- If so, is SG developer team working on or at least considering an implementation of an emblem system rework? (most important aspect for me: more simple and cheap move of talents from one hero to another, with sufficient anti abuse restrictions)
Thank you,
lol another nerf in the name of âgame balanceâ.
dont fool yourself, the only balance SG has in mind is their bank balance.
What is the reason for having a title like this (Early Information on Additional Telluria & Vela Balance Updates) if the changes shown are only about âVELAâ?
So happy another hero in my defense is getting nerfed. The look of this new vela looks bad. Why continue to spend and play when the few good heroes I do get are killedâŠ
@Guvnor - Ok, perhaps I am being lazy, but I donât want to read all 1390 posts.
Can someone recap where we are with the proposed balance changes to Telluria, Vela and Gravemaker. Thanks
Those changes are in the first post. The complete description of currently latest version is at the bottom of that post.
Spoilers: GM and Telluria are still the same, Vela gets less initial dmg, shorter duration of DoT and attack debuff against all and her extra damage against fire is removed.
Edit: Only now I notice that Vela, an attack-oriented hero whose damage is main purpose, gets only 110% on initial damage while Telly gets 130%. Yes, difference in speed, Vela has DoT and higher Atk but it is still ridiculous, especially since Telly heals, minions, and slows mana generation. Makes me angrier too.
In the OP
The list is there of the changes & the dates on which the changes hit beta.
Bro! This is trash vela just keep making less and less damage talk about using 4* on a hero that is no better than a S1 and as someone that barely spends money if any it will take me another year until i get more items for a new legendaryâŠ