I’m F2P, and I have had a couple of VERY lucky summons - Onatel and Poseidon - but last night, I pulled the first five-star out of my TC20, Domitia (after only 4 pulls, no less!) From reading the boards and using her, I know that Onatel is a high-tier hero with abundant uses across map, raid, defense, war, class quests, and even Titans, to an extent. Poseidon is still new, so the jury is still out on him a bit, I guess, but it seems like he will also be well-regarded. Since my yellow ascension mats are going to Onatel first anyway, I’ve got some time to figure him out. But I’m wondering about how folks feel about Domitia.
Honestly, I was hoping my five-star purple from the TC20 would be Sartana, as folks (including my alliance mate, who has her) seem to have a clear-cut high opinion of her downright nuclear special, but comparing stats, Domitia doesn’t seem to be a huge step down. Her special does 410% damage vs. Sartana’s 452%, but Domitia’s attack stat is 725 vs. Sartana’s 694. Obviously, Sartana’s DOT makes hers superior from a damage standpoint, but while its a cut below, dispel nearby buffs and 94% protection against her weak element doesn’t seem too shabby.
So basically, I’m just curious how folks like to use Domitia. Where do you find her effective? Where not so much? I’ve got a couple of purple projects I would like to finish before I start in on her in earnest, and I’m still hoping to pull Rigard, but despite my recent good luck, I’m assuming 5-stars are going to remain relatively rare for me, so I need to know what this one is best at before I invest a bunch in her. If there’s an existing thread on this, I’d be fine with doing a little reading. Thanks. This community is the best.