[Discussion] Resistant tournament centers versus rainbow tournament centers or no purple Arman center versus rainbow Bauchan and rainbow Shrubbear center
Resistant color
I am not saying Bauchan and Shrubbear are not good centers.
I just think Arman will be a better center this time.
I think Arman flanked by Bauchan, Shrubbear, or both, will be stronger than Bauchan, or Shrubbear, flanked by the other two.
Strong color stacking works.
By the same math, yellow heroes will be more resistant to tile damage than any other color.
Previous tournament allowed all colors so no resistant colors. This is similar to elemental shields in challenge events.
Tournament matchmaking
Past performance is not an indication of future returns.
The less your tournament defense gets attacked, the more likely being undefeated is pure matchmaking luck.
Because a good defense, gets attacked a lot.
Gryphonkit, my wife, once got attacked over 100 times in a day because her defense rocked.
Yeah, tournament defense scoring, and matchmaking, has some flaws.
Elo rating deflation
Players may not have leveled Ulmer and Gato or Belith and Mnessues and Brienne or Arman and Kailani last time.
Because Bauchan and Shrubbear were relatively new, players may not have expected them on defense or encountered them.
Like Guinevere centers, more exposure will teach players to build rosters, tactics and strategy to defeat Bauchan and Shrubbear.
After Jabberwocky in rare tier challenge event I leveled a second Gato.
Of the two, I think Shrubbear will be risker due to opponent pool, RNG and many strong red 3* in this tournament. This would also explain why Shrubbear center got attacked less than Bauchan center.