[Primer] How come the leaders in the tournament have so many more points than me? or tournament seeding, time zones, and Elo rating deflation
Day One Attack
Your day one matches are based on your highest Team power 5x eligible heroes ( TP seed ).
And the higher the team power of the defense teams you fight, the more laurels ( points ) a win is worth.
So if your 5 highest ELIGIBLE heroes are 5x 4* 3.60 you cannot get as many laurels ( points ) as a player with 5x 4*+20 heroes, with maximum costumes and 3* level 20 troops.
This is true even if you do not use any of your highest Team power 5x eligible heroes ( looking at you TP 755 Vivica in Bloody battle).
Day Two Attack
After day one, attack matchmaking is based on your current laurels ( points ).
This allows all time zones to use their Day One energy facing the same ( good or bad ) matchmaking.
Attacks Starting Behind
But if you have 5x wins and someone else has 5x wins, if they started day one fighting higher laurel ( point ) teams then their wins will be worth more laurels ( points) than yours.
This encourages X*+20 heroes with maximum troops, maximum costumes, and other Team power boosts.
Day One Defense
Your defense points are roughly based on how good your defense is, compared to you TP seed.
If your TP seed is 3200, and your defense is Team power 1500, you will still start Day one fighting attacking teams with Team Power 2600 to 3800. Not good for your Team power 1500 defense team.
This is due to rule bending ( see notes on 2x Hero 3x empty slot defense teams ). Because. Humans.
This is designed to encourage good X*+20 defense team heroes with maximum troops, maximum costumes, and other Team power boosts.
Day Two Defense
After day one, defense matchmaking is based on your current laurels ( points ).
This allows all time zones to use their Day One energy facing the same ( good or bad ) matchmaking.
Elo rating deflation
With the removal of 1* / 2* tournaments, the, 3* / 4* / 5* tournaments have content locked behind ever increasing grinding, ever more restrictive RNG paywalls, ever more expensive micro transactions, and limited time paywalls.
For new, and old players, this leads to ever increasing Elo rating deflation ( see notes ) as more and more content necessary to compete in tournaments is locked away. And content not locked away takes ever increasing amount of grinding.
The is one of the consequences of Merciless RNG.
If tournaments were more frequent, players could specialize ( example 3* Rush attack ), but fewer tournaments encourage spending on all rarity of heroes, costumes and troops increasing revenue.
Click for notes
Tournament Defense
Elo rating deflation
1* / 2* Tournaments
Power Creep/ content updates
Power creep/ content updates is actually health for a game.
This is called new things to do.
It means new things are added ( emblems, costumes, 3* heroes, etc. ). But new things result in Elo rating deflation.
Bad Power Creep
But the actual term “Power creep” is usually used for content updates done poorly, adding excessive grinding, micro transactions, or both which can often result in rampant, and often run away, Elo rating deflation with each month ( keeping a VERY close eye on you HotM and Valor Pass).
See also
(Raid Tournament Scoring Guide)