Here is the TENTATIVE December 2023 Calendar of Events in multiple formats. Please note with v63 coming a bit later in the month to expect some updates to what is currently presented here.
Many thanks to the collaborators for their time and efforts…
If you notice any errors please let us know so we can get updated versions posted.
As with all E&P calendars, featured heroes are tentative. Dates are also tentative and may be changed. Rare quests will arrive on Wednesdays, although the order presented could change including the Mirage Of Omega Quest. These will be updated when solidified information is available.
Ok Japanese calendars by @birksg, Portuguese calendar by @Junim, Italian calendar by @VEIVE, and my calendars in English, B&W, French, and the Qref. are available so far with additional languages arriving soon.
Ok, once v63 arrives, the featured heroes for Owl Tower, Costumes, and Challenge Festival at the end of the month will be updated. In the meantime, placeholder heroes for now.
Just a comment on some of the calendars, a couple have errors on the tentative schedule of rare quests? There are some without the quest for Tome of Tactics. Or was that intended?
The current rotation is 3 Rare Quests + 1 Mirages of Omega, so the 4th week should not
be Farholme Pass. For December, it’s Mount Umber - Holy Mirages of Omega - Shrikewood - Frostmarch.
While we, The House of Storms[HS1] Alliance Family, have Thanked You more than once in the past 6 months; Just as Your time commitment & efforts you volunteer are ONGOING, So are our Thanks
So, Thank You on behalf of The House of Storms[HS1] Family For Your Well Designed Calendars, Charts, etc…; Thank You For maintaining this Calendar Thread [& Others] ~All in all, Thank YOU For Your Dedication towards Improving the Players’ gaming experience for the Global E&P Community.
So, Thank YOU…
Lauri-HS1 The House of Storms[HS1]Family
the Italian’s calendar is no longer made by Darkshadow (he left the game). Now it’s done by me and Betta_Apetta (she’s my friend and allied)!!! Thank you!