Apologies if this is a dumb question, but have not seen this covered elsewhere in this topic.
I’m currently embleming Boril and the critical chance option is placed at #19 on his Talent Grid. Does this apply only to Boril’s normal (weak) attacks or also to counterattacks?
Edit: but attacks on someone with counter can, which is then used as the base for the counter. Same for reflect. But that’s their crit chance, not yours.
Miss chance refers to if the hero is blinded or not.
Let’s say you have 2 heroes of the same color…one is blinded (35% miss) one is not. If the tile randomly refers to the non blinded hero the tile will always hit. If the tile is assigned to the blinded hero it has only a 65% chance to hit.
So on average a tile will hit 82.5% of the time i.e. miss 17.5% of the time.
I would not call it stacking but just looking at the average.
Okay. Thanks a lot for that thread. One thing I don’t seem yet to find an answer. Does critical chance apply to damage with Special Skill? The definition given seems to exclude it but İ wanted to be sure.
yes. I wanted to be double sure haha. Thank you. Because we were having a discussion and someone was stubborn saying giving crit troops to snipers (on defense) would boost their chance of OS opponents with their skills. I was opposed but wanted to bring formal evidence.