Critical Damage - A Short Guide to Understanding

Apologies if this is a dumb question, but have not seen this covered elsewhere in this topic.

I’m currently embleming Boril and the critical chance option is placed at #19 on his Talent Grid. Does this apply only to Boril’s normal (weak) attacks or also to counterattacks?

Thanks in advance

Only normal. Counterattacks can’t crit.

Edit: but attacks on someone with counter can, which is then used as the base for the counter. Same for reflect. But that’s their crit chance, not yours.


Thank you Zathrus! :slight_smile: It seems like Mana Recovery would then be the best option for Boril in that final pathway.

If red hero attacks green and critical damage succeed, the total damage is 2 * 2 * 100. Is this right calculation?

Not quite:

Should have fixed that image sorry.

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There is a new hero now offering critical damage buff for all:

:postal_horn: Shadereave – New Season 3 Hero – 4* Fire/Red: Thoughts, Discussion & Summon Results with Feedback


Does the Miss chance also work the same way on a colorstack?

AND Bleed chance?? ___

I really don’t think this is how a forum is supposed to work. Won’t anyone answer?

Could you be more specific in your questions? So far I did not understand what you want to know.

Yes, this is correct to my understanding of how it works. Certainly for bleed, but I’d have to double check blind

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Miss chance refers to if the hero is blinded or not.

Let’s say you have 2 heroes of the same color…one is blinded (35% miss) one is not. If the tile randomly refers to the non blinded hero the tile will always hit. If the tile is assigned to the blinded hero it has only a 65% chance to hit.

So on average a tile will hit 82.5% of the time i.e. miss 17.5% of the time.

I would not call it stacking but just looking at the average.


Okay. Thanks a lot for that thread. One thing I don’t seem yet to find an answer. Does critical chance apply to damage with Special Skill? The definition given seems to exclude it but İ wanted to be sure.

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Damage done with special skill can never be critical.



20 characters

Tis covered in the OP:

Special skills are not normal attack thus they do not have the chance to crit.


yes. I wanted to be double sure haha. Thank you. Because we were having a discussion and someone was stubborn saying giving crit troops to snipers (on defense) would boost their chance of OS opponents with their skills. I was opposed but wanted to bring formal evidence.

Now that hotm Alexandrine turns shields to 50%+ critical chance, it makes the calculation for blue coloured teams tile damage even more complicated :blush:

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After reading all posts, I am still confused.

If all the 5 heroes use mana troops, and one is e.g. G Chameleon. Will the tiles get +36% increased critical chance or not?

Ps. I understand that critical is only applied to normal attack (tile) and not special attack.

Happy gaming