Critical Damage - A Short Guide to Understanding

When you attack an enemy in raids, their heroes have a little timer counter. Each turn the counter reduces by one.

When the timer gets to 0, that enemy hero attacks your team, the animation of which looks like a swipe or sword slash :slight_smile:

Hence the term “slash attack”

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Hello guys,

Have you any explanations on this subject :

How tiles damage are affected by multiple sources

  • in damage calculation
    How the attack stat of the 3 red heroes affect tile damage ? It’s like an addition ?

  • in the outcome of the “Does critical damage apply?” question
    What happen if my 3 red heroes have 20% crit chance EACH.
    Only one test “does critical damage apply?” with the 20% chance (or an average if they have different % crit chance ?)
    One test “does critical damage apply?” for each hero with they own Crit Chance bonus ?
    In this case if there’s one “No”, the CC may not be applied.

  • in the outcome of the “Will this tile miss ?”
    Exactly the same question for accuary…
    One test for all or one test for each ?

If i have 3 red heroes with 35% miss chance EACH
Or if i have 1 red heroe with 35% miss chance
I may be interresting to know how this work…

Sorry for my english, which seems rusty… I’m French

Believe the individual attack stats add together into the “attack stat” portion of the Damage Calculation (thread linked in the OP)

covered off in Post #3 above: Link to Post 3

Similar answer. As each “tile” that is matched is assigned to a hero & it’s troop, as such the “miss” only applies to tiles whose hero has the “miss” status effect.

Thank you for your quick answer.

So if i understand correctly

Step 1 : the game assign 1 red tile to 1 of my 3 red heroes.

Step 2 : test for miss chance using the accuary of the hero choose in step 1

Step 3 : If step 2 goes right… test for crit chance using %chance of the hero choose in step 1 (troop, talent, familly bonus and/or skills)

Step 4 : damage calculation using the formula

Where “Att” is the individual attaque stats of the 3 red heroes add together.

For exemple :

  • Elena with +19% attack troop and +48% Gadeirus bonus
  • Azlar with 15% attack troop and -34% Scarlett ennemy malus
  • Marjana with 15% attack troop and +48% Gadeirus

Att = [(Elena’s attack(+19% + 48%))+(Azlar’s attack (+15% - 34%))+(Marjana’s attack (+15% + 48%))]

Really interresting, all of this.

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Is this affected by mana troops?

What specifically…?

Can critical damage also be caused in special attacks that do damage or just damage from stones?

Just damage from tiles and slash attacks by defending AI heroes.

Never from specials :slightly_smiling_face:


And minions. Minions can do critical hits, too. This is not neglectable.


You already answered my main question, as to whether or not minions can do critical damage. As a follow-up, are minions affected by crit buffs, or is their crit rate solely based on talents & troops like their attack is? Also, is the crit rate inherited from the summoner, or is it based on the owner?

To think I’ve been putting mana troops on Telly and Kvasir, smh.

I don’t believe that minions are affected by buffs… the only one would be the defence buffs as damage is still calculated against the hero they are attached to (they act as a priority meat shield).

I BELIEVE that minions inherit their crit chance from the hero that summoned them but I personally haven’t looked that deeply into it the minion side of things tbh.


Looks like I get to do a little experimenting :face_with_monocle:

I will report my findings later tonight probably.

Well I did an experiment…Kvasir + Melia. With Melias buff active the amount of critical bee hits drastically improved. So minions are NOT affected by attack buff (like Boldtusk…WuKong…Miki…) but I do believe that they are affected by critical hit chance ( Melia, Gregorion, Ares…).

Neverthless attack bonus from troops is applied to minions. You can test this by using different troops for the caster and see that damage will also differ.

Not sure whether the critical chance is used from caster or owner.

Haven’t tried with Malosi…his faction bonus should give another 10%.


:sob: You stole my project…

I’ll fill in the gaps later today :wink:

By the way, did you find Melia’s special had to be active at minion summons, or were you able to apply it to established minions?

The order doesn’t matter.

I’ll do all my experiments on map stages where I can load my heroes with mana pots … if I need to.

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My experiments showed that the crit stat of the owner and not the summoner is used, the one question that remained for me. And Melia does indeed boost minion crit damage.

Very useful stuff, can make minion damage a real threat.

I’ll have to try elemental link at some point, but based on Vikings and my findings I would expect it will work also.

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Sometimes i wonder whether to give emblems path to crits node or not since it only gives 2% which is pretty low, and i often use mana troops

In the land of minion damage (nothing to do with crits)…

On magic night stages where tile damage is reduced, minion damage is NOT reduced. Noticed while finally completing the mission, and Tell’s minions were doing nearly the same damage as my heroes matches!

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Not only that, but minions don’t disappear at the end of the turn. They make a nice workaround for magic night.

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Combine the crit damage with defense down.

The elemental link with +10% crit damage chance? Works.