Crew-Rogues are searching for people who would like to make the alliance stronger throught teamwork. They offer a drama free environment with many knowledgeable players who can help answering questions. They are killing 12 stars titans curently (looking forward to reach higher) and they follow war strategy. Line is a mandatory for having a better communication and organization. Also they are part of the Crew Family.
If you satisfy the requirements below don’t hesitate and grab one of their rare spots and you will never regret it!
@Bzzinator Aloha bzzldy! Dont know if Rogues are able to survive without my wit & shenanigans - hope everyone is doing great - life without E&P is SHOCKING!!! Ive been reading “books”, going on walks, talking with my kids and playing pickleball FANATICALLY! please let Rogues know i do miss the banter & jokes
later tater!