Clearing map stages

Hi guys, I’m having a bit of trouble progressing in the map stages as a fairly new player. I’m trying to come up with a team from my roster that has some nice synergies.

I’ve just started in levelling some of my 4 star heroes after building a good 3 star foundation.

What is your input on this combination? The idea was to get the extra protection from 2x buffed minions together with Proteus’ mana blocker. Def down and att up from cGrimm and Marcel together with their firepower. I know it will take a bit of time to level, but I don’t mind. I just like to have a plan for where I’m going.


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Welcome to the game :slight_smile:

Minions are always great for autofarming, absolutely! :bird:

I´d perhaps swift them around a bit, so that Marcel is to the left, and fires first, and C Grimm fires afterwards. Then Frosty, Freya and Proteus.

It might be an idea to use a hard direct hitter instead of Proteus though. Mana block is great, but if it´s for autofarming, it´s usually in content that you´ve already completed, so it´s more about dishing out a lot of damage, than blocking the incoming damage, if that makes sense?

But again, it depends where you ‘are at’, in game. Bringing on a dispeller / cleanser is not a bad idea either, depending on which content it is you are farming and/or playing. It can also be very helpful to bring heroes that deal damage to all, if one wants to speed up things.

But in general, bringing a defense down, crit /attack up, one healer, and then dispeller /cleanser, and then you´re really good to go :slight_smile:

If it´s map progress instead of farming, then Proteus helps so much, I´ve heard, though - so great pick for that.

If you are very very new to the game, those 5☆ heroes can indeed be very time consuming to level at that stage. But, Freya is amazing though, congratulations on her, you´ll love her :purple_heart:

Have fun and good luck :four_leaf_clover:


PS. You´ve gotten some great costumes, I can see. C2 Caedmon times- what a great one :green_heart:

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@Gwniver Thanks a lot for your input! Yeah it was actually mostly for map progress (almost done with season 1 and on my way through season 2). I see what you’re saying about having a dispeller or cleanser. I have a couple of them to replace if needed, but I’ve also just heard that Proteus is so valuable against bosses. For damage against all I was hoping that 2x minions together with Proteus’ poison and Marcel’s three hit was enough.

I’m also really exited about Freya. She seems really good for map stages. I’ve just tried her out on some low level stages so far, but I really enjoy how she plays with her minions and her fast speed. I was mainly trying to build a team around her :slight_smile:

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I would suggest faiez as your healer instead of frosty. freya doesnt need other minions as she will fire plenty and overheal from faiez will make you survive longer than frostys heal and minion combo. other than that proteus ,marcel and c grim could help.


I also really like him (on paper, haven’t tried him yet) because of his overheal, but he also gives +def like Freya and he’s slow, so that’s why I didn’t pick him for this team. And then I wouldn’t also benefit from the minion boost from Freya. Maybe the overheal makes up for that though?

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Overheal basicaly gives you up to double health for all your heros. Yes he is slow but i find overheals supef helpful on many stages quests etc.


Not to mention added imunity to negative status effect so in season 2 for example when you reach stages with proteus oc you fire your faiez before the proteus fires you wont be posioned etc.

Another thing to note is faiez has higher stats than frosty so will survive longer aswell.


Second this

On map stages mana speed isn’t as important as in raids/wars. I’m on hard mode of province 30 of season 5 using Gullinbursti (s3 boar hero, slow, overheals 400-some) as my only healer in my team with no problem


In most aspects of play overheal is much more useful and impactful on the game than weak minions like the christmas ones. Freyas minions will be fine alone as you wil fire her frequently during the battle. And you dont want to replace ravens with elves when you fill up on minions.


Sorry to bombard you but just trying to help. There is a vast difference in the minion stats

20% health and attack.
7% health 10% attack.

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Oh, I didn’t even know that there’s a max :smiley: But it makes sense, haha. How many is that? Like 3?

But then that’s the plan. I’ll work on him instead.


Yes 3 per hero. Hope you enjoy.


Happy to help - Ah, progress, then yes, Proteus absolutely will help a lot :lizard:

Good call, Freya is such a star - she even adds the defense buff :purple_heart: If you are struggling on specific stages, normal Gunnar can help too, as he divides the incoming damage. Eventually, depending on your RNG and luck with summons, counterattack heroes like Cyprian and Boril are also very valuable when going in underpowered vs. those bosses that hits rather hard. It´s how I´m managing the harder quests myself; it´s quite great to see bosses hit themselves in the face for over 50% of their total life! :slight_smile:


Yeah I really want a counterattacker, but no luck so far :smiley: I hope to get one in the upcoming Challenge portal. I’ve heard it’s a great portal to summon from.

Gunnar is ready to go, not sure if I should emblem him though.

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Don’t be afraid of using slow heroes.

My map/farming team is exclusively slow heroes. You just need to get them charged before the boss wave. It has evolved over time but has been slow for a few years now. And added bonus it helps in figuring out how to use slow heroes in raid/war as well :+1:.


If you want to make fast progresswith your current roster, you can build a PVE team comprising of Kiril, Colen costume, Rigard, Sonya and either Grimm or Tibutus costume. Need to emblem and limit break them and get the costume bonus too whenever possible. This is a very versatile combo and work well in most of the map situations. You need to learn how to hold some of the specials to work them together correctly, especially in Boss stage. You have to prep them with full mana going into boss stage and fire in sequence: Kiril followed by Grim or Tibutus (or Tibutis costume) followed by Colen costume, then followed by tiles to try kill off the bosses or rechaarge these 3 heroes. If the bosses fire off meanwhile, use rigard to recover and sonya to debuff. You should be able to clear most stages without having to use battle item until the last 5 to 10 provinces. You should of course work on your 5* heroes as well as on Boldtusk, Gormek, Proteus, Caedmon and Sabina. You looked a bit weak on 4* Yellow heroes, so if u do get a 4* Yellow hero, keep them and replace Sonya if you are using Grim as defence down hero.

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Would that work better than what I had planned you think?


Especially challenge festival, because there are no season 1 heroes there :slight_smile:

As for counter attackers, Boril or Cyprian will appear eventually, hopefully sooner than later :slight_smile:

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I completed S1 with a new account on day 20. And since that account is free to play (no money) the hero quality there is very low. It’s more about how you play than what team you bring. And also the items you bring to a tougher map or quest may be the difference between losing and winning. I watched too many players go cheap on items and lose only because of that.

If I were in your shoes, I’d go with this team: Treevil - Proteus (3/60, max as fast as possible), Faiez, Buster, Marcel (also max as fast as possible with as many emblems as you can give him). Marcel and Treevil may feel like overlapping each other, but the thing is, Marcel has a very solid hit-3 ability, so he will be your main damage dealer amongst all of those heroes for the time being. Treevil’s attack debuff will save your life a lot more than you think. Faiez has a lot of useful abilities despite being slow, which makes him perfect in map/quest stages. Buster will not only significantly increase the damage of regular heroes, but also of any bomb-type items like axes, bombs, dragon attacks you decide to bring to a fight.

Other reason why I recommend this particular team (rather than going for everyone’s favourite Freya) is that you need a team to start plowing through map/quest stages ASAP, not after 3 or 6 months. And heroes like Freya will need a lot of time to max (assembling even the ascension materials is very hard for a beginner). Avoid maxing 5* in the beginning. And focus on 3* and 4* depending on the emblems you have available. An unemblemed 4* is way too weak.

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