Grimforest challenge event is comming up. I hadn’t started playing yet last time it was around. I’d like some advice on my team to be able to complete epic and legendary levels. I only have 2 of each colour fully maxed at 4*, so can’t do 3+2 yet (no 5*). Last time people were successful choosing 3+2 green and blue. I have Kiril, Grimm, Melendor and Caedmon fully maxed and will bring those. For my 5th I have the choice between Proteus or Wu Kong fully maxed (or Sonya or Little John at 3/60 but am leaning towards my fully maxed ones). I think both Wu and Proteus could do the trick. Any suggestions on which? How useful would Proteus’ mana blocking be compared to Wu’s somewhat liable but formidable attack boost? Guess I will alternate between the two at the lower levels before deciding on the last two-three levels, but I’d appreciate your thoughts. Also, am I right when thinking LJ or S at 3/60 would be too fragile?
Going with Proteus, with 2 healers and mana potions will almost guarantee the epic and legendary completion. By himself, he is MVP during events completion.
Grimm and Caedmon will help for the mob wave, while Proteus will take care of bosses
So for completion, Proteus is your choice.
LJ is squishy yes, although with Kiril’s buff, it helps a bit. You already have 2 dispellers, so i don’t think a 3/60 Sonya will be of any help
Thank’s! Haha, think I’ll use some diamonds for some epic summon during that week. I would love to pull Hansel! Gretel and/or Red Hood would be awesome too
For sure, you should try. Still some days to boost your «almost there heros» throw all your trainer heroes and 2* s including off color ones into the most useful ones for the event (fire heroes can wait a week or two). Best of luck!
Proteus plus big mana pots equals event completion. It’s pretty much that simple. Keep him alive, take him into last stage fully charged, feed him mana whenever the dot runs out. Just keep him alive through the slash attacks and you’ll be golden
That is some nice stats.
A tiny difference between a 3/60 and a +18 @jinbatsu you still have a week to go, so try to finish Grimm, Proteus and Wu and bring Sabina as high as possible.
With Mel - Grimm - Proteus - Sabina - Caedmon/Wu, it might be hard but possible. Mana pots for sure, maybe turtle banner, if you feel you need more defense. Miracle scroll for the last stage might be a good idea.
I’ve been using both Wu and Proteus in Atlantis hard mode (province 26 right now). Proteus is way better against bosses. He’s a game changer really. Wu Kong is good against mobs but the randomness of his special sometimes drives me mad.
If I was you I’d use all your maxed 4* plus Proteus because I think he’d be more helpful in the final stages against those 2-3 bosses. So, 2 good healers (Melendor, Kiril), and 2 good hitters (Grimm, Caedmon) would do. Just keep Proteus alive and charged for the final wave. Good luck
Thank’s for advices folks. Just finished last level of both epic and legendary challenge of Grimforest with Grimm, Kiril, Melendor, Caedmon and last but not the least, Proteus (and a lot of mana potions). Also did 4*10 summons in the event category and pulled 2 Hansel and 1 Gretel. Alas, neither Redhood nor Seshat but yet - a good day of E&P fun