Hi all,
I am looking for some advice on where to spend my emblems. I’ve used some already:
Proteus is my Wizard
Grimm is my Barbarian
Boldtusk is my Fighter
Rigard is my Cleric
My only other levelled heroes (not counting 3*s) are Wu Kong, Caedmon, Melendor, Triton, Wilbur, Kelile, Li Xiu, Little John and Scarlett.
I plan to use my Monk emblems for Wilbur (Wu Kong just seems a bit rubbish nowadays…?), and Scarlett seems the obvious choice for Rogue instead of Kelile (any disagreements?).
Triton is my only possible Ranger as I have no plans to level Chao or Buddy (both at 1.1) any time soon.
My main question is for my Druid emblems: I cannot decide between Caedmon and Melendor? Also, given that Proteus and Triton will receive emblems, is it worth levelling Gadeirus (currently 1.1) so I have 3 heroes in the same Atlantis family with emblems? Does that even make a real difference?
To summarise:
- Scarlett or Kelile for Rogue?
- Triton good for Ranger?
- Caedmon, Melendor or Gadeirus for Druid?
- Gadeirus worth levelling generally to pair with other Atlantis family heroes?
- Bonus question: pulled Frida, is she any good?
Thanks guys!