Black Knight vs Garnet vs Elizabeth

Who would you guys level out of this group to add to red mono attack and maybe switch up the defense?
I’m thinking Garnet, she is one of the best heroes in the game.

You have Grazul, so, I suggest to do BK first. He is a game changer. Krampus on steroids.


What about Elizabeth? I see her on more top teams then any of them. Grazul isn’t a very good healer IMO. She doesn’t heal enough. She should be very fast, then she’d be useful

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Grazul is very fast… the fact is that Grazul and Garnet occupy a similar space, so if you want to expand your bench strength, I think I would go with Elizabeth myself, though BK isn’t a bad choice; however, you already have Krampus.


Duh. You’re right she is very fast but still doesn’t heal worth a crap lol

It was so much easy to decide when there wasn’t so many good heroes lol

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Garnet is an upgrade to Grazul in every way possible, so if you decide to do Garnet, you can reclaim all those cleric emblems and use elsewhere since you’ll never want to use Grazul ever again.

Me personally I think it’s between Garnet and BK, but since you run mono, I’d lean towards Garnet just because of how much survivability she adds to the whole team.

Also that defense is a bit too passive for my taste but if it does what you want it to do then that’s fine.

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I think BK/Elizabeth/Garnet would all be an upgrade to your defence, if that’s important to you.

What about your emblems for those three?

Grazul is VFast, yes, 6 tiles.

Elizabeth is good, but I think she is slightly worse than BK or Garnet.

Would you care to elaborate on that? I’m interested as I have BK. :heart_eyes:

Do all of them… In my red mono i have all three and they are awesome.

Garnet really elevated my game as i didn’t have a 5* healer. Blocking ailments is crazy good. As you have Krampus, BK can wait.
Elizabeth is great on offense but not that exciting on defense

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I have both BK and Elizabeth and I would definitely go for Garnet. She gives that ailment block in just 5 tiles and also that boosted health. Plus if you pair her with other Ninjas, they can dodge. And especially since you already have Krampus.

BK would be my second choice. He is great, but vulnerable to dispel. Elizabeth is my third choice. She is good, but she is far from overpowered. She is a killer in Bloody Battle, but for war, raids and defense, I think the others are better.


I will in six months when I get enough rings lol

I have my Lizzie at +20 and the last node pushes her power up by a mile. With a level 17 mana troop she charges in 9 tiles and she is very, very strong for a de facto fast hero. I haven’t dropped below 2600 cups since she is on my def, attacking with a 3-2 red-purple stack is just a lot of fun. Once the spiders start spawning it’s almost over. So I recommend her


Good to know, but what I understand is that she really needs those emblems. I stay in 2300-2500 cups range with a team of Frigg +9, Rigard +18, Black Knight +9, Sir Roostley +9, Cobalt +8 and troops at level 12 for Frigg, Cobalt and Roostley and for the others level 1 ninja and crit troops.

For a clear comparison, I would need to have them all with max emblems and firing in 9 tiles :), but I cannot do that. Anyway, I think the OP should base their decision on who helps them most, I don’t think they can go wrong with any of the choices, but some choices might be more versatile than others. I still believe that Garnet is the top choice in this regard.

Tbh go with garnet… She suits according to your roater…Perfect fit of ur red mono team… I know many will say BK but u already have krampus for taunts and he is way better than BK so dont worry about taunt hero…
U can even replace garnet with heimdal as she goes of way faster than heimdall…
She is red overheal hero best tank best for rush attack best for red mono best for events… Overall A+ hero
I have her +20

I have all of them but i use garnet more often against DOT damge hero her ailnents blocks is life saving…She keepa me easily in 2700+ cups ofcourse team Synergy’s matters… Garnet​:+1:t2::heart:

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May I ask in what way Krampus is better than BK? I don’t have Krampus.

Garnet imo is best healer in the game and kicks Grazuls tail to the curb with her ability to overcharge and keep gaining mana until you need to fire her right before ailments come your way

Krampus is more beefy… His def up is un dispelable… When he cast his special he geta +44 def and that increase by 10% every time he get hits…


Probably because if BK’s flesh wound doesn’t proc he could potentially get one shot and then the taunt is gone.

Krampus gives himself a defense buff, which increases with each slash/special so he will likely stick around longer.

FWIW I still think BK is the better of the two.

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